Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Generic Octadic Format for Dialectic as Applied to ‘‘‘HISTORICAL [DIAchronic] DIALECTICS-in-General’’’.

The Generic Octadic Format for Dialectic as Applied to ‘‘‘HISTORICAL [DIAchronic] DIALECTICS-in-General’’’.

Dear Reader,

The F.E.D. General Council has recently released an Octadic-Format dialectogramic summary/overview of our generic meta-equation meta-modelas applied for Diachronic, HISTORICAL DIALECTICS-in-General, for its dyadic epochs t = 0 to t = 3.

A JPG of this dialectogram is scheduled to be posted to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page, to its section entitled Universal Algorithmic-Heuristic Dialectical Method [Octadics, JPG8]:

For your convenience, I have also posted, here, this image, together with its dual-modelimage, and an image about our Dialectical-Encyclopedic Principle of dual modeling.



Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Generic Octadic Format for Dialectic as Applied to ‘‘‘SYSTEMATIC [SYNchronic] DIALECTICS-in-General’’’.

The Generic Octadic Format for Dialectic as Applied to ‘‘‘SYSTEMATIC [SYNchronic] DIALECTICS-in-General’’’.

Dear Reader,

The F.E.D. General Council has recently released an Octadic-Format dialectogramic summary/overview of our generic meta-equation meta-modelas applied for Synchronic, SYSTEMATIC DIALECTICS-in-General, for its presentation steps s = 0 to s = 3.

A JPG of this dialectogram is scheduled to be posted to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page, to its section entitled Universal Algorithmic-Heuristic Dialectical Method [Octadics, JPG9] --

For your convenience, I have also posted this image above.



Friday, April 27, 2018

‘‘‘THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE’’’ NOW -- The Synchronic, SYSTEMATIC DIALECTIC of Our PRESENT COSMOS -- Summary/Overview ‘Dialectogram’, to Presentation Step 3.

‘‘‘THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE’’’ NOW -- The Synchronic, SYSTEMATIC DIALECTIC of Our PRESENT COSMOS -- Summary/Overview Dialectogram, to Presentation Step 3.

Dear Readers,

The F.E.D. General Council has recently released a dialectogramic summary/overview of our meta-equation meta-modelforThe SYSTEMATIC Dialectic of Our [Known] PRESENT COSMOS -- i.e., of ‘‘‘THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE’’’ as CONTEMPORANEOUS TOTALITY, for its presentation steps s = 0 to s = 3.   

This dialectogram is the dual/companion to the summary/overview dialectogram for the HISTORICAL ‘‘‘THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE’’’, released here earlier.

A JPG of this dialectogram is scheduled to be posted to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have also posted this image below, plus an image of the text-module on the E.D. 'diachronic meta-model'/'synchronic meta-model' duality, and an image of the dual, diachronic 'meta-model dialectogram' to this synchronic 'meta-model dialectogram'.




Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The TRIadic Pictorial Paradigm for Representations of DialecticS -- E.D. Standard Formats.

The TRIadic Pictorial Paradigm for Representations of DialecticS -- E.D. Standard Formats.

Dear Readers,

The F.E.D. General Council has recently released a comment introducing background regarding the traditional, triadic pictorial paradigm for the representation of dialectics.

A JPG image of this text module will be posted to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have also posted this text below, as well as seven JPG images regarding the E.D. standard formats for the triadic pictorial paradigm for the representation of dialectics.



Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Octadic Pictorial Paradigm for Representations of DialecticS -- E.D. Standard Formats.

The Octadic Pictorial Paradigm for Representations of DialecticS -- E.D. Standard Formats.

Dear Reader,

The F.E.D. General Council has recently released a comment introducing our considerations behind this octadic pictorial paradigm for the Representation of Dialectics.

A JPG of this commentary module will be posted to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have also posted this text below, together with a number of recent specific examples of the application of this paradigm to particular cases of dialectic.



Wednesday, April 18, 2018

‘‘THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE’’’ -- Enhanced ‘Dialectogram’, to Cosmological-Ontological Epoch 3.

‘‘‘THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE’’’ -- Enhanced Dialectogram, to Cosmological-Ontological Epoch 3.

Dear Reader,

The F.E.D. General Council has recently released an enhanced dialectogram summary of our meta-equation meta-modelofThe Historical Dialectic of [Known] Natural History as TOTAL History -- i.e., of ‘‘‘THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE’’’, NATURE as HISTORICAL TOTALITY, for its cosmo-ontological epochs 0 to 3.  This enhanced dialectogram specifies interconnections with the prevailing “Big Bang” theory.

A JPG of this dialectogram will be posted to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have also posted this image below.



Saturday, April 14, 2018

The SYSTEMATIC Dialectic of the CONTEMPORARY human-social formation, to presentation step s = 3 -- New Summary ‘Dialectogram’ co-depicting ‘allo-hybrid’ & ‘auto-hybrid’ socio-ontological categories together.

The SYSTEMATIC Dialectic of the CONTEMPORARY human-social formation, to presentation step s = 3 -- New Summary Dialectogramco-depictingallo-hybrid&auto-hybridsocio-ontological categories together.

Dear Reader,

The F.E.D. General Council has just approved release of a new, summary dialectogram, to presentation step s = 3, for a ‘‘‘systematic, synchronic-dialectical method of presentation of our contemporary human-social formation’’’, a formation that is common across much of our planet today. 

The meta-equation meta-model for this method of presentation is the synchronic, systematic, presentational counter-part to the diachronic, [psycho]historical meta-equation meta-model presented here in an earlier blog-entry.  Further exposition of that [psycho]historical meta-equation meta-model counter-part is available in the PDF text reachable via the following URL --

This new summary dialectogramco-depicts both theallo-hybridand theauto-hybridsocio-ontological category-symbols generated by this meta-model, together, in a unified format.

This image is scheduled for later posting to the F.E.D. main web site Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have pasted-in the JPEG of this image, together with that for its diachronic counter-part, below.

Such pairs of dialectogramdiagrams, and the pairs of dialectical meta-equation meta-models that they attempt to depict, are central to one of the key principles of duality that characterize our concept of a Dialectical Encyclopedia[i.e., of an ‘«Aufheben»-icEncyclopedia].  For eachDomain to be extensively defined and described in such an encyclopedia, the first-presented dialectical meta-equation meta-model describes the known history of that ‘Domain, up to its present meta-state.  The second-presented dialectical meta-equation meta-model describes the present meta-state of that ‘Domain in detail.  The first-presented dialectical meta-equation meta-model may also then be iterated and solved further, to beyond the present meta-stateof that Domain, to provide a prediction/pre-construction of the encyclopedists’ expected future for that Domain.

