Wednesday, August 29, 2018

On the Potential ‘Gene-rality’ of ‘Dia-Gram-matical’ Representations of Mathematical Objects and of Other Conceptual Objects.

On the Potential Gene-rality of Dia-Gram-matical Representations of Mathematical Objects and of Other Conceptual Objects.

Dear Reader,

The text-image JPG, pasted-in below, addresses the potentially rigorous generality of diagrammatical representations of mathematical objects, and of other conceptual objects, in the voluminous writings of the ancient Greek mathematicians, and per the ‘Dialectical Dia-Gram-mar’ of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], as applied in its forthcoming Encyclopedia Dialectica, and in its other writings. 

FYI:  Much of the work of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is available for your free-of-charge download via --


Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

E.D. ‘Dialectical Dia-Gram-mar’ -- A ‘Picto-Gram-mar’ for ‘Dialectical Phono-Picto-Ideo-Gramy’.

Encyclopedia Dialectica Dialectical Dia-Gram-mar -- A Picto-Gram-mar for Dialectical Phono-Picto-Ideo-Gramy.

Dear Reader,

The Unified Theory of Universal Dialectics, developed and disseminated by Karl Seldon, and by Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], and promulgated especially in volume 0 of our core treatise, entitled A Dialectical Theory of Everything, evinces a recognition, and an integration, of both a vertical-«aufheben», meta-monad-ological dialectic and/with a horizontal-«aufheben», meta-monad-izing dialectic.

The three images     /text JPGs, pasted-in below, focus especially on the vertical-dialecticaspect of that Unified Theory of Universal Dialectics. 

FYI:  Much of the work of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is available for your free-of-charge download via --


Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison

Monday, August 27, 2018

‘Leibniz on «Scientia Rationalis» [cf. Ockham] Math., versus “Math. for Math.’s Sake”.

‘Leibniz on «Scientia Rationalis» [cf. Ockham] Math., versus Math. for Math.’s Sake”.

Dear Readers,

The quoted passage by Leibniz, rendered below, may be, if anything, even truer today than it was when he wrote it, circa 1690 C.E./B.U.E.

FYI:  Much of the work of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is available for your free-of-charge download via --


Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison

Saturday, August 18, 2018

‘The Systematic Dialectic of Francis Bacon’s three Species of Science, circa 1620 C.E./B.U.E. -- ‘Dialectogram’: ‘Triadic Seldon Function Baconian Systematic Dialectic of Science’.

The Systematic Dialectic of Francis Bacons three Species of Science, circa 1620 C.E./B.U.E. --

Dialectogram:Triadic Seldon Function Baconian Systematic Dialectic of Science.

Dear Reader,

The case of the Philosophical Domain of the early modern, Baconian, Triadic classification of The Species of Science, propounded in 1620 C.E./B.U.E., may also count as yet another case of possibly inadvertent dialectical content-structure in the work of a philosopher -- in this case, in the work of an early modern philosopher about then-nascent Science, one who is still considered a founder and/or a harbinger of modern Science.

This hypothesis of inadvertence must, however, confront the fact of the still widespread, albeit pre-Hegelian exposure of philosophers of Bacon’s time and clime to the ancients philosophical views regarding dialectic -- most prominently, to the views thereupon of Plato and, especially, of Aristotle -- a fact which may cast some doubt upon this hypothesis.

The early modern philosopher Francis Bacon, circa 1620 C.E./B.U.E., developed a trinary taxonomy of types of science, using a natural-historical, entomological metaphor. 

The purpose of the dialectogram pasted-in below is to note how well the formulation of Bacon’s taxonomy of Science as a dialectical equation, using the NQ dialectical ideography, generating a synchronic, systematic-dialectical, triadic ideo-ontological categorial progression, fits Bacon’s meaning, in terms of its «arché»-category + contra-category + uni-category paradigm. 

The Systematic Dialectic of Bacon’s human scientists-types metaphor, is, herein, and in the dialectogram below, mapped by a triadic Seldon function NQ dialectical model equation with but one triadic step. 

Francis Bacon himself presented this metaphor as follows: 

Those who have handled sciences have been either men of experiment or men of dogmas.” 

“The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners resemble spiders, who make cobwebs out of their own substance.” 

“But the bee takes a middle course:  it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but transforms and digests it by a power of its own.” 

“Not unlike this is the true business of philosophy; for it neither relies solely or chiefly on
the powers of the mind, nor does it take the matter which it gathers from natural history and mechanical experiments and lay it up in the memory whole, as it finds it, but lays it up in the understanding altered and digested.” [Cf. Hegel, 2nd jpg, on the science sourcing of his philosophy in general, and of his Logik in particular:]. 

“Therefore from a closer and purer league between these two faculties, the experimental and the rational (such as has never yet been made), much may be hoped.

[Francis Bacon, «Novum Organum», 1620 C.E., Aphorism 95, emphasis added.].

Bacon notes, in the quote above, that his category of Bees-like Science constitutes a middle way between the [extreme] category of Spiders-like Science and its opposite extreme category of Ants-like Science.  One might even conjecture that Bacon, in formulating this “aphorism”, had Aristotle’s “Doctrine of the Mean” in mind.  For more about this, see -- 

We think that Bacon's '''prediction''', in the last line of the quote from him, above, has since come quite abundantly true.

Thealgorithmic-heuristiccomputation for this example, using our ‘assert [‘|-’] definition [‘=’] solution-sign’ [‘|-=’] --

‘‘‘Negation-of-Negation’’’ (Critique-of-Critique); ‘“S”’ as Negator-category: 

‘“S”’-critique  of ‘“S”’-critique of ‘“S”’ --  S3  =  S( S( S  ) )   =  ( S of ( S of S  ) )   =  

S  x ( S  x S )  |-=  S( ( S   +  A ) )   =   S  x  ( S   +  A  )  =  ( ( S  x S  )  +  ( S  x A  ) )  =  

( (S  + A )  +  (A  + qSA  ) )  =  S  + A   +  A  + qSA   =  S  +  A  +  qAS   |-= 

S   +  A  +  B  (---)  Spiders-like Science  +  Ants-like Science  +  Bees-like Science.

First Species Category, denoted by S.  This species of Science should almost be classed as non-science.  It represents speculation, however logically rigorous, but ungrounded even in “in vivo” experience/empirical observation, let alone in “in vitro” designed experience, or experiment.  It means rigorous deductions, but from empirically false, fanciful, or phantasy postulates.  Ancient examples include Aristotelian “science”, e.g., the “physics” of Aristotle.  Contemporary examples include Cantorian “Platonic” set theories, that assume “actual infinities”, which cannot be constructed, or identified with any externally evident or introspective aggregate or magnitude that can actually be exhibited or experienced. 

Second Species Category, denoted by A.  This species of Scientist abdicates the explanatory, theorizing function, and duty, of Science.  It founders on the accumulation of “facts” and “data” without any effort, or without sufficient effort, to understand how the “facts”, so collected, interlock, or as to what unifying mechanism, or ‘‘‘organism’’’, generates all of this, apparently disparate, “data”.  Ancient examples include Diophantus of Alexandria’s large, proto-algebraic, proto-ideographical scroll(s), entitled «Arithmetiké» -- translating as ‘‘‘art/craft/technique/technology for «Arithmoi»’’’, i.e., for “numbers”, in the ancient, ‘qualo-quantitative’ sense, as opposed to in the modern, “purely”-quantitative sense.  This text survives into today as a vast, pioneering but poorly-organized “cook-book” of multiplicitous, disparate algebraic-equation solution techniques, with little conceptual or theoretical unification.  Contemporary examples of A-type Science include standardized statistical multiple regression modeling, e.g., in business applications, perhaps utilizing vast stores of data, but without any “structural” inquiry into the causation of the correlations           /associations so detected.

Third Species Category, denoted by B.  This species of Science unites the rigorously deductive, theorizing, and explanatory traits of species 1, with the “data/“fact” gathering, evidentiary and empirical bent of species 2.  The classical example of this powerful unity is Newton’s scientific method in his three-volume treatise «Philosophiae Naturalis  Principia Mathematica» [Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy]; the widespread gathering of records of the known phenomena of motion, so as to induce axioms as to the laws of motion, & then, from those axioms, to deduce again, & to calculate in detail, those phenomena, plus other, new phenomena, including predicted phenomena that are later observed to manifest as predicted, to an excellent degree of approximation [with some exceptions, e.g., for the observed perihelion shift of planet Mercury].

This example is not, to our lights, a clear case of ‘‘‘horizontal’’’-«aufheben», synchronic, systematic or presentational meta-unit-ization dialectic.  It is, however, a clear and standard case of ‘‘‘vertical’’’-«aufheben» meta-unit-ization dialectic, for the three «species» categories as units in their own right, fused, by ‘«gene»-ralization -- the abstracting-away of their «differentia specifica» -- into the single category-unit of their «genos».

FYI:  Much of the work of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is available for your free-of-charge download via --


Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison

Friday, August 17, 2018

‘The Ockhamian Systematic Dialectic of The Sciences, c. 1323 C.E., EXTENDED -- ‘Dialectogram’: ‘Dyadic Seldon Function Extended Ockhamian Dialectic of The Sciences.

The Ockhamian Systematic Dialectic of The Sciences, c. 1323 C.E., EXTENDED --

Dialectogram:Dyadic Seldon Function Extended Ockhamian Dialectic of The Sciences.

Dear Readers,

The case of the Philosophical Domain of the late Medieval, Ockhamian, Dualistic classification of The Sciences, propounded circa 1323 C.E., may also count as yet another case of possibly inadvertent dialectical content-structure in the work of a philosopher -- in this case, in the work of a medieval philosopher whose views still register within the modern Philosophy of Science”.

This hypothesis of inadvertence must, however, confront the fact of the widespread exposure of philosophers of Ockham’s time and clime to ancient philosophical views regarding dialectic -- most prominently, to the views thereupon of Plato and, especially, of Aristotle -- a fact which may cast some doubt upon this hypothesis, especially if, as in some still-extant traditions, "dialectic" is restricted to the moment of opposition, or of antithesis, between two related terms.

The medieval philosopher William of Ockham, circa 1323 C.E., developed a binary taxonomy of the sciences, rooted ultimately in a binary ‘taxonomy of words’, one that harks back to ancient Stoic philosophies of language. 

The purpose of the ‘dialectogram’ below is to note how the formulation of Ockham’s taxonomies in a meta-equation, via the NQ dialectical ideography, as a systematic-dialectical ideo-ontological categorial progression, when it is iterated one step beyond the 2 categories of science posited by Ockham, yields what we solve herein as a ‘pre-construction’, or ‘‘‘prediction’’’, of the ‘meta-science’ species of ‘‘‘Psychohistory’’’, Y, via two sub-species of that species, a species of science that is still only nascent, and only ‘fractionally present’ today. 

Regarding Ockham’s philosophical taxonomy of the sciences, W. L. Reese wrote as follows*:  “Ockham makes an important distinction between categorematic and syncategorematic terms.  Most common nouns are categorematic, while words such as “not”, “all,” and “some” are syn-categorematic.”

“...Terms that refer to things are called terms of first intention.  Terms referring to terms of first intention are called terms of second intention.” 

“In one sense the syncategorematic terms mentioned above are second intentional; but, as Ockham wishes to use the distinction, categorematic terms and syncategorematic terms, functioning together [F.E.D.:  i.e., forming sentences/propositions], refer to things.  “All men are mortal” is thus first intentional.  But when we use terms such as “genus,” “species,” and “difference” we are using terms of second intention [F.E.D.:  e.g., to form propositions of second intention].  Propositions utilizing such terms refer not to the world, but to terms [and to propositions -- F.E.D.] of first intention.”

“...On the basis of the distinction just mentioned, Ockham divides the sciences into two types.  Scientia rationalis, or rational science, is second intentional.  Logic is a science of this type.  Scientia Realis is first intentional.  Physics is an example of a science of real things.*[W. L. Reese, Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, Humanities Press, NJ: 1980].  [cf. George Boole on “primary” vs. “secondary” propositions, in George Boole, ...Laws of Thought..., NY:  Dover Publications, 1958, pp. 52-53].

Suppose we denote the category for the world of real things by r.  

Suppose further that we solve for r2 as r + t, with t denoting the category of “terms”.

That is, assert [‘|-’] the definition [‘=’] of the qrr in --

r2 = r(r) = r of r  =  r + Delta(r)  =  r + qrr as connoting t: 

The r critique of r itself as comprehending the entire known present Domain of real things  =  

r + Delta(r)  =   r + qrr  |-=  r + t.   

If so, then t implies the presence of human[oid], self-and-other-aware, language-capable things -- things that have, from long ago, arisen via the brains-localized ‘self-reflexion’, the ‘self-involution’ [cf. Chardin], the bending [‘flex’] back [‘re’] upon itself [self] of the ‘pre-self-aware’ world of real things, r, so that parts of the thereby-resulting things-world ‘‘‘contain’’’ , in however distorted and omissive a way, all of it, if only via terms     /language.

¿What, then, happens if we, again, square;  if we, this time, square the result of our earlier squaring? 

This:  (r + t)2 = the (r + t) critique of (r + t)  =  r + t + qtr + qtt.

¿What if we solve for qtr in (r + t)2 = r + t + qtr + qtt as connoting the comprehension, explanation, mental appropriation, or mental assimilation of the things-world by terms -- by language; by human collective universal labor; by the collective human mind, as  merged into the human Phenome?

Then the «arithmos» of all “true” [scientific consensus] propositions            /terms about real things forms the “extension” which represents the “intension” of the sciences of real things, » Ockham’s ‘‘‘«Scientia ReaLis»’’’.

We may also denote this ‘‘‘«Scientia ReaLis»’’’ by L, such that L stands for the «arithmos»/category of the propositions “of first intention”, that constitute the ‘‘‘«Scientia ReaLis»’’’.

If we then decide to solve for qtt in (r + t)2 = r + t + qtr + qtt as connoting the
self-comprehension, self-explanation, mental self-appropriation, or mental self-assimilation of the ‘terms-world by terms themselves, i.e., by language; by human collective universal labor; by the collective human mind, merged into the human Phenome, what next results?

This:  The «arithmos» of all “true” [scientific consensus] propositions about propositions; terms about terms, as found, e.g., in logic and mathematics, forms the “extension” which represents the “intension” of the sciences “of second intention”, » Ockham’s ‘‘‘«Scientia RatioNalis»’’’.

We may also denote this ‘‘‘«Scientia RatioNalis»’’’ by N, standing for that «arithmos»/category of such propositions as its units.

In sum, we have thus solved as follows --

(r + t)2  =  r + t + qtr + qtt    |-=    r + t + L + N.

In the first image pasted-in below, the dialectogram image, we extend Ockham’s binary, dualistic taxonomy of the sciences, by ‘re-«arché»-izing on qtr, solved-for as L, and by then squaring L, thus generating The L critique of L itself as comprehending the entire known present Domain of the Sciences --

L2  =  L(L)  =  L of L  =   L + Delta(L)   =   L + qLL   |-=   L + N

-- i.e., so as to net-generate qLL, which we solve for/define as N, and which we identify with the fourth term, qtt, in (r + t)2 = r + t + qtr + qtt.  We then again square, but this time we square
(L + N), to obtain --

(L + N)2    |-=    L + N + N(L) + N(N)    |-=    L + N + qNL+ qNN.

In the context of the foregoing meta-equation, we solve for the net result of N(L), namely qNL -- the ratioNal analysis/comprehension/assimilation of the system of propositions set forth by the sciences of the ‘‘‘«Scientia ReaLis»’’’ -- as connoting that portion of the still nascent ‘meta-science’ of ‘‘‘Psychohistory’’’, Y, whose propositions seek, critically, to explain the differences, the strife, the oppositions, including the ideological aspects, among the theories of the L sciences.

Likewise, we solve for the net result of N(N), namely qNN, the ratioNal analysis/-comprehension/assimilation of the system of propositions set forth by the sciences of the ‘‘‘«Scientia RatioNalis »’’’, as connoting that portion of the ‘meta-science’ of ‘‘‘Psychohistory’’’, Y, whose propositions seek, critically, to explain the differences, the strife, the oppositions, including the ideological aspects, among the theories of the N sciences.

If we solve for/define ‘‘‘Psychohistory’’’ as a whole, denoted by Y, as the ‘‘‘sum’’’ of net N(L) and net N(N) --

(N(L) - L) + (N(N) - N)   =   (L + qNL - L)  +  (N + qNN - N)  =  qNL + qNN   |-=   Y1 + Y2   |-=   Y

-- Then what Y comes to stand for includes immanent critiques of ideology within the sciences in general; within all of the sciences -- an ‘ideo-ontological’ innovation that was pioneered by Karl Marx, in his four-volume treatise Capital, A Critique of Political Economy.

In our view, the meaning of qLL must extend beyond the nature of formal logic, including formal mathematical logic, to include projects like that of Hegel’s Science of Logic, whether or not one holds that Hegel’s Science of Logic succeeded in fulfilling such a project.  Each proposition-unit in L that invokes a given universal category becomes a sub-unit in that unit of N that defines that universal category as the intension of the entire extension of L propositions that invoke/use/refer to that universal category. 

We therefore adopt the words of Tony Smith, and of Hegel, as quoted in the second image pasted-in below, to explicate why it is that we assert [‘|-’] N to be the correct definition [‘=’] for qLL in --

L2  =  L(L)  =  L of L  =   L + Delta(L)   =   L + qLL  |-=  L + N --

with qLL connoting the [propositional] self-reflexion of the L sciences upon themselves.

If our solution of (L + N)2  =  L + N + qNL+ qNN is coherent, it should also suggest a meaningful solution for all of the terms in, including the new terms in --

(r + t + L + N)2  =  r + t + L + N + qNr+ qNt + qNL+ qNN.

We will leave the explication of our solutions for those new terms, qNr and qNt, for another, later venue, leaving the problem, for now, in the hands of you, our readers.  Hint:  qNt has something to do with the ratioNal, scientific analysis of, and “accounting for”, the terms of “natural languages”, and qNr with the ratioNal, scientific analysis and explanation of our perceptions of “real” [esp. of physical] things.

FYI:  Much of the work of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is available for your free-of-charge download via --


Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison