Saturday, January 04, 2025







F.E.D. NeologiaSeries.





Dear Reader,


We have used the term – and evoked the concept – of ‘excession’ so far mainly in the context our ‘Regenerist’ Cosmological Hypothesis, regarding the possible limits of the early self-expansion rate of physical space, before that, ‘anti-gravitic’, self-expansion was opposed by “Matter”, either “Dark” or ‘Bright’. This limit is one whose ‘excession’ – the “exceeding” of which – was, per hypothesis, the genesis of ‘anti-anti-gravitic’ “Dark Matter”.


However, numerous dialectical processes within our cosmos – especially processes of the transition from mere, quantitative, “evolution” to ‘onto-dynamical meta-evolution’, are driven by the ‘excession’ of specific immanent limits within their formations of Nature.


‘Excession’ is the process or the fact of a dynamic growing, until it crosses a critical threshold of one [or more] of its dynamical parameter-values, whose ‘excession’ precipitates a relatively sudden qualitative, ontological change.  This kind of change is often signaled, in “purely-quantitative”, e.g., differential equation, models, by a division-by-zero “singularity” – a spurious “infinite” purely-quantitative value.


The classic Marxian example of such ‘excession’ is that of Marx’s “law” of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. 


Per that “law”, as the [value-]percentage of the relative “organic [“living[-labor], v], composition of capital, (c/v), diminishes, due to the faster rise in c, denoting the value of raw & auxiliary materials consumed, plus of plant and equipment consumed, in the process of production, rising faster than the rise in v, so that the (c/v) ratios value as a whole grows, in each given round of production, for industrial capitalist society as a whole, the Marxian rate of profit on the total social capital, e.g., s’/((c/v) + 1), is predicted to fall, leading ultimately to the demise of capitalism, as its profit-rate main motive gradually wanes, unleashing socio-economic cataclysms all along the way in that process.


Of course, this would only involve, per this ratio-model, an “infinite singularity” in the case of a rise in the human-societal self-reproductive self-force that achieved complete automation of social production, i.e., v = 0: s’/((c/0) + 1)  =  s/oo”  =  0.  I regard that as possible only as an asymptotic limit, within the Domain of human-social ontology.



We also encounter ‘excession’-born finite time singularities, for example, in modern physics.



The Newtonian 2-body gravitic equation predicts -- with “infinite” error -- an “infinite” gravitic force if the “point-masses” by which it represents, e.g., the two mutually-gravitating planetary bodies, reach an ‘excession’ of the physical-spatial mutual separation that maintains their ontological identities as distinct, i.e., when they “collide”, say at the finite time-value named ‘t*’, so that, then, the distance between them, r12(t*), becomes 0


GM1M2/r12(t*)2  =  GM1M2/02.



The Einstein special-relativistic momentum (p) equation, for bodies of ‘Bright Matter’, predicts a “infinite singularity” if such a body were to attain the velocity of light, c, and an “imaginary” value of momentum were an ‘excession’ of lights vacuum-velocity to occur –


p   =   mv/( 1 – (v/c)2 )1/2  


– so that, if v = c, the model predicts –


p   =   mc/( 1 – (c/c)2 )1/2   =   mc/01/2  


– and, if V > c


p   =   mV/( 1 – (V/c)2 )1/2   =  


-imc/( (V/c)2 – 1 )1/2  


-- wherein ‘i’ denotes the square-root of –1.



Quite generally, ‘excessions’ mark the transitions wherein apparent, mere, relatively-gradual, “purely”-quantitative change irrupts, with relative sudden-ness, into “qualitative change”, into “change(s) of kind” – into ‘ontological, onto-dynamical revolution’.  


























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!








Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Amelia Earhart’s Socialism.


Amelia Earharts Socialism.





Dear Reader,

A new book on the -- still unsolved -- Amelia Earhart mystery, quotes from a letter that Ms. Earhart wrote to her mother, on 22 May 1936.

In that letter, Amelia tells her mother of her belief that social experiments then underway will, at length, show the way to a new society, in which governments will become the voice of "the proletariat" far beyond what, in that regard, "democracy" can possibly achieve.

Now, we know that Amelia travelled in circles centered around the Roosevelt administration, and also in circles rooted in the Hollywood of her time.

We also may conjecture that, still in the throes of the recently unleashed Global "Great Depression" I., and with various variants of fascist state-capitalism then overtaking nation after nation in Europe and the Orient, the reputation and credibility of capitalism was, in those years, at an all-time low in its history up to that time.

The Stalinist, 'proto-state-capitalist', [pseudo-]"Soviet" Union may have seemed like a potential alternative to many at that time.

Amelia's assertion of the limitations of "democracy" as a voice of "the proletariat", may indicate that she had been duped by the Leninist "bait-and-switch" of "the dictatorship of the proletariat", which was, in reality, the "dictatorship over the proletariat" by the Leninist state-bureaucratic ruling class.

The author speculates that, had she lived, Amelia might have been defamed and ostracized, for such views, during the "Cold War".

Or perhaps Amelia had in mind the 'cooperativist',  "collectivist" and "councilist" social experiments going on in the Spain of that time, and elsewhere as well.

Perhaps we will never know.

Because Amelia became obsessed with media-mediated fame, as well as with the monetary rewards that such fame could entrain.  This led her to an entire sequence of bad -- high risk -- decisions that ultimately cost her her life.





























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!










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