Part 01: Seldon
‘Dialectical Categorial Progressions’ Series.
‘‘‘Ever-Present Origin’’’.
Dear Reader,
is my pleasure,
and my honor, as an elected member
of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.]
General Council, and
as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Seldon’s commentaries on key Encyclopedia
Dialectica concepts of Seldonian Theory.
This 1st text in
this new such
series is posted herewith, together with
supporting text-images and diagrams
[Some E.D.
standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors
of the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia,
to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s
“The first ontological
category in a dialectical categorial progression, diachronic, historical-dialectical,
or synchronic, systematic-dialectical, we call the ‘«arché»-category’,
or just the «arché», of that ontic dialectical categorial progression, a
progression which comprehends the ontological content of a given Domain up to a certain stage in the [self-]development
of that Domain.”
the Domain in question is sufficiently “archaic”,
originating in and from the depths of past time, then this ‘starting-category’
of that Domain is also the deep-past
origin, and the deepest-known root/seed, of that Domain.”
whether or not the Domain’s
origin resides in the deep past, its «arché» is also the ‘‘‘ever-present
origin’’’ of that Domain,
and the always still present beginning of that Domain’s dialectical categorial progression.”
and how can this be so?”
the dialectical ontological-categorial progression with the deepest past of
which we know – the chronological progression of the ontological categories of Natural
History as ultimate known Totality – ‘The [singular] Dialectic of Nature’.”
we take the pre-nuclear “particle” units – the “non-composite” boson and
fermion units, e.g., the neutrinos, electrons, gluons, quarks, and photons – as
our presently deepest, at least somewhat thoroughly known, ‘ultimate ancestors’,
their «arithmos» forming the ontic «arché»-category of our
cosmos, then modern science has disclosed the following «aufheben», ‘qualo-fractal’
– finitary, qualitative self-similarity regress – sequence of ‘self-hybrid’
units, and of the ontological categories which ‘‘‘house’’’ those units.”
science discloses that [some of] the pre-nuclear “particle” units are now inside
the pre-atomic “particles” units – e.g., the mesons, protons and neutrons – [some
of] which are now inside the atom units, [some of] which are now inside the molecule
units, [some of] which, on Earth at least, are now inside the pre-eukaryotic/-prokaryotic
cell units, [some of] which are now inside the eukaryotic cells units [e.g., as
mitochondria, inside animal and plant units, and, in the case of plant units, inside
them as chloroplasts], [some of] which are now inside the multi-[eukaryotic-]cellular
organism units, the meta-biota – meta-zoa and meta-phyta alike – [some of] which
are now inside the “animal society” units [and, we hold, some of which
are also inside ‘plant society’ units], [some of] which are now inside the
human-society units – ‘meta-society’ units.”
means that [some of the] pre-nuclear “particle” «arché»-units,
which originated, we hold, way back near the time of the “Big
Bang” – e.g., the quark units and gluon units and electron units – are [still] inside
your body right now, at the deepest [deeply-known]
level and scale and root of your body, of your existence!”
are [still] now there, as the ever-present
origin as well as as the deep-past origin
of your body and of all that exists.”
are also [still] now present, e.g., external to your body, as units of their own
kind, free of incorporation into any higher scale/level of organization, as,
e.g., the cosmological, ‘“cosmic-ray”’ [e.g., universal “microwave background”]
photons, as electrons, as neutrinos, etc.”
‘«arché»-ic’ and archaic presences, internal to your body, as
well as external to your body, are all ‘qualo-fractal’ features resulting from
the self-iterating «aufheben» operations – the determinate-negation-and-conservation-and-scale-elevation-operations
– by which our cosmos builds and «bild»s itself.”
even for dialectical-ontological categorial progressions whose origins are not
“deep-past” – i.e., for the categorial progressions of Domains which are of recent origin, and/or which are
themselves present/»synchronic, their origins are nonetheless ever-present.”
written English. Phonetic letter units
are inside syllable units are inside word units are inside phrase units are
inside sentence units are inside paragraph units… . The phonetic letter «arché»-units
are always still there, still always present, at the root, at the origin of it
all in the Domain of written English texts.”
consider the contemporary ‘computerware’ Domain. Bit
units are inside byte units are inside computer-word units are inside
computer-command units are inside computer-program units are inside
computer-system units… . The bit «arché»-units
are always still there, still always present, at the root, at the origin of it
all in the Domain of modern ‘computerware’.”
consider the Domain of contemporary television programming. Episode units are inside Season units are
inside Series units are inside ‘Meta-Series’ units [e.g., the Star Trek ‘meta-series’/series-of-series,
the “Stargate” ‘meta-series’, etc.]. The
episode «arché»-units or stand-alone film «arché»-units
are always still there, still always present, at the root, at the origin of it
all in the Domain of contemporary television programming.”
consider the Domain of elementary arithmetical operations. Addition operation units are inside
Multiplication operation units are inside Exponentiation operation units are
inside ‘Meta-Exponentiation’ operation units, such as those of the F.E.D., self-reflexive, ‘self-iterative’, ‘dialectical
functions’. The addition-operation «arché»-units
are always still there, still always present, at the root, at the origin of it
all in the Domain of elementary arithmetical operations.”
«aufheben» – i.e., dialectical – ‘onto-dynamical’, neo-units-forming,
neo-categories-forming, neo-«arithmoi»-forming, ‘[self-]meta-unit-ization’
processes and relations, or ‘[self-]meta-«monad»-ization’
processes and relations, are everywhere at work in the ontological Domains of our cosmos, and in the vastest-presently-known-to-us
‘super-Domain’ of all of those Domains, that of our cosmos as a whole – that of Nature
as our ultimate known Totality; that of ‘The [singular], self-iterated-«aufheben»-operation
Dialectic of Nature’ Itself.”
For more
information regarding these
Seldonian insights, and to read and/or download, free
of charge, PDFs and/or JPGs of Foundation books, other texts, and images, please see:
For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights – specimens of ‘dialectical art’ – as well as dialectically-illustrated books
published by
the F.E.D. Press, see:
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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