Full Title: The Psychohistorical-Dialectical Equation of Human-Social Formations ‘Meta-Evolution’. Part II.
Dear Reader,
The present blog-entry is the second blog-entry in this series on the psychohistorical-dialectical modeling of human history, focusing on the "social formations" [cf. Marx] aspect of that history.
Part II.: Narration -- Dialectical-Mathematical-Model Story of Human Social Formation --
Categorial Progression Reconstruction of Past-to-Present Human Social Formations.
Preliminary Considerations on Psychohistorical-Dialectical Modeling.
Please Note: Throughout this part, we employ two key ancient scientifico-philosophical terms. Their resurrection serves well to catalyze the transition to a ‘trans-modern’, dialectical science --
1. « Monad », which means, e.g., “qualitative Unit”, “qualitative logical Individual”, or “qualitative Element” -- one of the constituents represented, collectively, by a “category”, and;
2. « Arithmos » [plural: «arithmoi»], which means a “category”, e.g. an “ensemble”, a “multitude”, a ‘“population”’, or an “assemblage” of «monads» -- i.e., of “qualitative units”, of “qualitative logical individuals”, or of “qualitative elements” -- all of which «monads» share a common quality, or a common predicate, i.e., a «categorema» in common; a “kind”.
Please Note Also: Many of the special, technical words employed below are also hypertext links to definitions of those words [usually for the first occurrence of each such word only].
The F.E.D. solution
to this equation exhibits an « aufheben » progression which features
the ‘ Qualo-Peanic
’, ‘ meta-fractal ’, ‘meta-«monad»-ic’ ‘archéonic consecuum’ process / structure which characterizes
dialectics in general,
and the dialectics of the F.E.D.
psychohistorical equations in particular.
This equation, so interpreted, constitutes a ‘dialectical [meta-]model’, and one which also tells [an aspect of
] the psychohistorical story of Terran humanity
itself, to-date.
This ‘dialectical
[meta-]model’ is, in part, one of a ‘physical
dialectic ‘,
or ‘«physis» dialectic’
[although the Ancient mind might have called it ‘‘‘the [his]story of the «anti-physis»’’’]
— indeed, models an aspect of ‘The Dialectic of Nature’ within its ‘human-social’
It is the ‘dialectic of human-social formation(s)’, in terms of
the «monads»,
and of the «arithmoi»,
of human settlement / governance structures.
However, it is also one of ‘«psyche»-ic
of ‘cognitive
or of ‘ideo-dialectic’, because
of the “memes”, and the gains in collective human cognitive capabilities,
required to attain, and to sustain [to socially reproduce, for periods of
centuries and more], these rising levels of human «species» self-organization; of
‘“complexity/consciousness”’ [cf. Chardin].
As noted earlier, F.E.D.
has stated that they view these successive human ‘‘‘social formations’’’ [cf. Marx], as
partly physical, ‘meta-geological formations’ of the Earth’s surface, i.e., as ‘archaeological
/ meta-geomorphological sedimentary layerings’ — ‘[human-]natur[e-]al’, ‘megalithic
meta-encrustations of the Earth’s crust’.
The ‘meta-dynamics’ of the ‘meta-evolution’ of these
[this] ‘[meta-]dynamical [meta-]system[s]’ of such human-social
formation(s) constitute(s) an «autokinesis», and an « auto-onto-dynamasis » at the level of ‘human-social ontology’ -- a
creation of new kinds
[of human-social productions, and of human-social relations of such
The systems-progression, or ‘diachronic meta-system’, of
these successive “social formations” is grasped as a ‘self-«aufheben» self-progression’
of ‘Qualo-Peanic’,
‘archeonic consecuum’ process / structure,
when we grasp each of its successive «arithmoi» of human social formation «monads» [e.g., the global assemblages / «arithmoi» of living village units, or of living chiefdom units, or of living city-state
units, etc.,
as of some epoch in Terran human history when any one or more of them are
extant] as a ‘collective human subject[-ivity]’,
or as a ‘collective human agent[-ivity]’.
This systems-self-progression
is therefore one that qualifies as a[n] ‘[psycho]historical-dialectical process’ per F.E.D.’s
definition, and -- psychohistorical
given this ‘subject[-ivity]’.
The reader is referred to Supplement
B (Part III, page B-23)
of the F.E.D. Introductory Letter for the
classical NQ_ ‘formulaic’ rendition of the ‘dialectical meta-model’ re-rendered
narratively below [link: http://www.dialectics.info/dialectics/Primer_files/4_F.E.D.%20Intro.%20Letter,%20Supplement%20B-1,%20v.2_OCR.pdf
The human, psychohistorical story that the narrative, in the ensuing sections, recounts,
is “unembellished” -- it invokes no more of the human drama of this human
history than is given explicitly in the F.E.D.
standard solutions for the categorial terms that it narrates.
‘Helicity’. Moreover,
the narration below instantiates a “helical narrative”, and is close to a
“model-generated” narrative, emphasizing the recurring, self-similar aspects of
the story of the equation, and of the ‘temporal
qualo-fractal’ that the equation generates, repeating
the form of the narrative account as much as possible for each epoch / whorl.
Nonetheless, the cumulative, unprecedented, non-cyclical
aspects of the story, and the overall progressive gain in ontological
complexity / richness / “determinateness” from epoch to epoch, also demand
telling in the course of the apt description of the connotations of the equation, differing in each of its successive epochs / whorls, and thus refuting
any ideology claiming ‘ontologically-statical’, or merely “flat-cyclical”,
merely circular psychohistorical motion.
This helical ‘qualo-fractal’ ‘content-structure’ should not be mistaken
as one which fits into any helical graph-trajectory, confined to a single
three-dimensional mathematical space with purely-quantitative axes, whether of
the R,
or the Q,
or the Z, or the W, or even the N
This kind of helix transcends such confinement.
Each whorl of such a standard-number-spaces-transcendent helix, though
generically similar to
each of its predecessor whorls [if any], and to each of its successor whorls
[if any], is also qualitatively, ontologically different from each of them, as are
they from it.
No doubt metrics can often be defined, that quantify generic
common features of a whole succession of such whorls, and which, for each such
generic feature, map back into a helical trajectory in, e.g., an R3, purely-quantitative
mathematical space.
But each such
mapping, by itself, will fail to capture the ontologically-dynamical,
quantity-transcending ‘qualo-fractal’
helix in its totality.
HYPOTHESIS: The algebra of an arithmetical language that
is limited to the expression of “unquantifiable” ordinal “qualifiers”,
interpreted as representing ontological categories, cannot be other than an “algorithmic
heuristic” algebra, and that is what we have in the NQ_ algebra as a tool of
The algorithmic layer of this “algorithmic heuristic”, the layer
of the “minimally-interpreted” -- “ordinal qualifier”-interpreted -- generic NQ_ arithmetic, exhibits only a
doubly-relentless generic qualitative ordinality, denoted by q, species
told by a subsumed N numeral, n, in qn
{ q1,
q2, q3, . . . } =
{ the quality of first-ness, the quality of second-ness, the quality of third-ness, . . . }
{ the quality of first-ness, the quality of second-ness, the quality of third-ness, . . . }
-- relentless, both, first, at its subscript level, and,
second, at its superscript level. That
relentless ‘subscriptal’ ordinality is presented horizontally, in the rightward
direction, below, and that relentless ‘superscriptal’ ordinality is presented
vertically, in the downward direction, below --
q11 = q1;
q12 = q1 + q2;
q13 = q1 + q2 +
However, when the generic ordinal qualifier for “the
quality of first-ness”,
q1, is “interpreted’ or
“assigned” -- identified with -- the specific «arché» or “ultimate ancestor”
ontological category of a specific categorial-progression “meta-genealogy” -- in this case,
with the earliest known “socio-ontological category” of human social formation,
the foraging “band”, b -- then the symbol q1, and its “followers”, may take on new meaning, new “intension”, new
And, thereby, a new level of “followership” -- of their special ‘‘‘logic’’’ -- emerges,
beyond that of the mere “qualitative ordinality” of the generic, algorithmic
arithmetic, a special ‘‘‘logic’’’
which is a heuristic, intuitive, connotative logic -- a logic of “connotative entailment”.
For an NQ_ model to “work”, the meanings
of the category-representing terms of its categorial progression must follow from one another,
and from their own subscripted, interpreted epithets, specifically, connotatively,
semantically, not
just generically, algorithmically, syntactically.
The solution
of an interpreted NQ_ equation’s “poly-qualinomial”,
or ontological categorial progression, is a determination of a meaning, of an intension, of a connotation, for each «arché»-subsequent term in that heterogeneous
sum of category-symbol-terms, a meaning
that intuitively follows from
the given meaning of the «arché» / first term, and that also
intuitively follows from
the meaning of every already
so “solved-for”, predecessor term of the term now
being “solved-for”, all the way back to that «arché», or originating, meaning-given
term, in accord with the “canons of interpretation” codified in the procedure-narrative of the F.E.D.
solution-method, the “organonic algebraic method” for
solving Seldon Function equations.
That is, in this case, if generic q1 is identified with specific
b, with the “socio-ontology” of
the prehistoric, “hunting and gathering”, scavenging and foraging bands of proto-humans,
then, for a user of the NQ_ cognitive tool who is also versed and
immersed in knowledge about -- in the reconstructed phenomena / phenomenology
of -- prehistoric human social formation(s), a meaning, a solution, for the next specific
term, for the term that corresponds to the generic q2, for the term Db = qbb, must suggest itself, if the
model is to “work”.
This means that, when such a user “self-inquires” in the
form of “self-asking” the question --
known, past human social formation corresponds to the algorithm-generated
description / definition: “The term qbb designates a “band of
bands”, an «arithmoi» of “meta1-band”
social formation units,
such that each such unit
is made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of “band” units as its sub-units”?
-- that a user-known prehistoric formation -- in this
case, “camps”, qbb = c --
must come to mind as the answer to that question; as the solution for that term.
For an NQ_ model to “work”, such apt,
symbol-connotation-evoked “comings-to-mind” must continue, from epoch t = 1, all the way out to epoch t = max., i.e., the maximal
ordinal epoch needed to reconstruct all of the incremental ontology “begat” by
the «arché» in
question in history so far -- in this case, in the history of human social
formation to-date, i.e., to epoch t = 7.
This criterion of model success applies most unequivocally
to the solution / “semantification” of the “self-hybrid” or ‘”auto-hybrid”
terms -- the terms of the form Dx = qxx.
the “merely hybrid”, or “allo-hybrid” terms, of form qyx..., it has been found that some of them
may be rightly “solved” to be “impossibles”, i.e., to be
“inoperative terms”, so named by analogy with the unused terms often encountered in specific
applications of the generic Lagrange Equations.
Thomas K. Simpson describes, as follows, the process by which James Clerk Maxwell derived the dynamical equations of the electromagnetic field, using the Lagrange Equations.
Maxwell did so by honing down the full possible ensemble of terms of the latter to those that were actual for electromagnetic field dynamics:
Thomas K. Simpson describes, as follows, the process by which James Clerk Maxwell derived the dynamical equations of the electromagnetic field, using the Lagrange Equations.
Maxwell did so by honing down the full possible ensemble of terms of the latter to those that were actual for electromagnetic field dynamics:
“...Maxwell approaches the
construction of his own electromagnetic theory with a clear initial vision of
the shape it must take. He does not
begin with a collection of basic empirical results and seek a merely complete
and convenient set of equations which will save the appearances."
"Maxwell knows at the outset that his theory
must take the form of the equations of motion of a moving material system;
these, as we have seen, are Lagrange’s equations of motion, which in Maxwell’s
view simply explicate mathematically our a priori concept of matter in
"A priori, Maxwell’s
equations are merely a special case of Lagrange’s equations."
"Therefore, Maxwell’s program for a
“dynamical” approach to electromagnetism must be this: beginning with Lagrange’s equations of
motion, identify the generalized coordinates and velocities which characterize an
electromagnetic system, and then determine by experiment which of the possible coefficients are actually operative in this particular science, and what
relationships exist among the coefficients and the coordinates."
"Lagrange’s equations, thus related to
electromagnetism and sifted of inoperative terms, will be the basic
equations of electromagnetism."
"At the
same time, they will characterize in broad strokes a particular form of connected system.”
[Thomas K. Simpson, Maxwell’s
Mathematical Rhetoric: Rethinking the Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Green Lion Press [Santa Fe: 2010], pages 272-273, emphasis added].
Of course, this
solution-method, as a heuristic method, and as a “semantic” method, will, even
more so than the methods of mathematical logic, of formal-logical “followership”, involve
differences of opinion about solutions.
It would be naive to expect otherwise.
And «vive les
dialogue about such differences evokes new insights, and new and fruitful
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