A Dialogue on Dialectics.
Excerpt -- The Dialectical 'Meta-Number' Signifying Singularity [Ontological Revolution].
Dear Reader,
Reproduced below is an excerpt from the [edited] transcript of a recent dialogue,
with a long time comrade of mine, about dialectics.
I have labeled my comrade’s remarks with “I1” for “Interlocutor 1”, and my remarks with “I2”.
I1: It would seem that as there is empty and full zero, so there is empty and full dialectics?
I2: Great insight -- thanks
for sharing it!
As I see it, yes -- drawing from slightly different connotations of
"empty" and "full" from the connotations drawn on in F.E.D.’s ‘empty zero’ versus
‘full zero’ distinction -- there are also "empty dialectics", versus
"full dialectics".
To my mind, two examples of ‘‘‘empty dialectics’’’ are the following --
1. The Peano successor function, s, which resides at the core of the first four, first-order Peano
Postulates, which axiomatize the first-order, ordinal arithmetic of the "Natural" Numbers, N = {1, 2, 3, ... }, propagates an "empty dialectic", but
that "empty dialectic" is the intuitive seed of what we call the
'Seldonian First Dialectical Arithmetic', of the ' "purely"-qualitative ordinals', i.e., of the NQ 'meta-Natural meta-Numbers', which, if still only
abstractly and generically so, can be interpreted to model "full dialectics", as the seed, or «arché», of all of the other, later, ever more "full-dialectical"
Seldonian dialectical arithmetics as well, that follow, beyond NQ, in the Seldonian method of presentation of those dialectical arithmetics.
Here's why I call the operation of the Peano successor operator an "empty dialectic".
The definition of the Peano successor operator is ultra-simple: s(n) = n + 1, for any "Natural" Number n in N. The Peano successor function, s, operating upon any "Natural" Number, outputs the successor "Natural" Number to any "Natural" Number upon which s operates.
This operation/definition comports to
the fundamental, «aufheben» character of all dialectics: its "output" or
result combines "conservation" [the n
of s(n) is still preserved "in" n + 1], transformation/"determinate negation" [ n + 1 is NOT n, and is not so in a determinate sense: s(n) is greater than n
by exactly one "Natural Numbers" unit], and "elevation"/advancement [n is increased/lifted/advanced/superseded, in s(n),
into n + 1, by a gain in value of 1 "Natural Numbers", "purely"-quantitative-ordinal unit].
But this is merely a “purely”-quantitative shadow of «aufheben» “dialectic” -- the FORM of «aufheben» dialectic-in-general, but EMPTY of
any of the qualitative, ontological, ontology-expansion, ontologically
revolutionizing CONTENT of even the generic stage of «aufheben» dialectic represented by the NQ, the first stage, of the Seldonian meta-systematic dialectic of the dialectical arithmetics, for which the N alone constitute the 0th stage. It is therefore,
to my mind, "empty dialectic".
2. When
an equation modeling physical actuality, such as -- to begin at the psychohistorical beginning
of such -- the Newton gravity equation, as a "purely"-quantitative
equation, arrives at a division by "empty zero",
0, signifying, in this specific case, a
collision of, e.g., two mutually-gravitating planets, planet
1 and planet
2, via the
disappearance of any distance,
r12(t), between their centers of mass, for a finite
value of its
t -- call that moment of collision
t* -- so that
r12(t*) = 0, the result is, apparently --
F12(t*) = GM1M2/r12(t*)^2 = GM1M2/0^2 = GM1M2/0 "=" "oo"
-- signifying a Newtonian gravitational force of
infinite magnitude. However, what actually happens, in physical fact, is that the gravitic force
between the two planets 'dis-existentiates', along with the two planets
themselves. This "
answer is
from empirical actuality -- because everything that actually happens remains
throughout, and because
"model error"
["residual"] is the difference between the
finite value
actually observed
/measured, say
and the model-predicted value.
ANY finite value, minus
"Infinity", is "still"
"infinite", thus
yielding an
infinite residual, or "[
infinity residual"; an
infinite model error --
f - oo =
Note that "
oo" is
NOT [even]
a "
Real" Number, so that, at the moment of planetary
the Newton Equation becomes, in effect a "Goedel-Incompleteness-Asserting Formula deformalizing
diophantine equation" for "
Real" Numbers
arithmetic: its solution is not possible within the "
Numbers; its solution takes us outside
/beyond the set
This Newtonian
"unsolvable diophantine equation"
becomes a
"solvable diophantine equation" when
re-expressed within the
'seventh Seldonian
dialectical arithmetic', the
Rmu arithmetic, when this
"purely"-quantitative equation is 're-qualified', by multiplying it
by the appropriate combinations of the 'metrical qualifiers' for the
metrological units of
& cm., and by 'ontological qualifiers'
qualifying/distinguishing Planet
versus Planet
& via a
new kind of number -- via a new element of number 'ideo-ontology' -- in the form
of what we call the
'full zero meta-number' -- a
'qualo-quantitative, existential zero', for more about which, see --
Moreover, the value "
is a mere FORM, a FORM that is EMPTY of any of the real, qualitative,
ontological, ontology-expanding, ontologically revolutionizing CONTENT of this
gravitic dialectical process of collision that it attempts to model.
What really occurs is that the
two "opposing"
/colliding planets
produce a
"complex unity" of mutual
dis-integration, and mutual coalescence
/mutual re-integration, producing, in
combination, new planetary and sub-planetary ontology, qualitatively,
ontologically different from the ontology -- consisting of Planet
1 and
/versus Planet
2 -- whose existence
was implicit in the model
before t*.
This kind of Newtonian, gravitic, collisional dialectic is precisely how
systems, such as our Solar System,
Such systems are a natural-historical
cumulum of countless Newtonian collisional
singularities -- of planetessimals colliding with planetessimals, yielding
PLANETOIDS, of planetoids colliding with planetoids, yielding planetoids
'''DWARF PLANETS''', of '''dwarf planets''' colliding with '''dwarf planets''',
yielding '''dwarf planets'''
PLUS PROTO-PLANETS, and of proto-planets
colliding with proto-planets, yielding proto-planets
PLUS PLANETS... all instances of the Seldonian '''Fundamental Law''', which is the 'strong contrary' of the Boolean "Fundamental Law".
Each planetoid unit is a meta-planetessimal unit, «
made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of planetessimal units.
Each '''dwarf planet''' unit is a meta-planetoid unit, «
made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of planetoid units.
Each ''proto-planet'' unit is a meta-'''dwarf planet''' unit, «
made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of '''dwarf planet''' units.
Each planet unit is a meta-''proto-planet'' unit, «
made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of ''proto-planet'' units.
Each such collision corresponds to yet another Newtonian
"division-by-zero" singularity; each one produces a
"qualitative, ontological change", an "ontological"
revolution, changing the ontology of the "solar system"-in-formation.
Each such qualitative, ontological change "singularity" in the course of the 'qualo-quantitative self-
of a "solar system"-in-formation, if described by Newtonian,
"purely"-quantitative gravitic equations, is described by the
infinitely erroneous
value "
That is why the Newtonian, "purely"-quantitative description of this
gravitic, collisional, solar-system 'self-building'/'self-«
bildung» dialectic is an example of an
"empty dialectic": all of the qualitative,
ontological, ontology-expansion, ontologically revolutionizing CONTENT of this
process of "solar system" 'qualo-quantitative self-
is missing from this Newtonian description. ...
... Apparently, the only way that the "purely"-quantitative
mathematical models of the -- still present -- epoch of the
"exchange-value" «
can describe
FINITE, but qualitative, ontological change
/revolution, is as an
quantitative change
! ...
... "Infinite" quantitative change is the quantitative '''shadow''' of ontological change, of qualitative change, of ontological gain -- of ontological revolution ...