Thursday, July 02, 2015

Astronomical Dialectic: 'Tetradic Monadic Dialectics' of the '"Giant Impact Hypotheses"' of Earth/Moon System-unit Formation.

Dear Readers,

A new kind of 'dialectogram', for a 'tetradic <<monad>>-ic dialectic', modeling the leading, "Giant Impact" hypothesis-cluster as to how the present Earth/Moon System-unit was formed, has recently posted to the  Glossary Page.

The 'dialectical-mathematical meta-model' depicted in this 'dialectogram' uses a 'Tetradic' Seldon Function Equation, and describes at the individual object/individual unit/individual <<monad>> level, rather than at the <<arithmos>> of <<monads>>, or categorial, level, unlike any dialectical model that we have presented previously.

These differences necessitate a re-interpretation of the epoch 1 'cumulum' of that Seldon Equation, grasping it as a 'meta-temporal summarization', i.e., as a summary overview of a natural-historical process, representing all of the major past 'ontological/<<monad>>-ic meta-states' of that process, as well as its present 'meta-state', but not just its present 'meta-state'.

This is because that 'cumulum' contains terms for <<monads>> that no longer exist in the present Earth/Moon System-unit -- past-existent, past-extant <<monads>> that have "disappeared into" the present system-<<monad>>, and which, hence, are no longer extant, in the present.

I have also posted this text+<<monad>> below, for your convenience.



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