Saturday, August 27, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #7. The Fundamental '"Law'" of Dialectic -- Triadic Version.

 Dear Readers,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, selections from the seminal sayings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main website:].  

Such is the following --
 The standard Encyclopedia Dialectica edits have been applied to this transcript.



Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #6. Dialectic vs. Radical Dualism.

Dear Reader,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, selections from the seminal sayings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]. 

Such is the following --

“ . . . Our key purpose, our most important purpose, in propagating the Q dialectical arithmetics, and their algebras, is to help people to learn to escape frozen antitheses -- to escape otherwise imprisoning radical dualisms.. . .”



Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Systematic Dialectic of the Standard Linear-Algebraic Mathematical Objects' Kinds.

Dialectic of
Linear Algebra.

Dear Reader,

The JPEG images below depict the systematic dialectic of the 'ideo-ontology' of Standard Linear Algebra, as an example illustrating the F.E.D. dialectical method of presentation for cases of '~synchronic dialectic'



Thursday, August 18, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #5. 'Auto-«Aufheben»' & 'Allo-«Aufheben»'.

Dear Reader,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, selections from the seminal sayings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]

Such is the following --

". . . Dialectic is also «aufheben», in its movement from the constituents of an ‘«arché»-category to that again, plus those of a contra-category of that ‘«arché»-category.

It is so not just in its movement from the resulting opposition/sum of those two categories to those again plus/versus their, and its, uni-category.

Dialectic is that very alternation, of «auto-aufheben» operations, net-yielding contra-categories, followed by «allo-aufheben» operations, net-yielding uni-categories, both partial and full, but with more and more ‘merely-hybrid, partial synthesis categories generated with every passing step or epoch of the dialectical categorial progression. 

In the dyadic function model, only one new, full auto-hybrid, «auto-aufheben» contra-category is generated in each new step or epoch, together with just one new, full uni-category.

The «auto-aufheben» operation represents, via the self-interaction of the «arché»-category, the interaction, and self-hybridization, of its constituents.  

The new, higher, opposing constituents of the resulting contra-category are, typically, «aufheben» transformations by elevation-preservation, of constituents of the «arché»-category, in the form of 'meta-constituent-izations' of constituents of the «arché»-category.

The «allo-aufheben» operation represents, via the interaction of the contra-category and/with its «arché»-category, the interaction, and mutual hybridization, of the mutually disparate constituents represented by the one category vis-a-vis the/its other.  

Dialectic is «auto-aufheben», followed by «allo-aufheben», and by «auto-aufheben» again.   

It is the breaking out of each last-achieved full uni-category into intra-duality again, as constituting, in effect, a new, higher ‘«arché»-category all over again, hence one breaking out into «auto-aufheben» irruption into «arché»-category plus/versus contra-category all over again, but at a higher level, i.e., forming a higher ‘qualo-fractal scale’, than [did] that(those) of the previous outbreak(s) . . ."



Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #4. Everywhere-Dense with Dialectic.

Dear Readers,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, selections from the seminal sayings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]

Such is the following --

". . . Our cosmos -- both human Nature and the rest of Nature; Nature as a whole -- is everywhere-dense with dialectic . . ."




Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #3. A Logic of Generation.

Dear Reader,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, selections from the seminal sayings, and writings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]

Such is the following --

". . . Part of what we have sought is a "logic of generation", in the form of a universal algorithm for generating algebraic descriptions -- either in synchronic, systematic, simplest to more complex order, or in diachronic, historical, chronological order -- for the categories by which human beings may/do comprehend domains of their experience/knowledge in general. . .."




Thursday, August 11, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #2. Categories & Individuals.

Dear Readers,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, some selections from the seminal sayings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]

Such is the following --

"Categories "contain", or are "made up out of" units -- "individuals"; <<monads>>."

"That is, a[ny non-empty] category 'referentially encompasses' units [at least one unit]."

"Each of the units of a typical category must be of the same given kind, or predominant quality."



Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #1. Critique.

Dear Readers,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, some selections from the seminal sayings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]

Such is the following --

"Nothing born out of human Nature escapes critique."

"Nothing born of critique escapes critique."

"Indeed, nothing such escapes self-critique."



Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Part 12. Principles of a Unified Theory of Universal Dialectic -- The Principle of ‘Metafinity’.

Part 12.  Principles of a Unified Theory of Universal Dialectic -- 

The Principle of Metafinity. 

Dear Reader,

The text below presents the twelfth and final principle to be introduced in the new series of blog entries here, addressing F.E.D.’s Principles of a Unified Theory of Universal Dialectic.
The superposition of all of these new principles within your consciousness, by the time this new series is fulfilled -- to the extent that these principles are, indeed, new for you -- should afford you a new, deeper, & more comprehensive overview of the workings of our «kosmos», for human Nature, and for exo-human Nature, alike.
