Thursday, August 18, 2016

Seldon's Sayings Series, #5. 'Auto-«Aufheben»' & 'Allo-«Aufheben»'.

Dear Reader,

It is my pleasure to share with you, from time to time, selections from the seminal sayings, shared by him among we of F.E.D., by our co-founder, Karl Seldon [main site:]

Such is the following --

". . . Dialectic is also «aufheben», in its movement from the constituents of an ‘«arché»-category to that again, plus those of a contra-category of that ‘«arché»-category.

It is so not just in its movement from the resulting opposition/sum of those two categories to those again plus/versus their, and its, uni-category.

Dialectic is that very alternation, of «auto-aufheben» operations, net-yielding contra-categories, followed by «allo-aufheben» operations, net-yielding uni-categories, both partial and full, but with more and more ‘merely-hybrid, partial synthesis categories generated with every passing step or epoch of the dialectical categorial progression. 

In the dyadic function model, only one new, full auto-hybrid, «auto-aufheben» contra-category is generated in each new step or epoch, together with just one new, full uni-category.

The «auto-aufheben» operation represents, via the self-interaction of the «arché»-category, the interaction, and self-hybridization, of its constituents.  

The new, higher, opposing constituents of the resulting contra-category are, typically, «aufheben» transformations by elevation-preservation, of constituents of the «arché»-category, in the form of 'meta-constituent-izations' of constituents of the «arché»-category.

The «allo-aufheben» operation represents, via the interaction of the contra-category and/with its «arché»-category, the interaction, and mutual hybridization, of the mutually disparate constituents represented by the one category vis-a-vis the/its other.  

Dialectic is «auto-aufheben», followed by «allo-aufheben», and by «auto-aufheben» again.   

It is the breaking out of each last-achieved full uni-category into intra-duality again, as constituting, in effect, a new, higher ‘«arché»-category all over again, hence one breaking out into «auto-aufheben» irruption into «arché»-category plus/versus contra-category all over again, but at a higher level, i.e., forming a higher ‘qualo-fractal scale’, than [did] that(those) of the previous outbreak(s) . . ."



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