‘The DUality of «Aufheben»
Conservation –
INternal and EXternal’.
-- Part 08: Seldon’s Secrets
Dear Reader,
is my pleasure,
and my honor, as an elected member
of the Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release, by the F.E.D. General Council, key excerpts from the internal writings, and from the internal sayings, of our co-founder,
Karl Seldon.
The eighth
release in
this new such
series is posted below
[Some E.D.
standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors of
the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia,
to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s
In this 8th installment, Seldon describes the seldom-noticed, ‘evolute’, dual
character of the ‘‘‘conservation moment’’’ of the core process of all true dialectic: the «aufheben» process.
Seldon --
“The ‘“conservation”’
“moment” of the dialectical, «aufheben» process/relation, e.g.,
of ‘meta-«monad»-ization’/-‘meta-«monad»-icity’,
is not just a simple, single, singular “moment”.”
is dual.”
it is the internal conservation of
immediately-previous ‘self-hybrid’ «monads», inside
their newest, immediately-next higher ‘self-hybrid’ [meta-]«monads», of the next higher
ontological category/«arithmos» of «monads».”
the ‘“conservation”’ “moment” of the «aufheben» process/relation
is also the external, ‘‘‘evolute’’’ continuation/-‘‘‘conservation’’’
of some of those immediate-predecessor ‘self-hybrid’ «monads»,
of those that do not enter in to the new, next, immediate
successor ‘self-hybrid’ [meta-]«monads»;
that remain outside of those newer [meta-]«monads» and thus also outside
of their, new, [meta-]«arithmos»/ontological
is why the product rule axiom – the ontological-categorial multiplication rule
axiom – that we most typically employ in the ‘meta-model
meta-equation’ descriptions of various Domains within this cosmos, and of this cosmos as a
whole, using the axioms-systems of the NQ dialectical ideography, is named/described as the ‘double-conservation
«aufheben» evolute product rule’.”
rule prescribes that, given an ontological category denoted by x, or qx, its ontological self-multiplication looks like this –
qx x qx = qx + qxx.
second term of this categorial product, qxx, represents the, usually recognized in the
dialectical traditions, internal aspect of the ‘‘‘conservation’’’
“moment” of the «aufheben» process/relation. That is, qxx represents a [meta-]«arithmos» or ontological category that
is made up out of [meta-]units each of which is an ‘x of xs’, or an ‘x x’, i.e., is a ‘meta-x’, new unit, each one typically made up out of a
heterogeneous multiplicity of “mere” x
units. Thus, at least some of the [former] x units are ‘‘‘«aufheben»-conserved’’’ inside
each of the new, higher ‘meta-x’
first term of the product equation above is just the, “mere”, ‘“reproduction”’
of the category/«arithmos»- symbol qx, which was also the multiplier category/«arithmos»-symbol,
and also the multiplicand category/«arithmos»-symbol,
on the Left-Hand Side of that product equation.”
first term, usually not recognized in the dialectical traditions,
is there, in the product definition equation, because, in general, not
all of the qx units are «aufheben»-assimilated into
the new, higher qxx units, in the typical dialectical, self-«aufheben»
process of an ontological category/«arithmos» qx.”
for example, in the ‘All-Domain’ of
the ‘self-meta-evolution’ of our cosmos, as told in the language of ‘physio-ontological
categories/«arithmoi», consider the ‘cosmo-ontological’
category of molecules,
call it qm.”
ontological units/-«monads» known as “molecules” are [self-]hybridizations of their [sub-]units,
known as “atoms”, call them qa. So –
qa x qa = qa + qaa |-= qa + qm.”
interstellar ‘atomic clouds’, consisting only of “atom” units, without yet
supporting units of the higher level of organization known as “molecules”,
still exist to this very day. Also, many
“molecular clouds’ still contain atom units, not yet «aufheben»-assimilated
into the higher units known as “molecules”.
Thus, units of the qa category are still present, even so many millennia after
the first, primordial, interstellar ‘atomic clouds’ [self-]transformed
into [predominantly] qaa |-= qm “molecular clouds”.
another example, again in the ‘All-Domain’
of the ‘self-meta-evolution’ of our cosmos, consider, again, the ‘cosmo-ontological’
category of atomic nuclei. Again, let’s call
it qa.”
ontological units/«monads» known as “atomic
nuclei” are [self-]hybridizations of their [sub-]units,
known as “nucleons” – e.g., protons and neutrons -- call them
collectively by the category-symbol qn. So –
qn x qn = qn + qnn |-= qn + qa.”
units fused themselves together to form fully-ionized atomic nuclei units, first off, to
current understanding, during the ‘‘‘cosmological nucleosynthesis’’’, or “Big
Bang nucleosynthesis”, epoch, in which, e.g., many “free” proton units – units “free”
of the higher level of organization characterizing atomic nucleus units – combined to form atomic nucleus units, in the sufficiently-diminished “heat”
of the self-expanding/‘self-diluting’ “Big Bang”, cosmos-encompassing “fire
of the “free” nucleon units were thus [self-]transformed into atomic nucleus units – e.g., into the nuclei
of [fully-ionized] atomic
many of those “free” nucleon
units, e.g., proton units, have remained extant to this day, in “circulation”
within our cosmos, having never yet been ‘«aufheben»-assimilated’
into the higher units known as “atoms”.
protonic, ‘proto-nucleonic’ units persist, e.g., in the forms of
protonic “high energy cosmic rays”, and also of vast galactic clouds of protons
as “Hydrogen ions”. Thus, many units of
the qn category are still present, even so many millennia after
“Big Bang nucleosynthesis” [self-]transformed so many others of them into qnn |-= qa ‘atomic
clouds’ of ionic atomic nuclei.”
For more
information regarding these
Seldonian insights, please see --
For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of ‘dialectical art’ -- see:
Miguel Detonacciones,
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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