Monday, February 17, 2025

Part 07: Seldon’s Cosmology Series. Dialectical Synthesis & ‘Ontological Hybridization’ in thE dialectics of NATURE.



Part 07: Seldon’s Cosmology Series.



 Dialectical Synthesis




Ontological Hybridization


in thE


dialectics of NATURE.








Dear Reader,




It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Seldon’s commentaries on key Encyclopedia Dialectica concepts of Seldonian Theory.



The 7th text in this new such series is posted herewith, together with supporting text-images and diagrams [Some E.D. standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors of the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia, to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s discourse].








Seldon –


A ‘dialectical synthesis category’, or ‘uni-category’, is a hybrid category, combining and uniting at least two distinct, and, moreover, at least two [supplementary-]opposite, ontological, ‘mutual relative-dialectical-antithesis-forming categories’.”


“This concept, of ‘dialectical hybridization’, applies whether that, hybrid, ‘uni-category’ is a full uni-category’, unifying all ontological categories that are already – so-far – extant in the given step or epoch of a given Domain, in a “full complex unity” category, or a partial uni-category’, unifying only some, not all, of that extant ontology, in a partial complex unity” category.”


“Such a “complex unity” [Hegel], or dialectical synthesis, ‘uni-category’ – i.e., its dialectical-algebraic ‘category-symbol’ – often stands for an «arithmos»-of-«monads», whose «monads» are themselves hybrid «monads»’, ‘hybrid units, that fuse together «monads» of the ‘antithetical «arithmoi»’ that are oft represented by, supplementary and consecutively opposite, category-symbols in the categorial progression that models their Domain; symbolizing all of the ontological categories that such a ‘uni-category’ unifies.”


“Examples from some deep-past, pre-human epochs of the historical dialectic of Nature include cases of those hybrid ontological categories whose units combine, e.g., non-composite” bosons or fermions, such as electron units, with their supplementary, composite bosons or fermions, such as proton units, represented by the ontological category-symbol qsn in our initial ‘Historical Dialectic of Nature’, ‘meta-equation meta-model’.”


“Examples of ‘hybrid units that are “made up out of”, and that “synthesize” or “fuse together”, electron units and proton units, include –

(1) neutron “particle” units, of the ontological category symbolized by qsn [mutual conversions/-hybridizations of “sub-atomic” proton units and “pre-nuclear” electron units, into unbound neutron units];

(2) elemental [non-isotopic], neutral Hydrogen atom units, part of the ontological category symbolized by qrr [self-conversion of “pre-atomic particle” units , electron units and proton units, into Hydrogen atom units, i.e., originally via cosmological nucleosynthesis, as per our later Dialectic of Nature ‘meta-model’, and;

(3) neutron-star units [“bulk neutronium” units], part of the ontic category symbolized by qar [first-generation star units, converting stellar-core proton units into Helium atom units nuclei], catalyzed by cosmological nucleosynthesis, e.g. Helium atom units, already incorporated into such star units, and the early side of qaa [stellar nucleosynthesis, as self-conversion of lower atomic-species atom units , e.g., Helium atom units, into higher atomic-species atom units, e.g., into Carbon atom units, inside those later generation star units that are mass-destined to “neutron-star” collapse], also per the latter ‘dialectic of Nature meta-model’.”


“Examples of dialectical-synthesis partial uni-categories’ from the [present] epoch of the historical dialectic of Nature that includes ‘human-Nature-al’ ontology, comprise several of Marx’s categories in his 4-volume systematic-dialectic analysis of the “social relations of production” ‘socio-ontology’ of the capitalist system, such as ‘“Commodity Kapital”’, category-symbol qKC, and ‘“Money Kapital”’, category-symbol qKM, per our, simpler, circulations-processes-only ‘dialectical meta-equation meta-model’ of the capitalist system. It takes the Marxian category of Commodities, C or qC, as its «arché»-category.  [Our, more complex, capitalism ‘meta-model’ takes Marx’s “Elementary or Accidental Form of [Commodity-]Value” ‘socio-ontological’ category as its «arché»-category, although even that ‘meta-model’ is still limited to covering capital circulations-processes-only]. 


“Marx’s full uni-category’ for that, circulation-processes-only, simpler ‘meta-model’ of Marx’s systematic-dialectic/immanent critique of the capitalist system is named by him –

 The…Circulation of the Total Social Capital

-- symbolized by category-symbol qKMC in Marx’s ‘systematic-dialectical’ critique of capitalism’, and mapping to Marx’s simpler capital-model, the --

M —C-á{L; MP}…C¢—M¢ capital-circulation model

-- but not yet Marx’s fuller, more complex “Productive Capital”-including capital-model –

M —C-á{L; MP}…P…C¢—M¢.








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, and to read and/or download, free of charge, PDFs and/or JPGs of Foundation images, books, and other texts, please see:













For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insightsspecimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see:




























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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