Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The Simple Side of F.E.D.'s Complex Discovery

Dear Readers,

At root, the F.E.D. discovery regarding dialectics is quite simple.

F.E.D. has discovered a general procedure -- or "algorithm" -- or "praxis" -- for dialectic.

The abstract pattern of dialectic, per the F.E.D. "dialectical algorithm", or "algorithm of dialectic", is this:

In step zero, one thing is present. It is the single "ancestor" of all that later follows from it.

In step one, that one thing gives rise to a second thing -- to something new, qualitatively different from that first thing.

In step two, the original thing and its progeny, the second thing, combine, giving rise to a third thing, a "hybrid", or "synthesis", of the first two.

Also, in step two, the second thing gives rise to its own progeny, a fourth thing.

Steps three and beyond are similar to step two, but in an ever-richer context of ever more numerous qualitatively distinct things.

This simple, abstract pattern can be concretized -- applied to, or interpreted for, concrete instances of dialectic.

The result of such application has been found to illuminate the past, and to prefigure the future, of all sorts of physical and mental things, including of the universe as a whole.

The universe as a whole is theorized by F.E.D.'s seventeen-symbol "dialectical theory of everything", "dialectic of nature" equation, an equation that truly-empirically "follows nature", to the extent that nature is known by modern science, by generating a representation of the actual history of nature -- as a sequence of things that account for all that nature contains -- in the order in which those things arose chronologically in the natural history of the entire cosmos.



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