Full Title:
Fundamental Hypothesis Regarding the Dialectical
Historical Dynamic of Modern History.
Dear Reader,
¿How do we grasp, at the highest level, the unity and totality of modern human history, of capitalism?
Below is my rendition of the core of the F.E.D.’s answer, based upon the work of Karl Seldon.
The passage below mentions a [new, ‘qualo-quantitative’] “metric”
for Marx’s fundamental concept of “the social forces of production”.
That metric, and the breakthrough in dialectical social
science that it represents, has been scheduled for public release, by the F.E.D. General Council, under advisement from the F.E.D. Special Council of Psychohistorians, for a target date in the
month following this month.
Thus, that metric is not constructed herein, but I plan to
construct it for you in a blog-entry that I am planning for next month.
The metric of the human social forces of production is a
measure of the unified, Darwinian and ‘Meta-Darwinian’ fitness of the human species, because
that metric measures the rate of human-societal [self-]reproduction, both
actual and potential -- actual, for the past, up to the present of the human
species, therefore also potential, for the future of the human species -- thus
measuring the combined, biological, Human-Genomic, Darwinian fitness of humanity, and the
‘Meta-Darwinian’, cultural, ‘Human-Phenomic’ fitness of humanity, together, as one.
The turn, from the ‘‘‘ascendence-phase’’’ to the
‘‘‘descendence-phase’’’ of the capital-centered system of social relations for
the reproduction of human society is driven by the growth of the human social
forces of production to a level beyond that at which core,
concentrated-ownership industrial capital, hence capitalism itself, can be
profitable for its core ruling class.
That is, this turning point is the point after which the losses to core, concentrated-ownership
industrial capital-value profitability, due to the ‘technodepreciation’ of
ever-increasing portions of its fixed-capital-embodied capital-value, caused by
further growth of the social forces of production, and by the
competition-enforced retirement and periodic write-off of ever-increasing
portions of that fixed-capital-value, against earnings, out-balance the gains to earnings -- to core,
concentrated-ownership industrial capital-value profitability -- due to the
heightened “factor productivity”, and the reduced unit costs of production,
also caused by that further growth of the social forces of production.
Thereafter -- after that turning point -- the superficial
appearance of core, concentrated-ownership, core-ruling-class-owned industrial
capital profitability, and the economic enforcement of that superficial appearance, can only
be maintained by drastic and draconian measures, measures which increasingly
squander, destroy, and reverse the historic growth of the human social forces
of production, which increasingly ‘‘‘de-industrialize’’’ the geographical
capitalist core, and which also otherwise compromise and impair human social reproduction,
and which thus, more and more -- and at an accelerating rate, as this
‘‘‘descendence phase’’’ of modern society ensues -- reduce the combined,
Darwinian, human-Genomic, and ‘Meta-Darwinian’, ‘human-Phenomic’ fitness of the human species, impending a
‘descendence-phase denouement’ of ruling-class-imposed [self-]extinction of
that human species.
That is, the psycho-socio-political-economic phenomena that are the
consequences of that turning point transform the once-progressive
‘ascendence-phase ruling-class’ into a hyper-degenerate, ‘descendence-phase
ruling-class’, characterized by the self-contradictory ideologies which can be described
as ‘Human Anti-Humanism’ [‘‘‘local’’’ historical name: “Eugenics”], ‘Capitalist Anti-Capitalism’
[including protracted suppression of capitalist industrialization in the
capitalist “hinterland”, the “periphery” of the geographical capitalist core,
creating the “Third World”], and inverted, perverted application of the lessons
of the human-social sciences developed in the ‘‘‘ascendence phase’’’, so as to
reverse human progress by reversing the growth of the social forces of
production [‘‘‘local’’’ historical description: ‘Anti-Marxian
This 'hyper-degenerated' ruling class thus promotes, in
stealth, policies of police-state, totalitarian state-capitalism, and of “Eugenics”, i.e., of genocide -- of global wars of mass
extermination, of global multi-genocide; of both overt and covert,
stealth genocide, and of catastrophic, Neo-Malthusian “population reduction”.
This 'hyper-degenerated' ruling-class does so, eventually, in
part, via its promotion of various varieties of “People Are Pollution”
ideology, of new anti-progress, anti-science, anti-“technology”,
‘descendance-phase ideologies’, such we have seen ‘‘‘locally’’’-- a
plutocracy-funded global resurgence of Dark Ages Religions, of Neo-Luddite
“Back-to-Nature”-isms and “Neo-Primitivisms”, of “Small-Is-Beautiful”-isms [i.e., of ‘Weak-is-Beautiful-ism’ re:
the collective political power of the working-class to defend itself
against ruling-class-imposed contracted social reproduction], of voluntary
self-destitution of the working class for the sake of “The Environment”, of
“Zero [i.e., negative] Economic Growth” for the global majority / working class,
of “Zero [i.e., negative] Population Growth” for the global majority, of
Animalism, etc., etc., ad nauseam.
In sum, this 'hyper-degenerated' ruling class -- in order to
maintain its rule against the ‘technodepreciation’ of the core-capital-value
economic foundation of its power; against the overthrow of its foundation by
the growth of the social forces of production -- is hell-bent on imposing a
new, neo-feudal Dark Ages upon the majority of global humanity, with the core
of that ‘descendance-phase ruling-class’ as the ruling, New Dark Ages
However, this New Dark Age is likely, contrary to the
demented intentions and the ‘hyper-unrealistic’ expectations of the
‘descendence-phase ruling class’, to quickly become a permanent, ‘Final Dark
Age’ for planet Earth --
one which not even the ‘exo-human’ planetary biosphere can survive -- in the
form of a rapid, self-imposed extinction of the human species, including of that ‘Neroan’, ‘Caligulan’
‘descendence-phase ruling-class’ itself, albeit itself so included contrary to its/their will.
When a sun-like star -- imprisoned by the ‘self-force’ of the ‘self-destiny’ determined by its own, inner ‘intra-duality’ [its ‘‘‘dialectical internal contradiction’’’] of self-caused, self-gravitational self-contraction, and of its opposing, self-contraction-induced core fusion thermonuclear self-expansion -- converts ~all of its core Hydrogen into core Helium, and begins to “burn” the Helium “ash” that remains there, it leaves the “stellar Main Sequence”, enters its ‘stellar descendance phase’, and heads toward stellar death.
Like such a sun, modern society, capital-centered human
society, when the ‘intra-duality’ of core capital no longer “nets-out” on the
side of “self-expanding value” [Marx], through the reinvestment of surplus-value
into new constant and variable capital, but, instead, begins to “net-out” on
the opposite side, on the side of “self-contracting capital-value” [Seldon], due to
accelerating ‘technodepreciation’ of high-fixed-capital-composition
core-capital, modern society too enters its ‘‘‘descendance-phase’’’ -- enters a
decline in its ‘social self-reproductive self-force’, a decline in its
social-reproductive fitness, which likewise destines it for self-destruction.
Luckily, human societies -- evolved later than, and,
consequently, at a higher ‘meta-fractal’ scale of ‘inclusion complexity’ than, stars -- contain greater ‘‘‘degrees of freedom’’’ than do, more deterministic,
stars, so that there is still hope that we humans can pull out of the tail-spin
of our ‘‘‘descendance phase’’’ as capital.
To start “pulling out”, and “pulling up” from our present
and longstanding tail-spin into a New/Final Dark Age; to restart human
progress; to resuscitate/regenerate human social reproduction, to begin to
re-grow the human social forces of production -- the very ‘self-forces’ of
human, social self-reproduction, of human-social ‘self-productivity’ -- we must,
collectively, ‘human-Phenomically’, learn something fundamental, yet new [to
We must learn to distinguish, conceptually, and to separate,
in practice, capital from “technology”, capital from advanced-productivity
means of production, and capital “profitability” from human-social
‘‘‘profitability’’’ -- from human-species fitness-maintaining and fitness-expanding human-social
If and when enough of us do so, then humanity can leave
capital behind, i.e., we can subsume it, «aufheben» “contain” it, “contain” its
dangers, and move on -- move up -- into the first-ever Global
Renaissance of
humanity, a renaissance of humanity as “the associated producers”, the
producers of a re-accelerated growth of the social forces of production, the
‘self-producers’, the producers of a newly-growing planetary, ‘planetized’
humanity, expanding beyond our planet.
“Overcome, we, the Iblis
within ourselves, and the cosmos will be our canvas.”
“We ourselves will be our works of art.”
“We ourselves will be our work of art.” [Karl Seldon].
“We ourselves will be our works of art.”
“We ourselves will be our work of art.” [Karl Seldon].
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