This blog tracks the ongoing new advances in Marxian Dialectics and regarding the Dialectic of Nature achieved by Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], whose main website URL is .
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Part I. Prolegomena. The Dialectic of Nature.
Dear Reader,
This blog-entry is the first installment of a planned multi-part series, launched with the intension to comprehensively present the F.E.D. 'Dialectical Theory of Everything' 'Meta-Model' -- that is, the Seldonian 'Dialectic of Nature' 'Meta-Model' -- epoch-by-epoch, narrating the explicit reconstruction of the total history, and ontology, of the taxonomy level 1 cosmos, "contained" in its 'Meta-Equation', and also iterating that 'Meta-Equation' beyond reconstruction of past-to-present, into the 'pre-construction' / prediction of the possible future of this cosmos, also '''contained''' in that 'Meta-Equation'.
I will be gradually adding content to the present blog-entry, the initial Part of this series, over the course of the ensuing days, and will then be moving on to post the Parts beyond this Part I.
Two images that provide an overview of this 'Meta-Model' are posted immediately below this announcement.
To your Cognitive Enjoyment and Expansion,
Generic Dialectical Interpretation Tableau Enhanced -- Specific Application Examples Added.
Dear Reader,
This blog-entry is for the purpose of calling to your attention substantial additions that I have recently applied to an earlier blog-entry here, setting forth the Tableau presentation of the generic dialectical interpretation of the Seldonian NQ 'ontological qualifier meta-numbers'.
Specifically, I have added two examples of the application of this generic interpretation, to two diversiform specific dialectical 'meta-models' -- one a key example of dialectical-mathematical modeling of a systematic dialectic, the other a key example of dialectical-mathematical modeling of an historical dialectic.
Enjoy! --
Monday, April 21, 2014
The Dialectic of Marx's Das Kapital. 'Models Specification' & 'Meta-Monadology Progression Charts' for 'Dialectical Meta-Model' of Marx's Presentation, presentation step s = 0 through presentation step s = 2.
Dear Reader,
I have posted, below, four charts, visualizing Marx's Method of Presentation in <<Das Kapital>>, volume I, for the circulations-process value-form categories of Commodities, Monies, and <<Kapitals>>, and which also visualize the <<arche'>> category, and the first two 'self-hybrid' categories, from steps s = 0, s = 1, and s = 2, of the 'Seldonian Dialectical Meta-Equation Meta-Model' restricted to just those features of Marx's masterpiece.
The models specification and solution-specification for this partial 'synchronic/systematic-dialectical, presentational meta-model' of the modern capitalist system, and of Marx's systematic-dialectical method of presentation of that system in <<Das Kapital>> -- a 'dialectical meta-model' restricted to the circulations-process value-forms content of <<Das Kapital>> -- is as follows --
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Sunday, April 20, 2014
FYI: Psychohistorical Equations Entry Extensively Updated.

Dear Reader,
FYI: I have extensively updated, via illustrations, and via other kinds of additional content, the May 2012 blog-entry of this blog, entitled "The Seldonian Psychohistorical Dialectical Equations" --
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Models Specification: The F.E.D. 'Psychohistorical-Dialectical Meta-Equation of Human Social FORCES of Production Meta-Evolution'.
Dear Readers,
FYI: A new '*.jpg' image, providing an Encyclopedia Dialectical standard Models Specification for the Seldonian Psychohistorical Equation modeling the 'Dialectic of the Meta-Evolution of the [Marxian] Human-Social Forces of Production', is being posted to the Glossary Page.
The entry-title on the Glossary Page for this models specification is --
'E.D. Models Specification: Dialectic of the Social Forces of Production.
I have also posted this image below, for your convenience, now that it has been officially released to the F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison, for public dissemination.
Miguel Detonacciones,
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison
Monday, April 14, 2014
Tableau: Generic Dialectical-Algebraic Interpretation of the 'Ontological Qualifier Meta-Numbers' of the F.E.D. 'First Dialectical Arithmetic'. 'Dialectical Ordinality'.
'Dialectical Ordinality'.
Dear Readers,
FYI: A new '*.jpg' image, providing an Encyclopedia Dialectica 'Terms Definitions Table', defining the E.D. standard generic dialectical interpretation of the first eighteen Seldonian NQ 'dialectical meta-numbers', is being posted to the Glossary Page.
The Glossary Page entry-title for this 'Terms Definitions Table' is --
'E.D. Terms Definitions Table: Generic Dialectical Interpretation of the NQ dialectical meta-numbers, Synchronic & Diachronic, Dyadic & Triadic.'
I have also posted this image below, for your convenience, now that it has been officially released to the F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison, for public dissemination, along with two diversiform examples of the specific application of this generic interpretation.
Miguel Detonacciones,
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison
TWO DIVERSIFORM EXAMPLES of Specific Application of this Generic Interpretation --
1. Example 1. 'Synchronic Dialectic' ["Systematic Dialectic"] Example --
A Dialectical-Mathematical Model of the circulations-process value-form content of Marx's Capital.
For this presentational ‘dialectical meta-model meta-equation’, for its s = 3rd presentational step/equation, we have --
E)-|-(3 = (EC)23 = EC8 =
+ EM
+ EqMC
+ EK
+ EqKC
+ EqKM
+ EE (----)
1. Commodities as «arché» thesis/first thesis, or as «arché»
ontological category, +
2. Monies as first antithesis, or first contra-category, +
3. EqMC Commodities\Monies combinations [circulations] as first [full] synthesis, +
4. «Kapitals» as second antithesis, or second contra-category, +
5. EqKC Commodities\«Kapitals» combinations as first partial synthesis, +
6. EqKM Monies\«Kapitals» combinations as second partial synthesis, +
7. EqK\MC «Kapitals»\EqMC[circulations] combinations as second full synthesis, +
2. Example 2. 'Diachronic Dialectic' ["Historical Dialectic"] Example --
A Dialectical-Mathematical Meta-Model of the Dialectic of Nature as Totality.
[abbreviated, 'lumped-<<arche'>> version'].
For this ‘dialectical meta-model meta-equation’, for its t = 3rd
epoch/equation, we have --
ALL>-|-<3 = <ALLr >23 = ALLr8 =
+ ALLa
+ ALLqar
+ ALLm
+ ALLqmr
+ ALLqma
+ ALLqmar
+ ALLp <--->
1. pre-atomic
“particles” as «arché-physis», or «arché»
ontological category, +
2. atoms as first meta-«physis», or first meta-category, +
3. ALLqar pre-atomics\atoms interactions as first [full] uni-«physis», +
4. molecules as second meta-«physis», or second meta-category, +
5. ALLqmr
pre-atomics\molecules interactions as first partial uni-«physis», +
6. ALLqma
molecules\atoms interactions as second partial uni-«physis», +
7. ALLqmar
molecules\ALLqar’s interactions as second full uni-«physis», +
8. pre-eukaryotic living cells as third meta-«physis», or third meta-category.
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