Sunday, August 07, 2011

New Book: A Dialectical Theory of Everything, by F.E.D.

Dear Reader,

I have been following a little-known development in Marxian dialectics for many years now, namely, the work of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica -- F.E.D. for short -- and have decided to start this blog to share what I have learned from my studies of their work, and to share my -- and your -- views on that work.

Below is my summary of the first book offering by F.E.D., published late last year --

Marx wrote, in 1858, to Engels: "I am, by the way, discovering some nice arguments. E.g. I have completely demolished the theory of profit as hitherto propounded. What was of great use to me as regards method of treatment was Hegel’s Logic at which I had taken another look by mere accident, Freiligrath having found and made me a present of several volumes of Hegel, originally the property of Bakunin. If ever the time comes when such work is again possible, I should very much like to write 2 or 3 sheets making accessible to the common reader the rational aspect of the method which Hegel not only discovered but also mystified." [Marx to Engels, 16 January 1858]

Marx wrote again, in 1868, that he wished to write a book on dialectics, stating that "the true laws of dialectics are to be found already in Hegel, in a mystic form, however. The problem is to divest them of this form." [Marx to Dietzgen, 09 May 1868].

Marx wrote, yet again, in 1875, seven years later, and eight years before his death, in 1883, that once he had finished with the 'Economics', he intended to write on the subject of dialectics [Marx to Dietzgen, Dec. 1875].

In the event, Marx did not live to write his "Dialectics".

However, at long last, a collective author, "F.E.D." [Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica], may have taken the first giant step toward filling the gap that Marx's early demise, and Engel's incomplete "Dialectics of Nature" manuscript, have left open ever since.

A new book has just been released by Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], entitled --

A Dialectical "Theory of Everything" -- Meta-Genealogies of the Universe and of Its Sub-Universes: A Graphical Manifesto.

-- and is available via the and the websites --

Texts preparatory to this book are available for free download via the website, especially from its "Primer" Page --

I could be wrong on this one, of course, but I think this work may accomplish, for Platonian, Hegelian, and [especially] Marxian Dialectic, +, at long last, what Boole did for Aristotelian syllogistic, +, formal logic with his 1847 "The Mathematical Analysis of Logic", and with his 1854 "Investigation of the Laws of Thought"!

F.E.D. is also the group that -- using its new "mathematics of dialectics" -- discovered, via a model of the historical dialectic of the human-social relations of production, the "Generalized Equity" // ''Citizen Stewardship Equity / "Citizen Externality Equity" / "Citizen Birthright Equity" conception of the new social relationship of human-societal self-reproduction that could succeed the presently-dominant social relation of production -- the [State-]Capital / Wage-labor-relation -- in the constitution of "Democratic-Communist Society" as a comprehensive Political-Economic Democracy, as described in the Theory section of the website.

Here's the text from the front and back "flaps" of the "dust cover" jacket [modified for this list's typography] --

"A Dialectical "Theory of Everything" -- Meta-Genealogies of the Universe and of Its Sub-Universes: A Graphical Manifesto.

Volume 0: Foundations [Edition 0 – December 2010, from F.E.D. Press]

This initial volume, Volume 0, sets forth the foundations of F.E.D.'s dialectical-mathematical "model of everything".

Synthesizing ancient themes of dialectic, <<autokinesis>>, and 'self-refluxivity' ['karmicity'], with modern themes of logical and set-theoretical paradox as "self-reflexivity", and of integro-differential equation "nonlinearity", evoked via both occidental and oriental sources from antiquity, and via modern developments in natural/social science, and in mathematics, this initial volume lays out foundations for a unified theory of dialectic.

Foundations presented include a unified theory, by way of convergent immanent critiques, of the traditions of Platonian and Hegelian dialectic, and the consequent discovery, for the first time in human history, of a rich and versatile 'mathematics of dialectic'.

This new 'mathematics of dialectic' is utilized to derive a seventeen-symbol equation, which models, qualitatively [via ontological categories], the dialectical self-evolutions, and 'self-meta-evolutions', of our <<kosmos>> as a totality, which also predicts a next major self-development of this <<kosmos>>, and which summarizes the dialectical "theory of everything" that gives this work its title.

A dialectical, 'ideo-ontological' categorial progression of systems of generally 'qualo-quantitative', dialectical arithmetics, are modeled, using the second system in that progression, its first explicitly dialectical system, starting from "Natural Numbers", or N, arithmetic, as purely-quantitative [implicitly, 'pre-vestigially' <<aufheben>>-dialectical via its Peano successor-function] first system.

The second system is a 'purely-qualitative' [purely ontological], "non-standard model" of "standard" N arithmetic [i.e., the first four, "first order" Peano Postulates hold for this system as well as for the N system], with a 'contra-Boolean' algebra, founded upon a hitherto-unnoticed, strong negation of Boole's "Fundamental Law of [formal-logical] Thought".

The third system of dialectical arithmetic in this progression is a dialectical synthesis -- a "complex unity" -- of the second with the first system, hence is a 'qualo-quantitative' arithmetic, combining the [ontological] ideogramic 'qualifiers' of the second arithmetic with the [implicitly ontological, or metrical] quantifiers of the first, N arithmetic. This order of dialectical arithmetics progresses onward from there.

Volume 1: Geneses [forthcoming, from F.E.D. Press]

Volume 1 recounts the genesis of the new dialectical mathematics in detail.

Volume 2: Dialectical 'Meta-Models' of the 'Human Phenome' [forthcoming, from F.E.D. Press]

Volume 2 presents 'psycho-historical dialectical meta-models' , expressed via the new dialectical mathematics, which zoom-in on human-social constructions, including a 'meta-model' of the genesis of written language, a 'meta-model' of the development of ancient Mediterranean philosophy, and a 'meta-model' of the development of the "standard" arithmetics, starting from the N arithmetic as "arche'".

Volume 3: The Dialectic of Nature [forthcoming, from F.E.D. Press]

Volume 3 explores 'self-meta-evolutions' of human society, modeled via the new dialectical mathematics, as processes of later natural history, including those of the human-social relations, and of the human-social forces, of human-societal self-reproduction.

It also addresses the parallel development of related human thought-modes, including an historical-dialectical mathematical 'meta-model' of the 'dialectic of the dialectic itself', as well as detailing the development of the "Theory of Everything", "Dialectic of Nature Equation" 'meta-model' of the <<kosmos>> as a whole."



F.E.D. definitions of special terms applied in the texts above --


arithmetics, non-standard
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see page A-33 in --,%20Supplement%20A-1_OCR.pdf

arithmetics, standard
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see page A-33 in --,%20Supplement%20A-1_OCR.pdf

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --

[state-]capital-relation / wage-labor-relation, as a social relation of production
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

Citizen Externality Equity Human Right
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --

Citizen Stewardship Equity Human Right
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --

complex unity
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

contra-Boolean algebra
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see pages 12 through 19 in --

-communist society
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --

dialectical arithmetic
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --

dialectical categorial progression
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

dialectical mathematics
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --

dialectic of the dialectic itself,Dialectic_of_the_Dialectic_Itself,Tetrad,18FEB2014.jpg
see also p. d-6 in --,Postscripts,Glossary%20of%20Phono-%5BNeo-%5DGrams,%5BD%5D_OCR.pdf

dialectical synthesis
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

dialectical [sub-]totality
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see pages B-32 through B-37 in --,%20Supplement%20B-1,%20v.2_OCR.pdf

Generalized Equity
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see pages B-32 through B-37 in --,%20Supplement%20B-1,%20v.2_OCR.pdf

historical dialectics

human phenome,Dialectic_of_human_Phenome_and_human_Genome,Overall_Triad,22FEB2014.jpg

[self-]forces of human-societal self-re-production,Historically-Generic_Productive_Force_Metric,02MAR2014.jpg
see also --

human-social relations of human-societal self-re-production,Psychohistorical_Dialectic_of_the_Social_Relations_of_Production,First_Triad,12FEB2014.jpg

see also --

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

immanent critique

-differential equations
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

mathematics of dialectics
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --


meta-model, dialectical
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

nonlinearity, of [integro-]differential equations
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --,Letter%2028,Preludes%20Series,Prelude%20VI.,Today%27s%20Goedelian%20Crisis,F.E.D.%20to%20Wedmaster,,12DEC2010.pdf

non-standard model
[of the "Natural" Numbers]
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see page A-33 in --

ontological category

, logical
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --

, set-theoretical

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --,F.E.D.,Letter%2004,Postludes%20Series,Postlude%20IV,The%20Dialectic%20of%20the%20Finitary%20Set%20of%20All%20Sets,F.E.D.%20to%20Webmaster,,11JUN2011.pdf

Peano Postulates
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see pages A-33 in --,%20Supplement%20A-1_OCR.pdf

political-economic democracy
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see pages B-32 through B-37 in --,%20Supplement%20B-1,%20v.2_OCR.pdf

psychohistorical dialectics

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

, metrical, arithmetical,E.D._Dictionary,Definition,%27Arithmetical_Qualifier%27,28OCT2013.jpg

, ontological, arithmetical,E.D._Dictionary,Definition,%27Arithmetical_Qualifier%27,28OCT2013.jpg

quantifiers, metrical, arithmetical,E.D._Dictionary,Definition,%27Arithmetical_Quantifier%27,updated,28OCT2013,.jpg

, ontological, arithmetical,E.D._Dictionary,Definition,%27Arithmetical_Quantifier%27,updated,28OCT2013,.jpg

qualo-quantitative, quanto-qualitative
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

-development, dialectical
no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

-evolution, dialectical,EVOLUTION_vs._%27META-EVOLUTION%27,19DEC2012_1.jpg

self-meta-evolution, dialectical,EVOLUTION_vs._%27META-EVOLUTION%27,19DEC2012_1.jpg

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive, but see --,Letter%2005,Postludes%20Series,Postlude%20V,The%20Self-Reflexivity%20Paradigm%20of%20Dialectic,F.E.D.%20to%20Webmaster,,14JUN2011.pdf

self-refluxivity, karmicity

strong negation
[of Boole's "Fundamental Law of Thought", or "Law of Duality"],Deductive_Proof,F.E.D._%27Fundamental_Law_of_Dialectics%27,02FEB2014.jpg,Axioms,F.E.D._%27First_Dialectical_Arithmetic%27,02FEB2014.jpg
see also pages A-36 through A-43 in --,%20Supplement%20A-1_OCR.pdf

no definition for this term is as yet available in the Clarifications Archive

-progression, dialectical

"theories of everything", dialectical,DIALECTICAL_THEORIES_OF_EVERYTHING,27MAY2013.jpg


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