Sunday, August 18, 2024

ONTIC CATEGORIES AND THEIR UNITS. Part 02: Seldon on Dialectical Method Series.






Part 02: Seldon on Dialectical Method Series.















Dear Reader,




It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Encyclopedia Dialectica insights into key concepts of Seldonian Theory.








The text posted below explores «aufheben», dialectical ‘meta-unit-ization’ processes and relations in the cognitive formation of ontological categories.








Seldon –

Kind-Categories’ – Ontological Categories – are useful to summarize and to represent, univocally, and to serve to proxy and reference, the typically massive multiplicity of the units, elements, or “individuals” for which such categories stand, because human cognition cannot follow all of the typical myriads of units of even a single such category individually.”


“However, it is also true that such an ontic category/«arithmos» – such a mental assemblage of units of like kind – can itself be grasped as a kind of unit in its own right.  Indeed, such a category unit is an «aufheben» ‘meta-unit’ of/to the units that it ‘‘‘contains’’’ and represents.  The mental formation of such a category/unit is a cognitive process of dialectical, «aufheben» ‘meta-unit-ization’ of those, its to-be-‘‘‘internalized’’’ units, which are, thereby, ‘«aufheben»-ed’/abstracted up into their ‘kind-category’ – the category of/for their [ontological] “kind” – by this cognitive act of ‘de-positioning’/‘‘‘negating’’’ those units as at their own level, and their elevation/conservation into ‘implicitude’, up into the ‘‘‘inside’’’ of their ‘kind-category’ as their ‘meta1-unit’, standing, univocally, for a quality that they all share in common.  Those [meta0-]units are “internal” to/implicit in that, their category ‘meta1-unit’, just as a mathematical “set” ‘[meta-]uni[t-i]fies’ its “elements”.  Note that such “sets” can also have other sets as among their elements, not just consisting of “Ur-set”, non-set “Ur-elements”.”


“For [a special] example, an individual unit of ‘‘‘dialectic’’’ is also a [sub-]unit ‘‘‘inside’’’ the ideo-ontological’ category ‘meta-unit’ named ‘‘‘dialectics’’’, and the «aufheben» mental movement from that instance-unit to its categorial, relative ‘meta1-unit’ is itself a unit of ‘‘‘dialectics’’’.”


“Similarly, e.g., a species ontological category can be «aufheben»-‘‘‘contained’’’, implicitly, in its «genos» super-category, together with the other species categories of that «genos» category.”


“The mental movement “up” from the species category units, all of a given ‘«gene»-ral’ kind, “up” into their ‘implicitude’ ‘‘‘inside’’’ their [relative] «genos» super-category [relative] ‘meta1-unit’ is another cognitive process of dialectical, «aufheben» ‘meta-unit-ization’ of those relative species-categories as relative meta0-units, a cognitive process which negates attention to their species-level/scale positioning, raising attention “up” to their larger, more abstract, more general «genos» category-level, in this -- systematics, taxonomic, ‘qualo-fractal’ -- ‘content-structure’.  This cognitive process is a mental “elevation” of those species-categories as [relative] meta0-units, “up” into the ‘‘‘in-side’’’ of their single «genos» category ‘meta1-unit’, and “conserving” them therein.”


“The historical and physical meaning of dialectical, «aufheben» ‘meta-unit-ization’ is that of a ‘becoming units’ of sub-«arithmoi» of their ‘self-hybridizing’ «arithmos», e.g., one of a molecular cloud’s myriad groups of the mere atoms «arithmos» becoming a single molecule [meta-]unit.








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --













For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see



























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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