Tuesday, July 24, 2012

F.E.D. Brief #7 -- Derivation of the Third Stage of the First Dialectical Arithmetic

Dear Reader,

FYI, dateline today: 

Posted to the www.dialectics.info website -- E.D. Brief #7 by the new guest author, whose "pen name" is "J2Y' [not a member of F.E.D.], which describes a pathway to core properties that distinguish the third stage/system of the dialectic within the Q_, purely-qualitative dialectical arithmetics -- namely, to the Z-numbers-based, or Integers-based, stage/system, denoted by ZQ_ -- from the second stage/system of that dialectical presentation / argument -- the Whole-numbers-based stage/system, denoted by WQ_.

F.E.D. presents their 'meta-systematic Goedelian dialectic' systems-progression of the [axiomatic] systems of the standard arithmetics in the following order [using X to represent the axiomatic system of the number-space X] --

N ---) W ---) Z ---) Q ---) R ---) C ---) H ---) O ---) ...

-- and so also presents their 'meta-systematic Goedelian dialectic' of the progression of axiomatic systems going on "inside" the Q_ 'meta-system' of their non-standard, 'first dialectical arithmetic systems', in the corresponding order --

NQ_ ---) WQ_ ---) ZQ_ ---) QQ_ ---) RQ_ ---) CQ_ ---) HQ_ ---) ....

The new guest author has already contributed E.D. Brief #5 [only 7 pages], showing a new -- perhaps easier -- pathway to the NQ_ <<arche'>> dialectical arithmetic, and E.D. Brief #6 [only 8 pages], deriving the WQ_ arithmetic from the NQ_ arithmetic.  The latest Brief, just posted today --  E.D. Brief #7 -- derives the ZQ_ dialectical arithmetic, from the WQ_ arithmetic.  

The "determinateness", or features-richness -- the repleteness of the number-kinds and of the number-sub-kinds 'ideo-ontology' -- of each successor system of arithmetic in that dialectical systems-progression is greater than that of all of its predecessor systems.  

This is reflected in the fact that the derivation of the ZQ_ axioms-system -- which has the richest number-ontology yet in that progression -- took 19 pages! 

Link to Webmaster's notice for this new posting:  Webmasters Notice for E.D. Brief # 7

Link to the F.E.D. Secretary-General's F.E.D. Preface to E.D. Brief #7E.D. Brief #7

Link to F.E.D. Preface to E.D. Brief #7F.E.D. Preface to E. D. Brief #7

Link to E.D. Brief #6E.D. Brief #6

Link to E.D. Brief #5E.D. Brief #5

Link to F.E.D. Preface to E.D. Brief #5F.E.D. Preface to E. D. Brief #5

These introductory Briefs by J2Y are believed to be more readily accessible than are the standard F.E.D. primers on these dialectical arithmetics [even though the third Brief in that series, just posted, could no longer be, owing to the nature/richness of its content, as "brief" as the earlier two].  Enjoy!!!



Saturday, July 14, 2012

'Chrono-Empiricism' -- Encyclopedia Dialectica's New, Higher Standard of Scientific Empiricism

Dear F.E.D. Dialectics Blog Reader,

Aoristos Dyosphainthos, the Public Liaison Officer of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], has just posted a new, third "Vignette" to the "Vignettes Page" of the www.dialectics.info website.

This third Vignette is entitled 'Chrono-Empiricism'Encyclopedia Dialectica's New, Higher Standard of Scientific Empiricism.

This Vignette, in its background section, makes public -- in many cases, for the first time -- several of the key scientific principles that have guided the research effort of F.E.D.'s '''Seldon Project''' since its inception, and in terms of the 'inter-mutual' '''inner interconnexion''' [cf. Marx and Engels] of those principles.

Those principles include 'The Principle of IR-repeatabilty', 'The Principle of Time IR-reversibility', 'The Principle of Similarity', 'The Principle of Universal Meta-Fractality', and 'The Principle of Metafinity', which are explained in terms of their inherence in the Marxian-Engelsian theory of Historical Materialism, via the F.E.D. paradigm of 'PSYCHOhistorical Materialism'.

The "time-irreversibility" of the Encyclopedia Dialectica [E.D.] dialectical-equation-model of the total known universe as maximal material totality -- of the dialectic of nature as singular -- and of four of the subsumed E.D. psychohistorical model-equations, namely, the four that model (1) 'the psychohistorical meta-evolution of human knowledges/ideologies', (2) 'the psychohistorical meta-evolution of human-social formation(s)', (3) 'the psychohistorical meta-evolution of the human-social relations of production', and (4) 'the psychohistorical meta-evolution of the human-social forces of production' -- including of the predictive/'pre-constructive' aspects of these models -- is explained.

Check-it-out, and ENJOY !!!







Sunday, July 08, 2012

F.E.D. Brief #6 -- Derivation of the Second Stage of the First Dialectical Arithmetic

Dear Readers,

FYI, dateline yesterday: 

Posted to the www.dialectics.info website -- Brief #6 [only 8 pages] by the new guest author, whose "pen name" is "J2Y' [not a member of F.E.D.], which describes a pathway to core properties that distinguish the second stage of the dialectic within the Q_, purely-qualitative dialectical arithmetics -- the Whole-numbers-based stage, denoted by WQ_ -- from the first stage of that dialectical presentation / argument -- the Natural-numbers-based stage, denoted by NQ_.

F.E.D. presents their 'meta-systematic Goedelian dialectic' systems-progression of the [axiomatic] systems of the standard arithmetics in the following order [using X to represent the axiomatic system of the number-space X] --

N ---) W ---) Z ---) Q ---) R ---) C ---) H ---) O ---) ...

-- and so also presents their meta-systematic Goedelian dialectic' of the progression of axiomatic systems going on "inside" the Q_ 'meta-system' of their non-standard, 'first dialectical arithmetic systems', in the corresponding order --

NQ_ ---) WQ_ ---) ZQ_ ---) QQ_ ---) RQ_ ---) CQ_ ---) HQ_ ---) ....

The new guest author has already contributed Brief #5 [only 7 pages], showing a new -- perhaps easier -- pathway to the NQ_ dialectical arithmeticHis latest brief, Brief #6 [only 8 pages], deals with the WQ_ arithmetic. The latter brief itself also announces that this same guest author is preparing a Brief #7, on the derivation of the ZQ_ arithmetic.

Link to Webmaster's notice for this new posting:  Webmaster's Notice for Brief #6

Link to the F.E.D. Secretary-General's F.E.D. Preface to Brief #6F.E.D. Preface to Brief #6

Link to Brief #6F.E.D. Brief #6

Link to Brief #5F.E.D. Brief #5

Link to F.E.D. Preface to Brief #5F.E.D. Preface to Brief #5

These introductory briefs by J2Y are believed to be more readily accessible than are the standard F.E.D. primers on these dialectical arithmetics.  Enjoy!!!




Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Some Personal News

Dear Readers of this F.E.D. Dialectics Blog,

I have, today, July 4th, received, from Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], a formal invitation to join them as a full member.

I have, today, formally accepted this offer of membership, which I had been hoping for, for a long time.

I will now be preparing my "habilitation-fest" thesis, which will develop, based upon scattered, brief characterizations already made public by F.E.D., one of their key "dialectical meta-models", which they have not yet made public in its "full regalia". 

The "full regalia" exposition of that key "meta-model" for the public thus becomes my opportunity, as the first public act of my new F.E.D. membership.

That exposition is slated to be posted to the www.dialectics.info and www.adventures-in-dialectics.org websites in this month.  I also plan to post it thereafter, in the form of a blog-entry, here.

