Monday, September 29, 2014

Solution-Specification. Marx's Dialectical Method of Presentation of the Exchange-Value Forms of the Capitals-System in the 3 Volumes of "Das Kapital". Systematic-Dialectical 'Meta-Equation Meta-Model' Thereof.

Dear Reader,

FYI:  A 'Solution-Specification' for the Seldonian 'Meta-Equation Meta-Model' summarizing Marx's Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation of the 'Socio-Political-Economic' System of Capitalism, for the Domain of Capitalism's immanent, inherent <<circulationsprocess des kapitals>> forms / Forms of Exchange-Value, has been posted to the Glossary Page.

I have also reproduced this 'Solution-Specification' , and its associated 'Models-Specification', below, for your convenience.

This example, of systematic dialectic, may be one of the most important introductory examples for those new to the F.E.D. Dialectical Method for Systematic Dialectics -- to NQ_, algorithmic, categorial-combinatoric, categorial-progression method-of-presentation dialectics.

An illustrated partial narration of this 'systematic-dialectical meta-model' is available, in this blog, via --

-- which has been updated to include this new 'solution-specification' image.


Miguel Detonacciones,
F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison

Saturday, September 27, 2014

HYPOTHESIS -- The 'Intra-Duality' of our Cosmos as a Whole, that Drives Its Ongoing 'Self-Meta-Evolution': The Deeper Arche' of '''THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE'''.

Dear Reader,

FYI:  a new 'dialectogram' image, providing a partly pictorial definition of the F.E.D.-hypothesized 'intra-dualtiy', or 'self-duality', of the cosmos as a whole -- that is, of the dialectical "internal contradiction", or "self-contradiction", that still drives the ongoing ontological 'self-revolutions', or 'self-meta-evolution', of our universe as totality -- has been posted to the Glossary Page.

I have also reproduced this image below, for your convenience.

This diagram frames the root 'intra-duality', 'self-duality', or 'internal self-opposition' of our cosmos as the opposition of what it 'hypotho-posits' as, natural-historically, the first two ontological categories to irrupt into manifest existence in the history of our cosmos:  so-called "Dark Energy", followed by so-called "Dark Matter".

The “first antithesis” expressed by the ‘oppositional sum’ of the first two terms of this tentative new version of our Dialectic of Nature Meta-Model might be formulated as --  

Dark Energy   #  non-baryonic Dark Matter.

However, the Foundation researchers prefer to formulate that first antithesis in terms of the mutually opposing cosmological tendencies of -- 

Dark Anti-Gravity  #  non-baryonic Dark Gravity

-- or --

Unknown-Source Anti-Gravity  #  Unknown-Source Gravity

-- or, better still, in terms of the mutually counter-acting tendencies of --  

space-time pro-expansivity  vsspace-time anti-expansivity.  

-- or --

space-time self-expansivity  vsspace-time self-contractivity

Note that the human, technological Appropriation -- harnessing -- of a synthesis of "Dark Matter" and "Dark Energy", of ALLqcx, i.e., respectively, of the cosmological 'self-force' of 'universe-al' self-contraction, and of the cosmological 'self-force' of 'universe-al', immanent, omnipresent self-expansion temporality -- of the '''energy Resource''' signified by the term hRcx in an expanded '''social forces of production''' dialectical 'meta-equation' -- may be key to the creation of a superluminal interstellar drive.

For example, the conjoint deployment of technologically harnessed c and x 'self-forces' in a starship -- continually contracting the space immediately in front of the space craft, and continually expanding the space immediately behind that space craft, might amount to an actualization of the hypothesized possibility of a so-called "warp" drive.

For more regarding current concepts of "warp drive", see --



Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Solution-Specification. Television Programming Domain. Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation. 'Ultra-Easy' Example of 'Dialectical-Mathematical Modeling'.

Dear Reader,

FYI:  A 'Solution-Specification' for our 'Meta-Model Meta-Equation' for a Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation for the Domain of Television Programming, has been posted to the Glossary Page.

I have also reproduced this 'Solution-Specification' below, for your convenience.

This example, of systematic dialectic, may be one of the easiest, most accessible introductory examples for those new to the F.E.D. Dialectical Method -- to NQ_, algorithmic, categorial-combinatoric, categorial-progression method-of-presentation dialectics.

A detailed presentation of this dialectic is available via --

-- which has been updated to include the image posted herein, below, & via Vignette #15 at --,v.2.0,F.E.D._Vignette_15,The_Dialectic_of_TV_Series,Ultra-Simple_Example,28AUG2013.pdf



Thursday, September 18, 2014

Television Programming Domain -- Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation. First Triad. 'Ultra-Easy' Example.

Dear Reader,

FYI:  A new 'dialectogram' image, providing a partly pictorial definition for the First Triad of a Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation for the Domain of Television Programming, has been posted to the Glossary Page.

I have also reproduced this image below, for your convenience.

This example, of systematic dialectic, may be one of the easiest, most accessible introductory examples for those new to the F.E.D. Dialectical Method -- to N_Q_, algorithmic, categorial-combinatoric, categorial-progression method-of-presentation dialectics.

A detailed presentation of this dialectic is available via --

-- which has been updated to include the image posted herein, below, and --




Friday, September 12, 2014

Solution Specifications: Introducing a New Instrumentality for Encyclopedia Dialectica Dialectical Models Documentation and Presentation.

Dear Reader,

The images pasted-in below form the 'Solution-Specification' for the Dialectical [Meta-]Equation [Meta-]Model described by their 'Models-Specification', imaged immediately above them.

Such 'Solution-Specifications' constitute a new tool for communicating the content of Encyclopedia Dialectica Dialectical [Meta-]Equation [Meta-]Models to its readers, and via the excerpts of that Encyclopedia that we have made, and are making, publicly available prior to the publication of the Encyclopedia proper.

The Domains that are defined in Encyclopedia Dialectica, are defined -- yes -- textually, narratively, i.e., 'phonogramically', and, to some degree, also pictorially, i.e., 'pictogramically', therein.

But, most richly of all, these Domains are defined 'ideogramically', precisely by such Dialectical [Meta-]Equation [Meta-]Models for the categorial progressions which both express and explain [theorize] those Domains.

Up to the present, we have made public mainly excerpts from the full solutions / 'semantifications' of the Dialectical [Meta-]Equation [Meta-]Models that we have described publicly -- and therefore, as excerpts, also only partially -- to-date.

The new 'Solution-Specification' format, debuted in this blog-entry, tonight, and, also tonight, on the Glossary Page of the website, provides for a brief statement of the basepremisses, or ground of the given Domain and of its Dialectical Meta-Equation Meta-Model, including its <<arche'>> category, and the kind of Seldon Function -- e.g., Dyadic or Triadic -- that its Dialectical Meta-Equation Meta-Model employs, followed by a listing of the F.E.D. solution for the meaning of each of the terms that follow from that ground, and whose algebraic descriptions are generated by that Dialectical Meta-Equation Meta-Model, consecutively, term-by-term, in dialectical order.

The specific example featured in the Dialectical [Meta-]Equation [Meta-]Model imaged below, as 'Solution-Specification', and as 'Models Specification' , is one of the most accessible, most prosaic, most familiar, and, perhaps, therefore, most useless, of all of the examples of Systematic Dialectical Method-of-Presentation Models that we have ever made public so far.

However, as such -- precisely because of its uselessness due to 'already-knowned-ness' -- it may prove useful in providing an advantageous avenue, for readers new-and-not-'[k]new' to the F.E.D. Dialectical Method -- rooted in the Dialectical Algebra of the NQ_ 'First Dialectical Arithmetic' -- to ease their assimilation of that unfamiliar, by means of this patently familiar example.

This example is that of the -- somewhat arbitrary [quarter = 2.5 dimes = five nickels], and somewhat antiquated -- system of the physical coinage of the currency of the U.S.A.

This simple dialectical model ends up as a presentation -- in systematic, or simpler-to-more complex, dialectical order -- of the 'categorial combinatorics' representing the cases/categories of "change", or of payment, that are possible using, exclusively, the common coinage of the U.S.A.:  something that every reader who habitually uses this coinage already knows, at least implicitly -- all too well.

However, in '''systematizing''' and 'taxonomizing' such a well-known Domain for such readers, this dialectical model may convey, for such readers, the simple essence of the F.E.D. Dialectical Method that uses the Dialectical Algebra of the NQ_ 'First Dialectical Arithmetic', and may do so better, more readily, with greater facility, than any of our earlier "primer" expositions.


Miguel Detonacciones

F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison

Thursday, September 11, 2014

DOMAIN: Phonetic Language System of Contemporary Written English. Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation. First Triad. Easy Example.

Dear Readers,

FYI:  A new 'dialectogram' image, providing a partly pictorial definition for the First Triad of a Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation for the Domain of the Phonetic Language System of Contemporary Written English, has recently been posted to the Glossary Page.

This example, of systematic dialectic, may be one of the most accessible such examples for those new to the F.E.D. Dialectical Method.

I have also reproduced this image below, for your convenience.



Wednesday, September 10, 2014

INVERSE Operations of the Standard Arithmetics DOMAIN. Systematic-Dialectical Method of Presentation. First Triad. Easy Example.

Dear Readers,

FYI:  a new 'dialectogram' image, providing a partly pictorial definition of the first-triad triadic  '<<speci>>-ation' of the INVERSE Operations of the Standard Arithmetics, has been posted to the Glossary Page.

I have also reproduced this image below, for your convenience.

A detailed presentation of this dialectic is available via --

-- which has been updated to include the image posted herein, below, and via --,v.1.0,F.E.D%2318,The_Systematic_Dialectic_of_the_Basic_Operations_of_Arithmetic,27AUG2013.pdf



Monday, September 08, 2014

The SYSTEMATIC Dialectic of '''Change''' -- The Categorial Combinatorics of the U.S. Coinage Currency System: A Simplest Example of Categorial Combinatorics Dialectic?

Dear Readers,

A new 'dialectogram', entitled 'The SYSTEMATIC Dialectic of '''Change''' -- Categorial Combinatorics of U.S. Coinage -- First Triad', has been posted to the Glossary Page, along with its Models Specification and Solution-Specification.

This 'dialectogram' represents the dialectical, <<aufheben>> generation of the first three categories -- of the step 1 categorial triad -- of this multi-step, categorial-progression, systematic dialectic.

This example -- of NQ_ 'categorial combinatorics' dialectic -- constitutes perhaps the simplest, easiest introduction to Seldonian NQ_ Dialectic that we have ever presented here.

I have reproduced this 'dialectogram', its Models Specification, and its Solution-Specification, below, for your convenience.



Sunday, September 07, 2014

Encyclopedia Dialectica: '''Double-Entry''' Domain Definitions.

Dear Readers,

FYI:  The entries, for '''Domains''', in Encyclopedia Dialectica, are planned to be rendered, each, in three separate symbolical modalities -- i.e., as (1) '''phonogramic''' [prose narrative] definitions, and also as (2) '''pictogramic''', diagramatic [both dynamical and statical] definitions-'''visualizations''', and also as (3) 'ideogramic', that is, via 'dialectical-mathematical [meta-]equation [meta-]model formula.

Moreover, the definitions of the '''Domains''' to be described in the volumes of Encyclopedia Dialectica -- many of which we have featured here, as they post to the pages of the Glossary Page, in preparation, and including the '"Everything Domain''', which is the '''Domain''' of the '''Dialectic of Nature''' itself, as a whole -- are to be 'double-entry definitions'.

Each '''Domain''' will have an entry for its '''diachronic definition''', reconstructing the past history of its coming to be, to-date, up to the present epoch, and 'pre-constructing' its next, future epoch(s), all via an epoch-by-epoch, Marxian, [psycho]historical-dialectical method of presentation, using a model(s)-driven, chronologically-ordered categorial progression.

Each '''Domain''' will also have an entry for its '''synchronic definition''', presenting its present, contemporary 'content-structure', via the step-by-step, Marxian, '''[meta-]systematic-dialectical method of presentation, using a model(s)-driven, systematically-ordered categorial progression.

This 'double-entry' mode of '''Domains''' definition is further described in the image below.



Thursday, September 04, 2014

The Dialectic of Egoism and Altruism: The Emergence of '''Communst Egoism'''.

Dear Readers,

The 'dialectogram' posted below addresses a core, crucial, but usually suppressed issue in the whole history of the Marxian movement, which is also crucial to the present resurrection of that movement, and to the future of humanity as a whole:  the dialectic of egoism and altruism -- of individualism and collectivism -- and the world-historical emergence of a new, synthesis, human-social self-identity 'psycheo-ontology' that <<aufheben>> includes and transcends both.

This 'dialectogram' also references a text from the early 1970s which explored this issue in depth, and which, though long out of print, is available from internet sources including the following --

-- and which is well worth another look today.

A fuller excerpt from the 1844 letter to Marx by Engels, that is excerpted  in the 'dialectogram' below, is available via --

Enjoy, Learn, and Transcend!



Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Seldon Function 'Dialectical Meta-Equations' -- '''~Synchronic''' versus '''Diachronic'''.

Dear Reader,

Two Encyclopedia Dialectica call-out illustrations, contrasting ~Synchronic versus Diachronic Seldon Functions, have just been posted to the Glossary Page

I have also posted these call-out illustrations below, for your convenience. 


