Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Psychohistorical Dialectic of Human-Social Formation(s) -- PDF of new presentation.

The Psychohistorical Dialectic of Human-Social Formation(s) -- PDF of new presentation.

Dear Readers,

FYI:  The F.E.D. General Council has just approved release of a new presentation on the ‘Seldonian psychohistorical-dialectical meta-equation known as The Meta-Equation of Human-Social Formations Meta-Evolution. 

An earlier, less-detailed presentation of this meta-model is available in the PDF text reachable via the following URL --

This new presentation is scheduled for later posting to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have posted the contents of this presentation below, in the form of JPEG images.



Saturday, March 17, 2018

Mathematical Highlights of ‘The Work’.

Mathematical Highlights of ‘The Work’.

Dear Readers,

FYI:  The F.E.D. General Council has just approved release of a new, 3-page summary of our ‘Work’ -- of ‘The Seldon/F.E.D. Project’ -- from its mainly mathematical side.

A PDF of this text is scheduled for posting to the F.E.D. main web site’s Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have pasted-in, below, JPEG images of that text.



Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Historical Dialectic of Human-Social Formation(s), to Epoch 3 -- New Summary ‘Dialectogram’ depicting ‘allo-hybrid’ as well as ‘auto-hybrid’ socio-ontological categories for the first time for our depictions of [psycho]HISTORICAL dialectics.

The Historical Dialectic of Human-Social Formation(s), to Epoch 3 -- New Summary Dialectogramdepictingallo-hybridas well asauto-hybridsocio-ontological categories for the first time for our depictions of [psycho]HISTORICAL dialectics.

Dear Reader,

The F.E.D. General Council has just approved release of a new, summary dialectogram for the ‘Seldonian psychohistorical-dialectical meta-equation known as The Meta-Equation of Human-Social Formations Meta-Evolution.  Further exposition of this meta-model is available in the PDF text reachable via the following URL --

This new summary dialectogramdepicts, for the first time for our depictions of [psycho]HISTORICAL dialectics, both theallo-hybridandauto-hybridsocio-ontological category-symbols generated by this meta-model.

This image is scheduled for later posting to the F.E.D. main web site Applications Page --

For your convenience, I have pasted-in the JPEG of this image, below.



Thursday, March 08, 2018

Beyond “Mathematical Platonism” and Other Mathematical Mysticisms.

Beyond “Mathematical Platonism” and Other Mathematical Mysticisms.

Dear Reader,

The Special Council for the Encyclopedia recently discovered an interesting internet book discussion, reachable via the following URL: .


The following is an excerpt from that book discussion --

“This is the classic introduction for the educated lay reader to the richly diverse world of mathematics: its history, philosophy, principles, and personalities.”

I posted the following contribution to this discussion:

“The book "The Mathematical Experience" lays the groundwork for viewing mathematics, not as human record[ing]s of rare human "seeings" of a Platonic realm of immutable, eternal, infinite 'eide', registering, in advance, and always already, all possible mathematical concepts and truths, but on the contrary, for viewing mathematics as a collective, human, cultural product, and not, either, as a monolithic Darwinian manifestation of "the human Genome", but as a 'meta-Darwinian' component of 'the human Phenome'.  The later work of this book's co-author, Reuben Hersh, develops this thesis of the cultural character of mathematics much further.

One of the developments to which this understanding of what mathematics is, leads, is an immanent critique of modern mathematics as an ideology-infected science, in the Marxian sense of "ideology".  Such a critique leads to new mathematics, such as the 'dialectical ideography', or "mathematics of/for dialectics", developed by Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.].  Their work is available for free-of-charge download via .”



Reuben Hersh Opens a Path Beyond Mathematical Mysticisms.

Reuben Hersh Opens a Path Beyond Mathematical Mysticisms.

Dear Reader,

The Special Council for the Encyclopedia recently discovered another interesting internet book discussion, reachable via the following URL -- .


The following is an excerpt from that book discussion --

“Most philosophers of mathematics treat it as isolated, timeless, ahistorical, inhuman.  Reuben Hersh argues the contrary, that mathematics must be understood as a human activity, a social phenomenon, part of human culture, historically evolved, and intelligible only in a social context.  Hersh pulls the screen back to reveal mathematics as seen by professionals, debunking many mathematical myths, and demonstrating how the "humanist" idea of the nature of mathematics more closely resembles how mathematicians actually work.  At the heart of his book is a fascinating historical account of the mainstream of philosophy -- ranging from Pythagoras, Descartes, and Spinoza, to Bertrand Russell, David Hilbert, and Rudolph Carnap -- followed by the mavericks who saw mathematics as a human artifact, including Aristotle, Locke, Hume, Mill, and Lakatos.  What is Mathematics, Really? reflects an insider's view of mathematical life, and will be hotly debated by anyone with an interest in mathematics or the philosophy of science.”

I posted the following contribution to this book discussion --

“The book "What Is Mathematics, Really?" lays out a view that mathematics, is not an aggregate of rare human "seeings" into a absolutely perfect Platonic realm of immutable, eternal, infinite 'eide', registering, in advance, and always already, all possible mathematical concepts and truths, but on the contrary, is a human, collective, cultural product, and not, either, that it is some monolithic Darwinian manifestation of "the human Genome", but that it is a 'meta-Darwinian' component of 'the human Phenome'. 

One of the developments to which this understanding of what mathematics is, leads, is an immanent critique of modern mathematics as an ideology-infected science, in the Marxian sense of "ideology".  Such a critique leads to a new mathematics, including to the 'dialectical ideography', or "mathematics of dialectics", developed by Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.].  Their work is available for free-of-charge download via .” 



Marx’s Mathematical Manuscripts.

"The historical precursors of Marx's ultimate systematic-dialectical <<arche'>> for his critique of the capitalist system, and also of the prevailing <<mentalite'>> of modern society -- namely, his "Elementary Form of Value" -- are also the '''psychohistorical''' roots of the one-sided, abstractly "purely-quantitative" arithmetics, algebras, and mathematics-in-general that enfetter technological, scientific and mathematical progress in the "modern" [capitalist] epoch." 

This is particularly so with respect to achieving "closed form", "analytical", comprehensive function-solutions -- and to transcending the supposedly "infinite" singularities to which nonlinear differential equations and their known solution-functions are particularly prone -- to the nonlinear differential equations that form the best modern expressions of the "laws" -- or "habits" [cf. Peirce] -- of Nature."

"These nonlinear differential equations include the Newton gravitic equations for more than two gravitating bodies, the Einstein General Relativity Field Equations, The Navier-Stokes Equations, the Klimontovich Equation for plasmas, and the Maxwell-Boltzmann-Vlasov equation, also for [fusional] plasmas, and with the exception of the linear Schroedinger equation of Quantum Mechanics."  

-- Karl Seldon

Marxs Mathematical Manuscripts.

Dear Reader,

The Special Council for the Encyclopedia recently discovered another interesting blog-entry, reachable via the following URL: .


The following is an excerpt from that blog-entry --

“Marx’s Mathematical Manuscripts must be seen as an outstanding model of dialectical practice. . ..”

I posted the following comment on this blog-entry:

“Marx’s draft writings on the calculus -- “Marx’s Mathematical Manuscripts” -- never prepared for publication by Marx during his lifetime, and only published posthumously -- should be grasped as the beginnings of a dialectical, immanent critique of the then-prevailing mathematical ideologies regarding the integro-differential calculus of Leibniz, Newton, and beyond, much as Marx had applied his dialectical method of immanent critique to the ideology-infested science of classical political economy in the volumes of his treatise Das Kapital.  In the latter work, too, there are ‘protoic’ fruitions of such an immanent critique of the ideologies enfettering modern mathematics, e.g., in the explicitly ‘qualified quantities’ and ‘quantified qualities’ of his commodity-capital and money-capital value-sums, distinguished, often by subscript, into constant capital, variable capital, and surplus-value components. 

An immanent critique of modern mathematics as an ideology-infested science, in the Marxian sense of "ideology", leads to the foundation of a new mathematics -- just as the immanent critique of classical political economy as an ideology-infested science led, in Das Kapital, to the foundations of a new, Marxian, socio-politico-economic science -- including the 'dialectical ideography', or "mathematics of dialectics", developed by Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.].  Their work is available for free-of-charge download via .” 



“Mathematical Dialectics and Dialectical Mathematics” -- Ivan Punchev’s 4-volume treatise.

“Mathematical Dialectics and Dialectical Mathematics” -- Ivan Punchev’s 4-volume treatise.

Dear Readers,

The Special Council for the Encyclopedia recently discovered an interesting internet blog-entry, reachable via the following URL: .

The following is an excerpt from that blog-entry --

Introduction to the system of dialectical logic

The work of Ivan Punchev entitled “Introduction to the system of dialectical logic” is composed by four books dedicated to one of the most fundamental and most difficult problems in philosophy. This is building of integral system of rational dialectical logic. Currently such system exists (as a mystical type) only in Hegel, and in rational form this logic was applied only in Marx’s “Capital”.  Despite the efforts of many philosophers for more than a century, solution to this problem has not been achieved ​​entirely.  The problem is further complicated with the advent of the mathematical logic as a historic new stage in the development of formal logic.  This situation is related also with the famous “third crisis” in the foundations of mathematics started by the introduction of the mathematical concept of infinity in Set Theory and the consequently raised antinomies.  At the same time, the mathematical logic created a new standard for contemporary systematization of any scientific knowledge and thus put a requirement for mathematical modeling of the classic dialectical logic.  This issue is central to the four volumes.  In its context are studied problems of the history of the idea of a mathematical dialectical logic and dialectical mathematics. The scale and depth of this problematic situation require exploration of all main ideas in philosophy, logic and mathematics.  This determines the nature of this study as integrative, interdisciplinary and complex.”

I posted the following comment to this blog-entry, hoping to open a dialogue with the blog-entry’s author:

“It might be interesting to compare the work of Dr. Punchev with that of another project which has also derived a “new non-classical mathematical dialectics and dialectical mathematics”. In the case of this other project, their first “mathematics of dialectics” is both a ‘contra-Boolean’ algebra for dialectical logic, and a non-standard model of the Peano “Natural” numbers arithmetic, such as was foretold by both the Lowenheim-Skolem Theorem, and the “first order” logic co-application of the Goedel Completeness and Incompleteness Theorems. This work is available for free download via .”