Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Part 11. Marxian Theory Series. The «Aufheben» Character of the Expanded Reproduction of Capital. GLOBAL STRATEGICHYPOTHESES.




Part 11. Marxian Theory Series.



The «Aufheben» [Dialectical]



of the


Expanded Self-Reproduction of 
















Dear Reader,




It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Foundation discourses on key elements of Seldonian Psychohistorical Theory.


This 11th text in this such series is posted below [Some E.D. standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors of the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia, to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s discourse].












Seldon –


An individual capital, and, likewise, higher-scale aggregates thereof, up to the total social capital of an individual nation-state, and even beyond that, to the scale of aggregations of the global social capital of the world market, in each whorl in the helix of its “normal – successful – course”, the course of its --




-- production-circulation-accumulation process, is an «aufheben» process, that is, a dialectical process, oft unrecognized as such.”


“In that process, capital-value, determinately, negates itself, in each of its steps of ‘“meta-morphosis”’ [cf. Marx], from Money-Capital to Commodity-Capital to Productive Capital to value-expanded Commodity Capital again, and thence to value-expanded Money-Capital again.”


“But also, in the first two of those steps, capital-value also conserves itself quantitatively, despite the qualitative change of its change of form, from M to C.”*

*[“The [deeper, capitalists – M.D.] use-value of money is that it can function as capital; it can [via wage-labor – M.D.:] ‘produce in its movement a definite surplus-value… besides conserving its original value’ [Marx: Capital III; my emphases – M.D.].  The capital commodity [e.g., money sold as capital via bank loans – M.D.] is distinct from other commodities in that [Marx: Capital III; my emphases – M.D.:] ‘the consumption of its use-value not only maintains its value and use-value but in fact increases it’.”

[Beverly Best, The Automatic Fetish: The Law of Value in Marx’s Capital, Verso, Brooklyn, NY, 2024, p. 172].] 


“In the ellipsis dots after P, for Productive Capital, in Marx’s ‘capital-praxis algebra’, given above, for describing this process generically, capital-value continues to conserve itself, but also with an increment of itself added to itself, an increment of surplus-value –


C’ =  C + DC

M’ =  M + DM


-- so that it also elevates itself, quantitatively, to a new, higher, expanded scale of operation, e.g., from the very start of the succeeding whorl, thus fulfilling all three “moments” of the, dialectical, «aufheben» process.”


“But is this process just some kind of merely-quantitative “«aufheben»” process, and some merely flat-cyclical, circular, un-helical process, with changes of form, but no real ‘onto-dynamasis’; no qualitative expansion of ‘social kinds’; of ‘socio-ontology’?”


No.  Most decidedly NO! 


“There is also, quite regularly, and as a core part of the immanent essence of the industrial-capital ‘social relation of human-societal self-re-production’, a qualitative, socio-ontological advance in successive helical whorls, e.g., in the kinds of capital plant and equipment in use, and in the kinds of natural science in use, in successive scales of the P variable of Marx’s ‘capital-praxis algebra’ – in the technological kinds of the advancing ‘social self-force of human-societal self-re-production’, and in the ontological layer/scale depth of Nature that each successive Production technology, during the era of the capital-relation’s social predominance, appropriates up into the noospheric zone and stratum of ‘human Nature’.”


“There is also a – ‘qualo-quantitative’ – «aufheben» ontic process at work in these whorls of capital-value self-expansion, and of [‘qualo-quanto-fractal’] self-extension of scale.”


“There is such at work in the way in which earlier technologies’ equipments, and earlier scales of human Natures appropriation of pre-human/exo-human Nature, are determinately negated, but are also conserved and elevated up into the technological equipments of later, higher scales, of deeper pre-human/exo-human Nature appropriation, by human society.










For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --












For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see



























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!










Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 




Free-of-Charge Download of Book PDF,%20DPCAIT_,_Part_1_,_%27THE_MISSING_BLUEPRINTS%27_,_begun_22JUL2022_Last_Updated_08AUG2023.pdf


Hardcover Book Order

Monday, March 10, 2025

Part 01: Seldon’s Slogans Series. The Main Slogans. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.





Part 01:


Seldon’s Slogans Series.


The Main Slogans.











Dear Reader,




It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Encyclopedia Dialectica, key themes of Seldonian Theory.


The 1st text in this new such series is posted below [Some E.D. standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors of the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia, to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s discourse].












Dialectic is the Cause of Time.


Intra-Duality is the Cause of Dialectic.


Alternativity Abounds!”


Combinatorics Rules!”


Ontodynamis models Ontodynamasis.


Human [Pre-]History [Marx] is the Historical Labor of the Self-Production of Humanity.


Karl Marx is the Real Psychohistorian.


Karl Marx is the Hari Seldon of Terran Humanity.


State-Capitalism is the Terminal Stage of Capitalism.


Techno-Depreciation is Concrete Cause of the Falling Rate of Profit “Law”.


Capital predominant as “self-expanding value” gives you Capitalism’s ‘Ascendence Phase’.  Capital predominant as “self-contracting value” gives you Capitalism’s ‘Descendence Phase’.


The Transition from Capitalism to its Higher Successor System is a Transition from Capital Equity only to Generalized Equity, and from the Social Dominance of Exclusive Equities to the Social Dominance of Inclusive Equities.


Dynamical Models’ “singularities” – via division-by-‘empty zero’, 0 – reflect ontological revolutions, well-signed by ‘full zero’, ·.


Irruption of the ‘meta-human’ «genos» already impends, with three, dialectically-interrelated species – the genomically self-re-engineered, the AI android robotic, and the AI cyborgic.








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --













For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see





























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







YOU are invited to post your comments on this blog-entry below!










Equitist Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY; 




Free of Charge Download of Book PDF,%20DPCAIT_,_Part_1_,_%27THE_MISSING_BLUEPRINTS%27_,_begun_22JUL2022_Last_Updated_08AUG2023.pdf


Hardcover Book Order

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Part 01: Arithmetical Models of Logics Series. ‘Fractional-Boolean Arithmetic’: A “Half-Way House” on the Road to Dialectical Logic.



Part 01:


Arithmetical Models of Logics Series.



Fractional-Boolean Arithmetic:


A Half-Way House on the Road to

Dialectical Logic.








Dear Reader,




It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Seldon’s commentaries on key Encyclopedia Dialectica concepts of Seldonian Theory.



This 1st text in this new such series is posted herewith, together with supporting text-images and diagrams [Some E.D. standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors of the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia, to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s discourse].








Seldon –


Many are the arithmetical models of formal logic, and of extensions of logic to beyond formal logic, that call upon the unit interval of ordinary arithmetics, [0, 1], or that call upon some portion thereof, as the “space” in which to restrict arithmetic so as to conform it to the operations of the given logic to be modeled arithmetically and algebraically.”


“Such is the case with Leibniz, with Boole, and with others, some of whose works on logics we plan to review in the course of this series.”


“When we take Boole’s ‘arithmetic of Election” operations’, which we denote by the ideogram W_E , with ‘pre-subscript’ ‘W ’ denoting the first-order-logic axioms-system(s) of the numbers W º {0, 1, 2, 3, }, as ourWhole-Numbers”-based first category or ‘«arché»-category’ for a logics-arithmetics’ dialectic, with its WE number-space restricted to {0, 1}, or, at best, to {0/1, 1/1, 0/0, 1/0}, we do not arrive at an arithmetical model of formal logic which appropriates the entire ‘“ratio-nal numbers”’-based, or Q-based, unit-interval.  We do get a Boolean-arithmetic model of formal logic, whose calculations are fit for a logic of deductive certainty – a [formal] Certainty-Logic.”


“We solve for the next category of logics in this dialectic progression of logics-categories, i.e., for the first contra-category to arché»-category W_E , by the ‘ideo-ontological’ category which we sign by W_Q  , as the “Whole-Numbers”-based arithmetical model of categorial dialectical logic.”


“However, inescapably, ‘ideo-meta-genealogically’, ‘ideo-hereditarily’, the categorial-dialectical-logic-arithmetic, W_Q  , inherits some of the restrictiveness of the Boolean formal-logic-«arché»-arithmetic, W_E , with regard to any full appropriation of the full, Q-based unit-interval for a logic.”


“With our WQ  solution to the algebraic-unknown second-category-symbol, W_q EE, we get a space of multiple whole unit-intervals; of  multi-dimensional, mutually perpendicular unit-interval, unit-length line-segments.  But these unit-intervals are a-tom-ic’ – i.e., uncuttable’, im-part-ible’ -- yielding an arithmetical-logical language in which no unit-interval fractional components can be expressed.” 


“This solution does give us an algebra modeling a categorial dialectical logic.  In this model of dialectical logic, the ontological “classes” or categories progressions expressible include all of the categorial-self-&-other-combinatorial potential or possible categorial-ontological existences for a given stage of categorial-ontological self-expansion -- yielding a dialectical-ontological Possibilities-Logic.”


“Again, when we arrive at the third ‘ideo-ontological’ category, the ‘first uni-category’, or ‘dialectical synthesis category’, in this dialectic of categories of arithmetical models of logics, we again inherit something of our «arché»-category’s restrictions against full unit-interval utilization.”


“This third arithmetical model of logics, which we solve for as W_ q QE |-º A , represents a dialectical synthesis category, or complex unity category, of the W_ thesis-category and/with the/its W_Q  antithesis-category, by combining a Boolean ‘‘‘coefficient’’’, denoted herein by e(t), inherited from W_E , which can express the logical quantities “ALL” or “NONE” [but not the logical quantity “SOME”], with a – this time [logically-]quantifiable class or category quality-symbol, inherited from W_Q , and denoted generically by uW, so that the full generic unit of the 

W_q QE ontological categorial progressions is the product 



“Thus, e(t)·uW can express the Actualization [or the non-Actualization] of a given ontological category or class, i.e., of the wth class, uW, in a given stage, t Î W, of the ontology-self-development of a given ontological Domain – an ‘Actualizations-Logic.” 


“If the ‘‘‘Boolean coefficient’’’ of class-unit uW at stage t, e(t), is 0, then the individuals represented by class-unit uW are absent – e.g., extinct – or do not Actualize [yet] in ontological self-developmental stage t


e(t)·uW  =  0 ´ uW = u0 


u0 being the symbol for the, Boolean, origin of the 

WqQE |-º A space, as overall non-Boolean space, and 

such that –


u0 ´ u0  =  u0+0  =  u0

– so u02  =  u01  =  u0, conforming to the Boolean “Fundamental Law”, or “Law of Duality”, a la the Boolean versions of –


0 ´ 0  =  02  =  0  and  1 ´ 1  =  12  =  1].”


“If the ‘‘‘Boolean coefficient’’’ of ontic class uW at stage t, e(t), is 1, then the individuals represented by class uW are present – e.g., fully-formed – that is, they do ‘‘‘Actualize’’’ in ontic self-developmental stage t


e(t)·uW  =  1 ´ uW = uW 



“But all of these arithmetical models of logics still exclude the utilization of the potentially descriptively-valuable mathematical-semantic resources of an arithmetical language that explicitly includes unit-interval fractions, and, thereby, also includes the logical-quantity “SOME”, not just the logical-quantities “NONE” and “ALL”, as so far.”


“That is, so far, “NONE” of the logic-arithmetics in the ‘meta-system-atic’ dialectical ‘ideo-ontological’ categorial progression of axioms-systems of logic-arithmetics so far recounted – W_E_3 |-º


W_E__  ~+~  W_q EE  ~+~  W_q EEE   |-º


W_E__  ~+~  W_q Q  ~+~  W_q QE   |-º


W_E__  ~+~  W_Q   ~+~  W_A_ 


Formal-Certainties-Logics ~+~

Ontological-Possibilities-Logics ~+~


-- allow for an arithmetical modeling of the “SOME” logical quantity via  the fractions of the Q_ axioms-systems-of-arithmetics’ unit-interval.  [in the formulas above, ‘|-º’ denotes a partial-qualitative [‘’], not-yet-univocal/ ‘‘‘named’’’ solution to the algebraic unknowns of the WQ arithmetical language in which those formulas are written, and ‘|-º’ denotes a full univocal solution – an assertion [‘|-’] of a definition [‘º’] for the unsolved category-symbol on the LHS of this solution-relation-symbol, by the category-symbol/‘‘‘name’’’ on its RHS.  The symbol ~+~’ stands for additions of categorial opposites.].”


“In original Boolean algebra, the ‘Boolean coefficient’ (0/1) functions as the logical-quantity “NONE”, signifying that none of the class/category symbol that it modifies/multiplies exists.  The ‘Boolean coefficient  (1/1) functions as the logical-quantity “ALL”, signifying that all of the class/category symbol that it modifies/multiplies exists.  The ‘Boolean coefficient  (0/0) functions as the logical-quantity “AMBIGUOUS”, signifying that none, some, or all of the class/category symbol that it modifies/multiplies exists.  The ‘Boolean coefficient (1/0) functions as the Boolean logical-quantity “INFINITY” or “IMPOSSIBILITY”, signifying that class/category symbol that it modifies/multiplies cannot exist given the premises.  There is no symbol in the original Boolean logic-language that distinctly, unambiguously, separately signifies just the logical-quantity “SOME”.”


“The following1 ‘Boolean-logical’ calculation, that Boole used to illustrate his method for the disambiguation of his logical-arithmetic operation of division, illustrates the point noted just above [note: in Boole’s language, (1 - x) stands for not x”.  Thus, if x = 1, then (1 - x) = (1 1) = 0; if x = 0, then (1 x) = (1 0) = 1.]:


Given the Boolean translation of the definition “humans are rational animals, namely, the Boolean logical-equation –


h = ra


– Boole derives the definition for the class

“rational [beings]” that is implied by the

h = ra 

definition, by a “logical-arithmetical division” operation, as follows. 



By Boolean-algebraic manipulation, Boole notes that –


r = h/a. 



Boole then applies his “development” function to evaluate the ‘‘‘fraction’’’/division h/a, obtaining, on his logical-equations RHS, logical-quantifications for all combinations of a and not-a with h and not-h



r  =  (1/1)ah + (0/1)a(1-h) +



(0/0)(1-a)(1-h) +(1/0)(1-a)h 



– meaning that the members of the class of ‘‘‘rational beings consist of:



all animals [(1/1) of them] that are humans,


no animals [(0/1) of them] that are not humans,


an indefinite remainder [(0/1) of them; none, some, or all] of beings neither animal nor human [android robots?],


the assertion: humans who are not animals cannot exist/are IMpossible given the premiss-equation h = ra’’’.  

1[based upon George Boole: Selected Manuscripts in Logic and its Philosophy, Ivor Grattan-Guiness and Gérard Bornet, editors, pp. 98-104.].


“A way around this Boolean-logic-rooted, sub-unit-interval restrictiveness and ‘some-less-ness’ arises by way of considering the Boolean, W_E_ expressions of the highly-problematic paradoxes immanent to formal logic.  What we are seeking, thereby, is a dialectical, immanent critique of Boolean formal-logic-arithmetic, that lead us in the direction of at least a rudimentary version of a dialectical-logic-arithmetic.” 


“The Boolean solution of the Boolean logical equations which express the paradoxes of formal logic are not strictly part of the original-Boolean logic-arithmetic space – not part of that ‘Boolean arithmetic’.  Those solutions are outside, and point beyond the closure of, original-Boolean numbers-space and their analytical geometry.” 


“However, those simple solutions suggest an extension of Boolean arithmetic/algebra that would encompass an explicit, distinct logical-quantity “SOME”, via the fractions of the Q_ axioms-systems unit-interval.”


“Original Boolean algebra is dualistic, radically “either/or”, strictly “black and white”, 1 or 0, “ALL” or “NOTHING”.  But the whole interior of the Q_ axioms-systems’ unit-interval is “gray”.  It can be used to describe existences which are “SOME”-times present, and also “SOME”[-other]-times absent, and to describe propositions which are “SOME”[-other]-times TRUE, and also “SOME”[-other]-times FALSE.”


“Boole divides the meanings of his Boolean-arithmetical logical equations into two classes, “primary” and “secondary”.  His “primary” class units are ‘‘‘existential’’’, addressing the existence or non-existence of definite classes.  The Boolean-value 1 stands for existence.  The Boolean-value 0 stands for non-existence.”


“Boole’s “secondary” proposition units are ‘meta-propositional’ units, each one made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of two or more “primary” proposition units.” 


“For example “no animals that are not humans exist as rational beings.”, and “no humans that are not animals can exist.”, are both “primary propositions” for Boole.  But the [meta-]proposition “If no animals that are not humans exist as rational beings, Then no humans that are not animals can exist.”, is a “secondary proposition” for Boole, and, for such [meta-] propositions, the Boolean-value 1 stands for “TRUE”, and the Boolean-value 0 stands for “FALSE”.”


“Now consider the paradoxes of formal logic, such as the ancient paradox, known as the “pseudomenon” of Epimenides the Cretan – “I am a Cretan and all Cretans are liars”, or, in a more modern form of it – “This sentence is false”, or the Russell paradox “The set of all sets that are not members of themselves is a member of itself”.”


“If you take any one of them to be a command, programming your mind to think them through, then you experience a ‘truth-value oscillation’, a rapid alternation between the truth-values “TRUE” and “FALSE”, or Boolean 1 and 0.”


“Now, Boole has a particular way of defining the truth-values “TRUE” and “FALSE” for his “secondary propositions”.  Boole ‘temporalizes’ his notion of propositional truth.  Thus, if t denotes the time/duration during which a proposition is true, then (1 – t) denotes the time/duration during which a proposition is false.”

“Applying this model to any of the formal paradox propositions, such as “This proposition is false.”, takes the form of the Boolean equation for a formal contradiction, ‘t equals not-t’, or –

t  =  (1 – t)

– e.g., for |x| signifying the ‘“absolute [truth-]value”’ of proposition x

|This proposition is false.|     =     |This proposition is true.|.”


“Now if we, still confining our solution within the unit-interval, allow ourselves to solve this algebraic equation for the value of t, we obtain the simple solution –


t  =  (1 – t),


t + t  =  (1 – t) + t,


2t  =  1 + (–t + t),


2t  =  1 + (0),


2t  =  1,


2t/2  =  1/2,


t  =  ½.”


“Now, of course, Boole wanted his algebraic models of “secondary propositions” to solve as either t = 1 or t = 0, i.e., as always true – as “eternal truths” -- or as never true; as “eternal falsehoods”.”


“However, for the paradoxical propositions that are problematically immanent to formal logic, their Boolean truth-value2 might be extended to include t = ½.

2[for a more complex derivation of a similar point, see Nicholas Rescher, Many-Valued Logic, McGraw-Hill Book Company, NY, 1969, pp. 89-90.].


“Should this mean that such, paradoxical, or contradictory propositions are true for the first half of eternity, and false for the second half?  Or false for the first half of eternity, and true for the second half?”


“It might most often be more apt for applications if we interpreted t = ½ as signifying an ongoing alternation between “true” and “false”, so that, in the aggregate, the t = ½ proposition is true half of the time, and also false [the other] half of the time, that is, is true “SOME” of the time, and also false “SOME” of the time.”


Propositions that could be well-modeled in the way of this ‘fractional-Boolean’ extension of the ‘original-Boolean’ language include “It is day time.” vs. “It is night time.”, and “It is raining.” vs. “It is not raining.”, as well as “The economy is expanding.” vs. “The economy is contracting.”, and, of course, many others such.”


“Of course, this strictly ‘‘‘half-and-half’’’ way of incorporating the logical-quantity “SOME” into an extended form of Boolean arithmetic-algebra – ‘fractional-Boolean arithmetic-algebra – does not do justice to the ‘intermediate classes’, such as the class whose sub-classes include twilight, dusk, and solar eclipses, each of which partakes of both day time and night time, but is neither day time nor night time, in the case of the mutually-negating propositions:


“It is day time.” vs. “It is night time.”  


“This ‘fractional-Boolean dialectics’; this generic Boolean unity of opposites, or ‘equality of opposites’: 


t  =  (1 – t)


 seems to be limited, in its modeling efficacy, to the simplest, most abstract stage of dialectics-in-general, e.g., to a likeness to the beginning dialectic in Hegel’s dialectical «Logik», his 




 dialectic3; i.e., to a kind of “half-way house” on the way to a fuller formulation and representation of dialectical logics.”

3[for Hegel’s exposition of this, his opening dialectic, see G.W.F. Hegel, Science of Logic, translated by A. V. Miller, Humanity Books, Amherst, NY, 1969, pp. 79-108.].



“Note that such ‘Boolean-dialectical’ equations can be formed, quite simply, which model asymmetric sharings of ‘times-true’, if we allow non-Boolean, beyond-Q-unit-interval values – uninterpretable for Boole’s logic-algebra – in the unsolved Boolean-algebraic equations4, that drop out of expression as the solution-seeking sequence of these algebraic equations moves toward their solution-conclusion, e.g. –

[t  = 1 2t] Þ [3t = 1] Þ [t = 1/3; 1 t = 2/3];


[t  = 2 2t] Þ [3t = 2] Þ [t = 2/3; 1 t = 1/3],


– and, more generally, given m < (n+p)


[nt  = m –p t] Þ [(n+p)t = m] Þ [t = m/(n+p)].”

4[Boole himself engages this expedient, conducting calculations for his probabilistic applications of his algebra of logic with transitory coefficients that are > 1, values “uninterpretable” for Boole’s logical arithmetic.  See, for examples, George Boole, An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities, Dover Publications, Inc., NY, 1958, pp. 279, 280, 281, 292, 293, 297, etc.].


“Moreover, ‘Boolean thinking’ is violence-prone and war-prone.  It leads each side in a conflict to think that its propositions have Boolean-value 1 – denoting ABSOLUTE, ETERNAL TRUTH – and that all other, opposing sides’ propositions in this conflict have Boolean-value 0 – denoting ABSOLUTE, ETERNAL FALLACY.” 


“In actuality, probably/usually, each side’s propositions contain “SOME” of the truth, but each, opposing, other side’s views also contain “SOME” of the truth.  Each side’s propositions are likely part[ly]-true, but also part[ly]-false.  Such realizations can ‘acceleratedly’ conduce negotiations toward nonviolent success in engineering a ‘‘‘dialectical synthesis’’’ or ‘‘‘complex unity’’’ of the opposing views.”


“Of course, the Boolean “Universe”, as modeled by the “closed” unit-interval, with end-points 0 and 1 inclusive, may involve not just two, but a multitude of classes and subn-classes.  Even the extended, ‘fractional Boolean arithmetic’, Q_E_, gives no way to distinctly represent these classes and sub-classes as explicit fractional-length line-segments within the extended-Boolean unit-length line-segment, and no way to order them, to place them in a sequence of such sub-segments.”*


*[One might hope to concretize the exact ‘SOME’-ness; to ‘explicitize’ the ‘fractional density’, or ‘ratio-nal density’, or ‘sub-unit[-interval] segmental length’ of each given, ‘Fractional-Boolean’, class, or even of each ‘subn-class’, contained within a given Boolean ‘‘‘universe of discourse’’’. 


One might hope to do so by counting the number of members of each class [and even of each ‘subn-class’] of that “Universe”, by assigning to each such member, as its ‘‘‘metric’’’, the cardinal value unity, ‘1’, [not the Boolean unity value], then summing these cardinal units for each of that class’s members to get the count of all of the members in that class, and then dividing that class-members-count by the count of all members in that “Universe” as a whole, so as to calculate “the percentage of the Universe” represented by that class, and then assigning a sub-segment within the Q unit-interval, of the corresponding fractional length, thus explicitly Q-quantifying that class’s ‘SOME’-ness. 


However, even apart from the potential arbitrariness and bias of measuring each member as cardinal 1 – e.g., counting the Sun the same as a sub-atomic “particle” – one would need, in order to practically implement such a method, of rectilinearly mapping, to a distinct percentage sub-segment of the Q unit-interval, as a fraction of 1, each class of that ‘‘‘universe of discourse’’’, one would have to have a recent ‘‘‘census’’’ of each class’s membership ready-to-hand].


“Even ‘extended/fractional Boolean arithmetic/-algebra’, Q_E_, can get us only so far into the Domain of an explicit, descriptively-apt formulation of a veritable dialectical logic – can get us only to a “half-way house” on that journey.**


**[Given that both Boolean arithmetical/algebraic {0, 1}-logic, and another {0, 1} arithmetic –  the base-2, binary arithmetic – reside at the conceptual and theoretical basis of modern digital computers, one might wonder as to whether W_Q_ and Q_E_ have any implication(s) for future computer-kinds.  For example, might there be a connection between the, stage one triad of W_Q_ logic, and the “three-valued-ness” of “quantum computer” logic, which still conserves something of the Boolean {0, 1}, but also adds a ‘superpositional’ ‘‘‘complex unity’’’ of 0 and 1 as third value, in a kind of “quantum-mechanical” dialectical synthesis by superposition of Boolean 0 and 1?]. 








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, and to read and/or download, free of charge, PDFs and/or JPGs of Foundation books, other texts, and images, please see:












For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insightsspecimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see:




























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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