F.E.D.'s Faster-Than-Light Inter-Stellar Drive Hypothesis --
Does it Anticipate the Recent CERN / OPERA Finding of possible faster than light velocities of travel by low-mass neutrinos?
Does it Anticipate the Recent CERN / OPERA Finding of possible faster than light velocities of travel by low-mass neutrinos?
Dear Reader,
Blog-entries 51 through 53 of this blog describe the F.E.D. hypothesis as to how ordinary matter could be induced to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light, as a key to possibly achieving a superluminal "inter-stellar drive" technology, based upon the clue provided by a Musean hypernumber value's capability to [computationally, implying, maybe, also physically] avert, or obviate, "passing through" the otherwise apparently "infinite" special-relativistic momentum magnitude predicted by the Einstein momentum equation, were ordinary matter to travel at the speed of light, on the way toward traveling at faster-than-light speeds.
Results of the CERN/OPERA neutrino inter-types interconversion experiment, officially released last Friday, Sep. 23rd, as well as earlier disputed findings at FermiLab near Chicago, that appear to have detected certain small-but-finite-mass "elementary particles" -- neutrinos -- traveling at velocities slightly faster than the speed of light, in OPERA measurements that have very high statistical significance [six sigma significance], are described in the article accessible via the following link --
-- an article which also contains the following statements:
"Alan Kostelecky, an expert in the possibility of faster-than-light processes at Indiana University, said that while physicists would await confirmation of the result, it was none the less exciting.
"It's such a dramatic result it would be difficult to accept without others replicating it, but there will be enormous interest in this," he told the Guardian.
One theory Kostelecky and his colleagues put forward in 1985 predicted that neutrinos could travel faster than the speed of light by interacting with an unknown field that lurks in the vacuum.
"With this kind of background, it is not necessarily the case that the limiting speed in nature is the speed of light," he said. "It might actually be the speed of neutrinos and light goes more slowly."
Neutrinos are mysterious particles. They have a minuscule mass, no electric charge, and pass through almost any material as though it was not there.
Kostelecky said that if the result was verified – a big if – it might pave the way to a grand theory that marries gravity with quantum mechanics, a puzzle that has defied physicists for nearly a century.
"If this is confirmed, this is the first evidence for a crack in the structure of physics as we know it that could provide a clue to constructing such a unified theory," Kostelecky said.
Heinrich Paes, a physicist at Dortmund University, has developed another theory that could explain the result. The neutrinos may be taking a shortcut through space-time, by traveling from Cern to Gran Sasso through extra dimensions.
"That can make it look like a particle has gone faster than the speed of light when it hasn't," he said."
[emphasis added by M.D.].
Key excerpts from the second of the three entries to this blog about this F.E.D. hypothesis, which describes '''exotic fields manipulations''' by a '''field(s) generation machine''', as the hypothetical means to the hypothetical faster than light inter-stellar propulsion system, are extracted below [emphasis added by M.D.]:
Key excerpts from the second of the three entries to this blog about this F.E.D. hypothesis, which describes '''exotic fields manipulations''' by a '''field(s) generation machine''', as the hypothetical means to the hypothetical faster than light inter-stellar propulsion system, are extracted below [emphasis added by M.D.]:
"Part II.: Intimations of a faster-than-light Inter-Stellar Drive: "Side-Stepping" the V = c Singularity -- An F.E.D. Hypothesis.
[¿A "Non-Celeritarian" Pathway from the "Tardyonic Meta-Phase", through the "Luxonic Meta-Phase", to the "Tachyonic Meta-Phase", and back again?]
[Note: as usual in this blog, I use visible-light-spectrum color-ordinality to highlight categorial/system dialectical ordinalities -- "ROY G. BIV"].
Dear Readers,
. . .
A little further "hyper-numerical" pattern recognition may lead us to some further clues as to what --
1/(i + E)
-- might signify in a physical sense, once we place in mind the following physical information. Consider the following "tri-chotomy" of physical categories:
1. Bodies of mass-energy, including "particles" of mass-energy, that characteristically exhibit Velocity magnitudes V < c, are characterized as being composed of "Tardyonic" matter-energy, or of matter-energy in the "Tardyonic" state. Matter-energy which has "non-zero" [e.g., "positive"] "rest mass" [as well as, possibly, matter-energy that has "negative rest-mass"] -- including all of the "ordinary matter" that we experience -- is constituent of this category of "Tardyonic" matter-energy.
2. Bodies of mass-energy, including "particles" of mass-energy, that characteristically exhibit Velocity magnitudes V = c, are characterized as being composed of "Luxonic", or "Light-like", matter-energy, or of matter-energy in a "Luxonic" state. Matter-energy that has "zero" rest mass, such as the "photons" that are defined to be the <<monads>> of light-"wave" <<arithmoi>>, are constituent of this category of "Luxonic" matter-energy.
3. Bodies of mass-energy, including "particles" of mass-energy, that characteristically exhibit Velocity magnitudes V > c, if such are ever observed, are to be characterized as being composed of "Tachyonic" matter-energy, or of matter-energy in a "Tachyonic" state.
M.D.: I may soon have to revise the following statement, if the CERN/OPERA findings are soon validated as computationally correct, and soon replicated by other experiments/experimenters --
Matter-energy of this "Tachyonic" category has not, at least not so far, been encountered experientially / experimentally, to my knowledge.
[the F.E.D. theorists] . . . consider a possible [speculative] analogy, of the temperature "phases" of the ordinary kind of matter, to the velocity/momentum "states" of ordinary, and of extraordinary, kinds of matter-energy.
. . .
They re-describe the trichotomy described above as that of the "Tardyonic meta-phase", the "Luxonic meta-phase", and the "Tachyonic meta-phase" of matter-energy, and suggest that there may be exotic "field processes", analogous to "temperature rises", and "induce-able" by means of an appropriately-engineered "fields machine", that would induce "meta-phase transitions" in bodies of matter-energy, moving them between any one of these "meta-phases" and its two "neighboring" -- one on either "side" -- "meta-phases", with the associated, meta-phase specific velocity characteristics ensuing.
Then they note, in the Einsteinian, special-relativistic momentum equation, that the V < c "Tardyonic meta-phase" is "qualified" by 1/E, i.e., by E, that the V = c "Luxonic meta-phase" is "qualified" by 1/(i+E), and that the V > c "Tachyonic meta-phase" is "qualified" by 1/i, i.e., by -i, leading them to re-characterize "Tardyonic meta-phase" matter-energy as that of "Epsilonic mass-energy", "Luxonic meta-phase" matter-energy as "Mixed meta-phase mass-energy", or "Hybrid meta-phase mass-energy", and "Tachyonic meta-phase" matter-energy as "Iotic mass-energy" [after "iota", the name for the Greek, ancestral version of the English letter "i"].
That is, "Tardyonic meta-phase", V < c matter-energy is "Epsilonic", "Tachyonic meta-phase", V > c matter-energy is "Iotic", and these two opposites "meet in the middle", or "mediate in the middle", and "mix", or "hybridize", so that "Luxonic meta-phase", V = c matter-energy is both "Epsilonic" and "Iotic" -- a "combination", or "hybrid", or "mixture", of the 1/E and of the 1/i "qualifiers", and of their associated physical qualities: 1/(i+E), or 1/(E+i) [the E and i hypernumber operators are additively commutative, even though they are multiplicatively anti-commutative].
1. Bodies of mass-energy, including "particles" of mass-energy, that characteristically exhibit Velocity magnitudes V < c, are characterized as being composed of "Tardyonic" matter-energy, or of matter-energy in the "Tardyonic" state. Matter-energy which has "non-zero" [e.g., "positive"] "rest mass" [as well as, possibly, matter-energy that has "negative rest-mass"] -- including all of the "ordinary matter" that we experience -- is constituent of this category of "Tardyonic" matter-energy.
2. Bodies of mass-energy, including "particles" of mass-energy, that characteristically exhibit Velocity magnitudes V = c, are characterized as being composed of "Luxonic", or "Light-like", matter-energy, or of matter-energy in a "Luxonic" state. Matter-energy that has "zero" rest mass, such as the "photons" that are defined to be the <<monads>> of light-"wave" <<arithmoi>>, are constituent of this category of "Luxonic" matter-energy.
3. Bodies of mass-energy, including "particles" of mass-energy, that characteristically exhibit Velocity magnitudes V > c, if such are ever observed, are to be characterized as being composed of "Tachyonic" matter-energy, or of matter-energy in a "Tachyonic" state.
M.D.: I may soon have to revise the following statement, if the CERN/OPERA findings are soon validated as computationally correct, and soon replicated by other experiments/experimenters --
Matter-energy of this "Tachyonic" category has not, at least not so far, been encountered experientially / experimentally, to my knowledge.
[the F.E.D. theorists] . . . consider a possible [speculative] analogy, of the temperature "phases" of the ordinary kind of matter, to the velocity/momentum "states" of ordinary, and of extraordinary, kinds of matter-energy.
. . .
They re-describe the trichotomy described above as that of the "Tardyonic meta-phase", the "Luxonic meta-phase", and the "Tachyonic meta-phase" of matter-energy, and suggest that there may be exotic "field processes", analogous to "temperature rises", and "induce-able" by means of an appropriately-engineered "fields machine", that would induce "meta-phase transitions" in bodies of matter-energy, moving them between any one of these "meta-phases" and its two "neighboring" -- one on either "side" -- "meta-phases", with the associated, meta-phase specific velocity characteristics ensuing.
Then they note, in the Einsteinian, special-relativistic momentum equation, that the V < c "Tardyonic meta-phase" is "qualified" by 1/E, i.e., by E, that the V = c "Luxonic meta-phase" is "qualified" by 1/(i+E), and that the V > c "Tachyonic meta-phase" is "qualified" by 1/i, i.e., by -i, leading them to re-characterize "Tardyonic meta-phase" matter-energy as that of "Epsilonic mass-energy", "Luxonic meta-phase" matter-energy as "Mixed meta-phase mass-energy", or "Hybrid meta-phase mass-energy", and "Tachyonic meta-phase" matter-energy as "Iotic mass-energy" [after "iota", the name for the Greek, ancestral version of the English letter "i"].
That is, "Tardyonic meta-phase", V < c matter-energy is "Epsilonic", "Tachyonic meta-phase", V > c matter-energy is "Iotic", and these two opposites "meet in the middle", or "mediate in the middle", and "mix", or "hybridize", so that "Luxonic meta-phase", V = c matter-energy is both "Epsilonic" and "Iotic" -- a "combination", or "hybrid", or "mixture", of the 1/E and of the 1/i "qualifiers", and of their associated physical qualities: 1/(i+E), or 1/(E+i) [the E and i hypernumber operators are additively commutative, even though they are multiplicatively anti-commutative].
. . .
...the core of F.E.D. 's hypothesis regarding this possibility for a faster than light "inter-stellar drive" is their speculation that there may exist a "non-celeritarian", or "non-velocitarian", "field-state-based" pathway -- a pathway that is not by way of "celerity", by way of "acceleration", or by way of increasing velocity directly, "propulsively", for an initially "Tardyonic" body of matter-energy, from [ V < c ], through [ V = c ], to [ V > c ].
That is, increasing velocity would not be the "cause" of a starship's transition from the " Tardyonic meta-phase", through the "Luxonic meta-phase", [in]to the "Tachyonic metaphase".
On the contrary, the action of the starship's "engine", by manipulating "exotic force-fields", in changing the starship's own "field-state", would be the "cause" of these successive "meta-phase transitions".
The "jump-like" increases in the velocity of the starship, from "sub-luminal velocities", through "luminal velocities", to "super-luminal velocities", would be the "effect" of that "cause".
That is, this "non-velocitarian pathway" would "translate" a body of "Tardyonic meta-phase" matter-energy -- say a starship, and its contents -- by way of a "field machine" that would "heat it up" passing beyond the critical point where the "meta-phase transition", from the "Tardyonic meta-phase", to the "Luxonic meta-phase", is breached, so that the spatial translation velocity of the body/starship would "automatically" transit, or "jump", to Vb > c, in the "vector direction" in which that body/starship was already traveling, as that "heat-up" threshold was crossed.
Next, that body's/starship's in-board "field machine" would further "heat up" that body/starship, passing beyond the critical point where the "meta-phase transition", from the "Luxonic meta-phase", to the "Tachyonic meta-phase", is breached, so that the spatial translation velocity of the body/starship would "automatically" transit, or "jump", to Vb > c, or Vs > c, in the "vector direction" in which that body/starship was already traveling, as that "heat-up" threshold was crossed.
The starship would "rest" in the "Tachyonic meta-phase", in, e.g., transiting between two mutually "distant" stellar/planetary systems, for the main duration of its voyage.
When the starship achieved sufficient proximity to its destination stellar/planetary system, it would begin to "down-shift", reversing its previous "meta-phases progression", as it was "cooled down" by its in-board "field machine", first transitioning from the "Tachyonic meta-phase" back to the "Luxonic meta-phase", and then from the "Luxonic meta-phase" back to the "Tardyonic meta-phase", which is the "meta-phase" that it would "occupy" upon landing, e.g., on the surface of one of the planets in its destination stellar/planetary system.
The "engine" of such an "inter-stellar drive", based upon the foregoing hypothetical principles -- if those principles hypotheses turn out to be physically significant, empirically validated -- would be an "exotic fields generation machine", capable, ultimately, of generating a "tunable celerity", or a "tunable velocitation", in the "Tachyonic meta-phase", or "Iotic meta-phase", i.e., one "tunable" though a whole spectrum of "superluminal" velocity "factors", s in R+, such that
s > 1, and --
Vs = sc > c, where c + delta_c = c + (s - 1)c = sc, so that --
delta_c = (s - 1)c.
One must quickly inquire, at this point, as to whether or not this "engine" -- the "field-generation machine" itself, that would supposedly induce these "meta-phase transitions" -- could survive its own "transitions" -- let alone the starship that houses it as a whole; let alone the human passengers, and the cargo, of that starship.
There are many questions to be asked -- and many physical experiments to be performed -- in the pursuit of the question as to whether or not such an inter-stellar drive could become "real" -- and practical.
We will leave off of those considerations for now, for the purposes of this post, and, in the next post of this sub-series, turn to validating the "hypernumber computations" upon which the F.E.D. inter-stellar drive hypotheses are based.
We will then, finally, consider whether or not the results of this "hypernumber [re-]qualification" of the Einsteinian special-relativistic momentum equation, are in agreement with the results of F.E.D.'s canonical "dialectical, metrical meta-number re-qualification" of singularity-prone, "purely-quantitative" [and usually nonlinear] differential equations, using the "metrical qualifiers", or "dimensional qualifiers" -- i.e., the "metrical units/<<monads>>", or the "dimensional units/<<monads>> -- of F.E.D.'s --
Rq/MQN = Rq/MU = "Mu" [nick-name]
-- system of dialectical arithmetic. ..."
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