Friday, March 07, 2014

Just Published! -- "The Intellectual Autobiography of Karl Seldon." -- i.e., of the Discoverer of the Arithmetics of Dialectics, and the Co-Founder of Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.]!

The Intellectual Autobiography of Karl Seldon.

Dear Readers,

The website has just published a text entitled --

"The Intellectual Autobiography of Karl Seldon"

-- as Brief #8 of the "Briefs Page" of that site.

 We of the Foundation have been looking forward to this publishing event for some time!

This document clear up, for our reading public, many of their questions of longstanding about the origin(s) of Karl Seldon's opus.

I have excerpted the opening section of this text below.

The links to the site of publication are as follows:



E.D. Brief #8 --
The Intellectual Autobiography of Karl Seldon.

The work, of universal labor, that has been/is being conducted by Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D. for short] is, from my personal point of view, the fruition of a nearly lifelong quest that began, consciously, for me, some 50 years ago, in 1959, with what I now term a ‘life-script dream’.

By a ‘life-script dream’, I mean a dream, occurring on the verge of adolescence, that synthesizes and distills one’s life-experiences up to that time, into a symbolically-expressed life-direction and life-purpose -- an “unusually-vivid” dream, so much so that the dream, after its first occurrence, is never thereafter forgotten.

That dream has been summarized, elsewhere, as follows --

What I “saw”, in that late-childhood dream, set me, ever since, on what has become an ever-after-life-long quest for an ‘ultra-compact’ and unified expression of the advancing totality of human knowledge/experience, both a method of knowledge-presentation, and of new knowledge-discovery; for an ‘Equation of Everything’, for a unitary, ultra-enriched, ultra-condensed, but also a ‘‘‘seed’’’ symbols-formation, a mnemonically ‘re-growable’, algorithmic, algebraic description of the total humans-known history of our cosmos, i.e., of what I at first called “Universal Evolution”, but later came to call ‘“The Dialectic [note:  singular, not plural] of Nature’’’.

For many years after 1959, I kept that dream, and my quest in response to that “unusually vivid dream”, to myself, for the most part, confiding about them only to my closest friends.   I did so mostly because the hopes for the success of my quest seemed to me to be so slim.  But the passion of that quest was, after that dream, ever the flaming heart of life for me.

Until April of 1996, the big clues that aperiodically punctuated my search, even though each one was thrilling beyond precedent in my experience up to its occurrence, were also “few and far between”.

The biggest of these successively mounting clues came, first, from, my junior high school, “cold war”/Sputnik-precipitated BSCS [Biological Sciences Curriculum Study] biology textbook, on the “levels of organization” in Nature, then from Nagel’s and Newman’s small but rich book Gödel’s Proof, from Chardin’s book «The Human Phenomenon» and from Bergson’s book Creative Evolution, in the early 1960s, and, most importantly of all, from Marx and Engels, by way of their The Communist Manifesto, and by way of Marx’s magisterial Preface to his «Zur Kritik...», and by way of his Economic-Philosophic Manuscripts, in the mid-to-late 1960s.

Earlier, I had also read some science fiction, and the science fiction writing that left the most profound and heartfelt impression in me was that of Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy [at that time, it was not yet the ‘heptalogy’ that it later became].  In the Foundation novels, I encountered a principle, and an ethic, of all-humanity solidarity and dedication -- and also of science-based, “psychohistory”-based predictive modeling of, and scientific intervention on behalf of, the weal of the human species as a whole -- that I thereafter searched for everywhere, but never found again, until I encountered it -- alas, in mystified form -- in the nonetheless also persecuted evolutionary writings of Teilhard de Chardin, and in realistic and practical form, in the even more ruling-class maligned and persecuted dialectic-science non-fiction writings of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.

Still, it was not until April 7, 1996, that all of these -- incremental -- discoveries and clues coalesced, for me, in a climactic, comprehensive convergence, one that equipped me with the new language, and the first of the new systems of the mathematics of dialectics, by which the simplest version of a ‘Dialectical Equation of Everything’, like that of my dream, could at last be written down, and by which the key new, universal principles, which make that symbolic expression meaningful, became clear to me in their inextricable interconnectedness.

Since 1999, I have been communicating elements of those 1996+ discoveries, by mail, to selected authors whose published writings conduce to related revelations.

Since 2004, we have been disseminating these new ideas, internationally, by means of free-of-charge internet PDF files, etc., and via two published books, in 2010 and 2012, respectively, and with more in the offing.

Since 2012, the websites, blogs, and internet forum threads which address these ideas have exhibited a signature, in their user statistics, of recurring, mounting, exponential surges, with increasing frequency, and with increasing amplitude, of global viewership, of ‘‘‘visitorship’’’, of file down-loadings, etc.

The book published in 2010 constitutes the first book-format introductory volume of the planned multi-volume treatise on these discoveries, more of whose volumes are in preparation, and advancing toward publication.

In brief, what “came together” in my comprehension, in 1996, was a kind of dialectical [i.e., an «aufheben»-operation-based] ontological categories combinatorics, crucially including what might be called a consequential [i.e., a contra-Boolean] categorial self-combinatorics’ -- not just a hetero-combinatorics’, or an allo-combinatorics’, of categorial variables, but also an auto-combinatorics’ of categorial variables -- a consequential form of nonlinearity for an ‘algebraical categorial logic’, in the form of an “intensional” [connotational], “intuitional”, HEURISTIC, dialectical «characteristica universalis»’ [cf. Leibniz, circa 1666 C.E.], or dialectical universal character-language [i.e., a dialectical universal algebra].  That is, what “came together” was an ideographical, algorithmic, algebraic, and non-Parmenidean version of Plato’s original «arithmoi eidetikoi» dialectics -- of his discrete assemblages” [«arithmoi»] of «asumbletoi» [un-addable’] idea-unitseidetikoi»], or of ‘‘‘numbers’’’arithmoi»] of category-units.  Plato’s «arithmoi eidetikoi» dialectics was, recall, the original, explicit, and ‘so-named’ version of Occidental dialecticsdialektikê»].  What “came together” in 1996 was also a trans-Platonian’ dialectical algorithm, in several ways, including by way of escaping the Parmenidean, “eternal” paralysis, the adynamicity’, and the alienated-from-human-experience reification and mystification, of Plato’s original «Eide» or «Idea» vision.

Moreover, again, unlike Leibniz’s vision of his original «characteristica», this actualized «characteristica» does not impose, or presuppose,  any monolithic, single interpretation of “Truth”, but intrinsically leaves room for alternative interpretations / ‘‘‘non-standard models’’’.

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