Dear Reader,
FYI: The "Clarifications Archive", a treasure trove of definitions and commentary on key concepts of Marxian, dialectical theory, and of its Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica and 'Equitarian' extensions, has recently undergone a massive expansion. The URL for this archive is --
I have also pasted in links to that content below, for your convenience.
- absolute atomism W
- actionics W
- actualization space W
- affective W
- affective psycho-history W
- algebra W
- alienation W
- ani-societies W
- android robotics W
- «arché» W
- arithmetic W
- «arithmoi» W
- «arithmos» W
- «arithmos aisthetos» W
- «arithmos eidetikos» W
- «arithmos monadikos» W
- atomic power W
- atoms W
- «aufheben» WG
- «aufheben» evolute product rule WG
- auto-duality W
- auto-dyad W
- «autokinesis» W
- auto-negation W
- «autopoiesis» W
- axiom of choice W
- B.C.E. W
- B.U.E. W
- bands, primeval W
- bifurcation W
- bion W
- biota W
- Boltzmann-Vlasov-Maxwell Equations W
- Boole's Algebra W
- Boole's Fundamental Law of Thought W
- Boole's Law of Duality W
- bubble engineering W
- C.O.A. W
- camps, primeval W WG
- calculus W
- Cantor continuum hypothesis W
- capital W
- capitalism W
- category W
- categorial W
- categorial progression W
- category ontological W
- cells [eukaryotic] W
- cells [prokaryotic] W
- cellular power [eukaryotic] W
- change of ontology W
- «characteristica-universalis» W
- chiefdoms, ancient W WG
- chrono-dynamics W
- chrono-empiricism W
- chronogenesis W
- chronogenetic W
- chronogenic W
- chronopoiesis W
- city-states, ancient W WG
- closed form solutions W
- cognition W
- cognitive W
- cognitive psychoarchaeology W
- cognitive psychohistory W
- combinatoric explosion W
- commodity W
- completeness theorem W
- complex numbers arithmetic, C W
- concentration W
- consecuum W
- contra-Boolean algebra W
- contra-Cantorian totality theories W
- contradiction W W WG
- contrarieties W
- conversion formation W
- conversion locus W
- conversion meta-dynamic W
- conversion singularity W
- convolute W WG
- convolute meta-numbers W
- convolute process W
- convolute product W
- convolute re-qualification W
- covolute WG
- cumulativity W
- cumulum W
- cumulum hypothesis [generalized] W
- cyborg prosthetics bionics W
- cyclonic vortices WG F
- dark age W
- de-cumulation W
- de-evolution W
- de-generation W
- de-Parmenideanized W
- densification W
- density W
- determinateness W
- diachronic W WG
- diachronic complement W
- diactic eventity W
- diacticity W
- diactics W
- diagonal W
- diagonality W
- diagonalization W
- dialectic W WG Ta
- dialectic, generic —
- arché category W WG
- first contra-category W WG
- first uni-category W WG
- dyadic ontology expansion Id
- [the] dialectic of [the] dialectic W WG
- dialectic of the dialectical arithmetics —
- first triad WG
- selected arithmetics WG
- unit qualifiers progression WG
- dialectic of the standard arithmetics —
- first triad WG
- inverse operations WG
- proverse operations WG
- dialectic of mathematical discovery WG
- dialectic of nature —
- diachronico-synchronic meta-fractal cosmos WG
- dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS MC
- Einstein's solution to Kant's antinomy WG
- 'intra-duality' of Einstein's General Relativity theory WG
- 'intra-duality' of the cosmos as a whole WG
- up to prokaryotic living cells WG
- synchronic meta-fractal cosmos WG
- the meta-human W
- triadic Seldon function equation WG
- dialectic of social equity WG
- dialectical [meta-]axiomatics W
- dialectical contradictions W WG
- dialectical critique of political-economy – Marxian WG
- dialectical eventity W
- dialectical function W
- dialectical ideography W
- dialectical logics W
- dialectical meta-axiomatics G
- dialectical operation W
- dialectical operations stage of human[oid] cognitive development W
- dialectical operator W
- dialectical [self-]contradiction W
- dialectical set theory W
- dialectical theories of everything W
- dialectical totality W
- dialectical totality-theory W
- dialectics W
- dialectics-in-general W
- dialector W
- dialector analysis W
- dialector calculus W
- dialector cumulum W
- dialector product W
- dialector space W
- dialector variables W
- «dialektiké» W
- diametrical W
- diametrical opposition W
- dianoesis W
- dianoetic W
- dianoia W
- dichotomy W
- dimension W
- dimensional W
- dimensional analysis W
- dimensionality W
- direction W
- dualectical W
- duality W
- duals W
- dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS
- dynamasis W
- dynamic W
- dynamical algebra W
- dynamical analytical geometry W
- dynamical arithmetic W
- dynamical geometry W
- dynamical-ness W
- dynamical system W
- dynamical systems theory W
- dynamicity W
- dynamics W
- dynamis W
- dynamized W
- dynamizes W
- Earthism W
- eco-fascism W
- empires, ancient WG
- Encyclopedia Dialectica notationaI conventions —
- "double-entry" domain definitions W
- ideogramic W
- ideogramic and phonogramic W
- pictogramic W
- Engels' Three Laws of the 'Dialectic of Nature' W
- equitarian W
- equitism W
- eventity W WG
- evolute W WG
- «genos» W
- global renaissance W
- historical dialectics W
- homeomorphic defect W
- human genome W
- human phenome W
- humanocide W
- 'ideo-ontology' W
- immanent W
- immanent critique W
- integers arithmetic, Z: W
- internal contradiction W WG
- intra-duality W WG
- logics W
- Marxian theory W
- mathematics W
- 'meta-' WG
- meta-Darwinian planetary selection test W
- meta-genealogy W
- meta-monadization W
- meta-Nazi FW
- meta-«physis» W
- meta-systematic dialectics W
- metafinite difference W
- metafinite change W
- (principle of) metafinity W
- «monad» W
- Mu ideography W
- natural numbers arithmetic, N W
- 'onto-': W
- onto-dynamasis W
- ontology W
- ontology-dynamics W
- ontological inequality WG
- ontological possibility-space W
- organonic algebraic method for solving dialectical equations W
- 'physio-ontology' W
- «physis» W
- planetary humanities WG
- psycho-history W
- psychohistorical dialectics W
- psychohistorical dialectic of human nature —
- ancient Egyptian pyramids WG
- «Arithmos» theories W
- forces, relations & modes of production WG
- forms of human self-identity WG
- Francis Bacon's three (3) species of science WG
- governance geography WG MS
- ideologies / knowledges WG
- Justinian's «Hagia Sophia» WG
- "Moai Walking" on prehistoric Easter Island WG
- Neptune's rings hypotheses progression WG
- phonetic written language WG
- Porphyry's «Isagoge» WG
- presentation methods WG
- productive force WG Me MS
- sexual orientations WG
- social formations WG MC MS
- social relations of production WG MS MC
- television programming MS SS WG
- time memes WG
- U.S. coinage categorial combinatorics MS SS WG
- qualitative inequality WG
- qualo-fractal W
- qualo-Peanicity W
- rational numbers arithmetic, Q W
- real numbers arithmetic, R W
- 'Rocke-Nazi' W W
- Seldon functions WG
- Dialectic of Nature – dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS
- Dialectic of Nature – triadic Seldon function equation W
- self-contradiction W WG
- self-duality W WG
- singularity —
- in general W
- infinite versus metafinite W
- metafinite depletion W
- metafinite resonance W
- «species» W
- synchronic W WG
- synchronic meta-fractal cosmos WG
- systematic dialectic of Marx's Kapital, first triad W
- systematic dialectic of Marx's Critique of Political Economy (entire), first triad WG
- systematic dialectic of Marx's Critique of Political Economy (entire), second triad WG
- systematic dialectics W
- systematic dialectic of dynamics formulas Me
- techno-depreciation W
- temporal acceleration W
- theories of everything W
- time W
- TOE / T.O.E. W
- toroidal vortices WG F
- Meta-Model for the Totality – dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS
- Meta-Model for the Totality – triadic Seldon function equation W
- villages, ancient: WG
- whole numbers arithmetic, W W
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