Dear Reader,
The online '''encyclopedic dictionary''' of Marxian concepts, as extended by F.E.D., and that we have noted to you in previous entries to this blog, has again recently undergone substantial expansion, as exhibited below.
Since this expansion seems to be continuing, we recommend that interested readers review this site periodically. The URL is --
Clarifications Archive
Format Codes
- Argument — in the form of hypothesis/premise[s]/conclusion(s)
- Bibliographical — in the form of a list of printed, and/or web-resident research resources
- Caricature — in the form of comics, drawings, and/or cartoons
- Discussion — in the form of a recording of an informal group discussion
- Email — in the form of direct reader-interactive discussion with the referenced author and/or group
- Film — in the form of short films and/or videos
- FW (Film with Writing) — in the form of written text integratively-accompanying short films and/or videos
- Graphical — in the form of pictures, photos, graffitos, graffiti, and/or artwork
- Historical — in the form of citations and/or recountings of historical events, outbreaks, and/or experiments
- Interview — in the form of recording(s) of formal interactive interview(s)
- Ideographical — in the form of ideographical-symbolic, including of 'Mathelogical', equations, 'inequations', formulas, and other such expressions
- Joke — in the form of satires, parodies, or jokes regarding the reference
- Key — provided search word for querying all documents under the Point-of-Departure.org domain network
- Library — in the form of references to, and/or links to, repositories of web resources and texts
- MC (Monadization Chart) — in the form of diagrams depicting the incorporation of multiple units of each given predecessor population into each unit of its 'self-hybrid' successor population
- Metric — in the form of the dynamic throughput of ideographical-symbolic processes... so exemplified as "equations, 'inequations', formulas, and other such expressions"
- MS (Model Specification) — in the form of a [dialectical-]mathematical [meta-]model specification.
- Music — in the form of references/links to, and/or files recording background or lyrical music
- Numerics — in the form of depictions of numeric data via tables, charts, graphs or other forms of depiction or data visualization
- Organizational — in the form of a contactable list of definitive or self-coordinated groups
- Programmatic — in the form of programs, platforms, proposed constitutional amendments, and strategy/ strategic documents intending or affirming progressive social change
- Queries — in the form of lists of, and/or links to, web and street/P. O. Box addresses, and other loci to which readers can put their questions
- Reading — in the form of references/links to, and/or files recording solo readings or vocalization performances of textual material
- Sound — in the form of references/links to, and/or files recording, sound effects
- SS (Solution Specification) — in the form of lists, term-by-term, the solved meaning of a dialectical equation-model's poly-qualinomial heterogeneous "sum"/cumulum of symbols/terms, representing qualitatively different categories.
- Table — in the form of tables, tabular compilations of interconnected items of information
- Transcript — in the form of references/links to, and/or files recording the written contents of a speech, play, or film
- URL — in the form of citational links to (a) world wide web source(s) of a quotation or paraphrase
- Visual — in the form of references/links to, and/or files recording, animated patterns or other visual effects
- Written — in the form of references/links to, and/or files of written material/text (XHTML/CSS strict-compliance for translator and text-reader applications)
- WG (Writing with Graphics) — in the form of references/links to, and/or files of written material/text (XHTML/CSS strict-compliance for translator and text-reader applications)
- XHTML — in the form of links to other related files which may contain any of these evidentiary types
- Year — in the form of listings and/or descriptions of what else occurred in time – at, preceding, or succeeding the timing of that particular referenced item/event
- Zone — in the form of a pinpoint on an historical map
- absolute atomism W
- actionics W
- actualization space W
- a dialectic W
- affective W
- affective psycho-history W
- algebra W
- alienation W
- ani-societies W
- android robotics W
- «arché» W
- arithmetic W
- «arithmoi» W
- «arithmos» W
- «arithmos aisthetos» W
- «arithmos eidetikos» W
- «arithmos monadikos» W
- atomic power W
- atoms W
- «aufheben» WG
- «aufheben» evolute product rule WG
- auto-duality W
- auto-dyad W
- «autokinesis» W
- auto-negation W
- «autopoiesis» W
- axiom of choice W
- B.C.E. W
- B.U.E. W
- bands, primeval W
- bifurcation W
- bion W
- biota W
- Boltzmann-Vlasov-Maxwell Equations W
- Boole's Algebra W
- Boole's Fundamental Law of Thought W
- Boole's Law of Duality W
- bubble engineering W
- C.O.A. W
- camps, primeval W WG
- calculus W
- Cantor continuum hypothesis W
- capital W
- capitalism W
- category W
- categorial W
- categorial progression W
- category ontological W
- cells [eukaryotic] W
- cells [prokaryotic] W
- cellular power [eukaryotic] W
- change of ontology W
- «characteristica-universalis» W
- chiefdoms, ancient W WG
- chrono-dynamics W
- chrono-empiricism W
- chronogenesis W
- chronogenetic W
- chronogenic W
- chronopoiesis W
- city-states, ancient W WG
- closed form solutions W
- cognition W
- cognitive W
- cognitive psychoarchaeology W
- cognitive psychohistory W
- combinatoric explosion W
- commodity W
- completeness theorem W
- complex numbers arithmetic, C W
- concentration W
- consecuum W
- contra-Boolean algebra W
- contra-Cantorian totality theories W
- contradiction W W WG
- contrarieties W
- conversion formation W
- conversion locus W
- conversion meta-dynamic W
- conversion singularity W
- convolute W WG
- convolute meta-numbers W
- convolute process W
- convolute product W
- convolute re-qualification W
- covolute WG
- cumulativity W
- cumulum W
- cumulum hypothesis [generalized] W
- cyborg prosthetics bionics W
- cyclonic vortices WG F
- dark age W
- de-cumulation W
- de-evolution W
- de-generation W
- de-Parmenideanized W
- densification W
- density W
- determinateness W
- diachronic W WG
- diachronic complement W
- diactic eventity W
- diacticity W
- diactics W
- diagonal W
- diagonality W
- diagonalization W
- dialectic W WG Ta
- dialectic, generic —
- arché category W WG
- first contra-category W WG
- first uni-category W WG
- dyadic ontology expansion Id
- [the] dialectic of [the] dialectic W WG
- dialectical arithmetic Seldonian first —
- algorithmicity and 'heuristicity' combined W
- connotational entailment W
- relative simplicity of the NQ arithmetic W
- dialectic of the dialectical arithmetics —
- desiderata for our mathematics of dialectics W
- division operations, quantitative, qualitative and qualo-quantitative WG
- first triad WG
- full zero WG
- second triad WG
- selected arithmetics WG
- unit qualifiers progression WG
- dialectic of the standard arithmetics —
- axioms progression WG
- efficacies and defects W
- first triad WG
- Hegel's 'categorics' WG
- inverse operations WG
- meta-model narration WG
- meta-model overview WG
- number-spaces progression WG
- ordered pairs 'meta-element-ization' W
- ordered-pairs progression WG
- proverse operations WG
- unsolvable equations W
- dialectic of mathematical discovery WG
- dialectic of nature —
- diachronico-synchronic meta-fractal cosmos WG
- dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS MC
- earth-moon system origin WG
- Einstein's solution to Kant's antinomy WG
- 'intra-duality' of Einstein's General Relativity theory WG
- 'intra-duality' of the cosmos as a whole WG
- electron donor versus electron 'acceptor' atoms WG
- improved moons taxonomy WG
- matter versus anti-matter WG
- meta-sociality of human society WG
- one sentence summary WG
- onto-mass hyperbolicity WG
- polar versus non-polar compounds WG
- up to prokaryotic living cells WG
- standard moons taxonomy WG
- synchronic meta-fractal cosmos WG
- the meta-human W
- triadic Seldon function equation WG
- dialectic of social equity WG
- dialectical [meta-]axiomatics W
- dialectical categorial combinatorics W
- dialectical contradictions W WG
- dialectical critique of political-economy – Marxian WG
- dialectical eventity W
- dialectical function W
- dialectical ideography W
- dialectical logics W
- dialectical meta-axiomatics G
- dialectical negation W
- dialectical operation W
- dialectical operations stage of human[oid] cognitive development W
- dialectical operator W
- dialectical process W
- dialectical [self-]contradiction W
- dialectical set theory W
- dialectical theories of everything W
- dialectical totality W
- dialectical totality-theory W
- dialectics W
- dialectics-in-general W
- dialector W
- dialector analysis W
- dialector calculus W
- dialector cumulum W
- dialector product W
- dialector space W
- dialector variables W
- «dialektiké» W
- diametrical W
- diametrical opposition W
- dianoesis W
- dianoetic W
- dianoia W
- dichotomy W
- dimension W
- dimensional W
- dimensional analysis W
- dimensionality W
- direction W
- dualectical W
- duality W
- duals W
- dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS
- dynamasis W
- dynamic W
- dynamical algebra W
- dynamical analytical geometry W
- dynamical arithmetic W
- dynamical geometry W
- dynamical-ness W
- dynamical system W
- dynamical systems theory W
- dynamicity W
- dynamics W
- dynamis W
- dynamized W
- dynamizes W
- Earthism W
- eco-fascism W
- elision and re-emergence of arithmetical qualifiers W
- empires, ancient WG
- Encyclopedia Dialectica notationaI conventions —
- color coding conventions WG
- "double-entry" domain definitions W
- holistic notation W
- ideogramic W
- ideogramic and phonogramic W
- interweaving ordinalities W
- pictogramic W
- qualitative inequality sign WG
- Engels' Three Laws of the 'Dialectic of Nature' W
- equitarian W
- equitism W
- eventity W WG
- evolute W WG
- «genos» W
- global renaissance W
- historical dialectics W
- homeomorphic defect W
- human genome W
- human phenome W
- humanocide W
- 'ideo-ontology' W
- immanent W
- immanent critique W
- integers arithmetic, Z: W
- internal contradiction W WG
- intra-duality W WG
- logics W
- Marxian theory W
- mathematics W
- 'meta-' WG
- meta-Darwinian planetary selection test W
- meta-genealogy W
- meta-monadization W
- meta-Nazi FW G
- meta-«physis» W
- meta-systematic dialectics W
- metafinite difference W
- metafinite change W
- (principle of) metafinity W
- «monad» W
- Mu ideography W
- natural numbers arithmetic, N W
- 'onto-': W
- onto-dynamasis W
- ontology W
- ontology-dynamics W
- ontological inequality WG
- ontological possibility-space W
- ontological reductionism W
- organonic algebraic method for solving dialectical equations W
- 'physio-ontology' W
- «physis» W
- planetary humanities WG
- psycho-history W
- psychohistorical dialectics W
- psychohistorical dialectic of human nature —
- ancient Egyptian pyramids WG
- Aristotle's doctrine of the mean WG
- «Arithmos» theories W
- forces, relations & modes of production WG
- forms of human self-identity WG
- Francis Bacon's three (3) species of science WG
- governance geography WG MS
- ideologies / knowledges WG
- Justinian's «Hagia Sophia» WG
- "Moai Walking" on prehistoric Easter Island WG
- Neptune's rings hypotheses progression WG
- phonetic written language WG
- Plato's «arithmoi» WG
- Porphyry's «Isagoge» WG
- presentation methods WG
- productive force WG Me MS
- psychohistorical materialism W
- sexual orientations WG
- social formations WG MC MS
- social relations of production WG MS MC
- television programming MS SS WG
- time memes WG
- U.S. coinage categorial combinatorics MS SS WG
- work versus play WG
- qualitative inequality WG
- qualo-fractal W
- qualo-Peanicity W
- rational numbers arithmetic, Q W
- real numbers arithmetic, R W
- 'Rocke-Nazi' W W G
- 'Rothe-Nazi' G
- ruling class G
- ruling plutocracy G
- Seldon functions WG
- Dialectic of Nature – dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS
- Dialectic of Nature – triadic Seldon function equation W
- self-contradiction W WG
- self-duality W WG
- singularity —
- in general W
- infinite versus metafinite W
- metafinite depletion W
- metafinite resonance W
- «species» W
- synchronic W WG
- synchronic meta-fractal cosmos WG
- systematic dialectic of Marx's Kapital, first triad W
- systematic dialectic of Marx's Critique of Political Economy (entire), first triad WG
- systematic dialectic of Marx's Critique of Political Economy (entire), second triad WG
- systematic dialectics W
- systematic dialectic of dynamics formulas Me
- systems, meta-systems, and super-systems W
- techno-depreciation W
- temporal acceleration W
- theories of everything W
- time W
- TOE / T.O.E. W
- toroidal vortices WG F
- Meta-Model for the Totality – dyadic Seldon function equation WG MS
- Meta-Model for the Totality – triadic Seldon function equation W
- villages, ancient: WG
- whole numbers arithmetic, W W
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