Monday, November 28, 2016

PRESS RELEASE -- Proposed ‘Equitist’ Constitutional Reform. GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.

PRESS RELEASE -- Proposed ‘Equitist’ Constitutional Reform.  


Dear Reader,

FYI:  The Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] / Equitist Advocacy group [E.A.g.] joint press release, appended below, has also been posted to the Media Page.



    Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica                                                                                                              
   Office of Public Liaison                                          
    Stars’ End, New York

    Equitist Advocacy group
    Terminious, California

    21 November 2016 C.E./B.U.E.

                                                            PRESS RELEASE:

                                        ProposedEquitarianConstitutional Reform --

                                              GLOBAL STRATEGIC HYPOTHESES.

Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], in alliance with the Equitist Advocacy group, have today issued the attached proposed PREAMBLE, together with our latest draft of an economic-democratic, ECONOMIC checks and balances instituting, statute for democratic political-economic governance.

We propose that this statute be incorporated into the U.S. Constitution, so that it can be amended only by the same process required to amend that Constitution, and/or its Bill Of Rights, and not merely by a simple majority vote in Congress. 

The intent of these documents is to establish a Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY in the United States of America, including so as to reverse the present, accelerating drive toward police-state, totalitarian, “Eugenics” [‘humanocidal’] dictatorships, in said United States of America, and world wide.

These texts are designed as instruments in support of a massive, grass roots, democratic populist movement, in the U.S., and world wide, without which no such ‘social-revolutionary reforms’ can possibly be instituted.

These texts are designed to help such a real movement -- a movement to defeat the ruling-class financed and formulated right-wing [e.g., fascist], fraudulent, pseudo-populist ideologies now being spread rapidly, by that ruling class, in the United States, and throughout the European Union, to name only two loci of this contagion. 

The ruling plutocracy is recoiling in fear from the growing signs of popular, anti-Wall-Street, anti-“Billionaire-Class” unrest, including the unprecedented primary election successes of Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed “socialist”, and even from the national-electoral success of the [likely only populism-feigning] Donald Trump. 

This ruling-class’s rapid spread of these racist [e.g., fascist], fraudulent, pseudo-populist ideologies is looking successful, in part, for wont of any detailed alternative to the Orwellian, state-capitalist, police-state, totalitarian, “Eugenics” [targeting 90+ % global population extermination*] dictatorships that the ruling plutocracy is preparing, globally.

Critics of our ever-worsening capitalist status quo, who say they want to replace ‘descendent-phase’ capitalism with a better socio-political-economic system, are classically confronted -- and rightly so -- with the refrain:  “We’d all love to see the plans”.

The “plans” of F.E.D., and of the Equitist Advocacy group, for what we hold to be a far better socio-politico-economic system, are now there for all to see, in detail, see ‘Draft of Proposed Amendatory Annex to the U.S. Constitution’, at --
*[The plutocracy’s plans for 90+ % global ‘humanocide’ have been stated publicly, again and again, by both key perpetrators of the plutocracy itself, and by their ‘spokes-servants’.  For a selection from these public statements, see the 4/11/2013 posting at --     

However, we do not see these, draft, plans as finished, or final.

We hold that no small minority, such as ourselves, can craft plans adequate to the growing diversity of Terran humanity as a whole.

We call upon you to critique, and to suggest improvements to, these texts, linked-to herein.

We will be only too happy to incorporate any and all improvements that you offer, and that we too see as improvements, into the planned later drafts of these ‘amendatory’ and ‘implementary’ documents.

Moreover, you should feel free to use some or all of this material within your own publication(s), organization(s), etc., with or without attribution to this source -- to the Equitist Advocacy group, and/or to Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] -- entirely at each your own discretion, with regard to such attribution.

We refuse to assert any exclusive property right with regard to this content. 

All of this content comes under our standard ‘Omni-Copyright’ policy.

Summary descriptions of the newly-discerned fundamental human rights -- as also new constitutional rights -- grounding these proposed equitarian revolutionary reforms, can be found via the following link --

These proposed ‘‘‘reforms’’’ are also ‘‘‘revolutionary’’’, but not in the sense of some kind of civil violence -- which is all that the ruling plutocracy ever wants you to associate with the term “social revolution”.

These ‘‘‘reforms’’’ are also ‘social-revolutionary’ in that, if they are implemented, they will change the fundamental social relation of the societal reproduction of our society.

That fundamental social relation, is today, the ‘capital/wage-labor’, or ‘capital/salaried-labor’, relationship.

Under the rules of that relationship, the accumulating wealth-creating work-power and work-product of the wage-labor/salaried-labor majority is funneled into the ownership of an ever tinier minority of ever-more concentrated owners of capital, and, hence, ever-more concentrated owners of money, who buy that accumulating, ever-expanding wealth creation in return for just enough money, or, increasingly, not even enough money, for that majority to eke out a bare subsistence -- increasingly, not even enough to secure a decent life for themselves, let alone for their children.

That concentrated-ownership class thereby also acquires sufficient money wealth to “buy out”, lock, stock, and barrel, all three branches of, formerly “democratic”, political government, thereby obviating and circumventing the checks and balances -- essential to the maintenance of any degree of political democracy -- among the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of political government.

When those three branches all respond, dutifully, to their single “owner”, the former checks and balances among them cease to exist.

The houses of legislature become houses of prostitution, their legislators whores to the “Big Money” lobbyists. 

The executive branch comes to be led by a succession of individuals who are able to win election only through the funding of their campaigns by “Big Money”, and who, hence, are “deeply beholden” to “Big Money”. 

Appointments to the judiciary by these executives come to reflect that ‘beholden-ness’, so that the courts, instead of meting out justice, and checking abuses of legislature and executive power, mete out the policy preferences of the concentrated ownership class, detrimental to the majority, and ratify those abuses of power.

None of this can get any better -- all of this will only continue to get worse -- unless there is a shift of power, back from the tiny minority that is the concentrated ownership class, to the majority working/middle class.

But that shift of power cannot suffice or sustain as a shift of political power only. 

The ruling plutocracy has locked-up politics. 

That plutocracy “owns” the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary branches of political government. 

It has used its economic power to gain predominant political power.  It has translated its concentrated economic power into concentrated political power as well, subverting all of the institutions of a free and democratic society.

We see only one positive solution.  The working/middle class must leverage its remnant political power, its majoritarian power, its power of numbers, to implement a sustained shift in economic power, back towards itself.  It must institute a system of new, economic checks and balances.  Those economic checks and balances, and the accompanying shifts in economic power, back toward the majority class, can then resuscitate the presently-moribund political checks and balances as well.

We propose to accomplish this by widening the social discernment of three additional fundamental human rights, to the point of constitutionally recognizing and implementing those three fundamental rights.

Human rights, and human liberties, are those principles of political, economic, and social conduct which, when implemented, militate against otherwise systematic injustice, and enable the life of the majority of citizens to thrive.

What fundamental human rights are unobserved, missing, honored mainly in the breach, in our present, capital-owners-centric society?

First, our late-capitalist society is dense and bursting with “external costs” production -- with the production of pollution and other “externalities” by capitalist enterprises -- the production of damages to “third parties”, who are neither owners, nor customers of those enterprises, damages generated by the unregulated operation of those enterprises. 

Citizens can no longer protect themselves, their neighborhoods, or their children, from increasingly toxic, deadly pollution.  Regulation of such pollution production via central, bureaucratic agencies leads to the buyout and “capture” of those regulatory agencies by those that they are supposed to regulate. 

Such agencies are “bought out” by “the usual suspects”.  The agents of those agencies end up, after a few years of agency “service”, in “cush” jobs with those they were supposed to have regulated, in return for not having done so. 

Citizens can no longer afford the costs of suing these polluting enterprises in civil court, and, moreover, the civil court “justices” are increasingly beholden to the polluters, appointed, indirectly, by them -- i.e., directly by the executive branch that those polluters also “own”. 

The majority of citizens need a new, democratic, grass roots way to regulate and reduce such “externalities”.

Implementation of the Citizen Externality Equity human right is designed to replace corrupt bureaucratic regulation, and corrupt civil court litigation, with grass roots regulation.  For more regarding this human right, see Sections 2 and 3, in ‘Draft of Proposed ‘Amendatory Annex’ to the U. S. Constitution’, at -- .

Working/middle class citizens are, increasingly, abjectly dependent upon capitalist employers, not only for monetary income by wage or salary, but for health care, and for retirement savings.  These same employers ever seek ever new ways to sever these citizens’ employment -- to lay them off -- whether buy automation, or by shipping their jobs to low-wage ‘servant-dictatorships’, also “owned” by the plutocracy, where workers’ efforts to form unions to help raise their wages are met with murder at the hands of police-state death-squads. 

Recurring “great recessions”, of increasing global severity, recurrently release legions of workers into low-income or no-income unemployment.  The unions that, e.g., in the United States, once provided collective defense for the working/middle class, against employer abuse, have mostly been destroyed here as well.

To thrive, working/middle class citizens need a new source of economic strength, to bolster them in their fight against this global “race to the bottom” in terms of wages/salaries, and working conditions.

Implementation of the Citizen Birthright Equity human right is designed to install a fully-portable personal social safety net, not tied to any employer; an individual trust fund, for every citizen.  For more regarding this human right, see Section 4, in ‘Draft of Proposed ‘Amendatory Annex’ to the U. S. Constitution’, at -- .

The employers of the concentrated ownership class own the money that now “owns” the political government -- all three branches -- lock, stock, and barrel.

To thrive, or even to survive, the working/middle class majority needs a shift of economic power back to itself, so that they will have the financial wherewithal to begin to be able, again, to sustain a political fight against the growing dictatorship of the ruling plutocracy, if not to outlaw outright the legalized bribery of today’s lobbying and “campaign finance reform”.  The working class needs to gain a share of what it produces, beyond merely the equivalent of its costs of bare subsistence -- in the form of, secularly falling, in real terms, salaries and wages -- if it is to have a chance at a decent standard of living, the “free time” to participate in civic, political life, and if its is to stand a chance against the concentrated wealth of the concentrated ownership class.

Implementation of the Citizen Stewardship Equity human right is designed to enable ‘collective entrepreneurship’. It is designed to do so in the form of markets-competing socialized producerscooperatives, and of competing social banks that provide means of production ‘‘‘stewardship’’’ to statutorily qualified entrepreneurial collectives that at least one such ‘social bank’ is willing to bet on, via ‘socialized venture capital’, such that the producer-members, or ‘citizen stewards’, of these democratically self-managed producers’ cooperatives, are compensated both for time worked, and with an equal share of the operating surplus of their cooperative.  For more regarding this human right, see Section 5, in ‘Draft of Proposed ‘Amendatory Annex’ to the U. S. Constitution’, at -- .

We propose the constitutional establishment of these three human rights, as extensions of the capital equity, “stockholder democracy” principle to principles of non-capital-owner, non-stockholder ‘stakeholder democracy’, and as extensions of the “equitable jurisprudence” principles of the Anglo-American legal tradition, to institute constitutional economic checks and balances that will also revive the moribund political checks and balances of the U. S. Constitution.  Thereby, the growing extra-constitutional dictatorship of the ruling plutocracy can be blocked, and the polity of the United States of America can move to that of a Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY.

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