E.U. Coinage -- ‘‘‘Systematic Dialectic’’’ --
‘Categorial Combinatorics’
-- Contribution by a Site Visitor.
Dear Reader,
It has long been the consensus view of the F.E.D.
Special Council for Public Liaison, in which I participate, that our ‘‘‘systematic-dialectical’’’
presentation of the U. S. coinage system is one of the best
introductions, for new contacts, unfamiliar with the Seldonian dialectic, to the F.E.D.
‘first dialectical arithmetic/algebra’, and to its
I presented this introductory example in my blog-entry, here, of 08
September 2014 --
The reason that we view it so, is because the content, the ‘‘‘subject-matter’’’, of that ‘dialectical meta-equation
and the ‘‘‘systematic-dialectical’’’
presentation that that ‘dialectical meta-equation
generates, is utterly familiar to all those, world
wide, who use the coinage component of the U.S. currency. With no mystery involved in the ‘‘‘subject-matter’’’ itself to add any difficulty or confusion, all that stands
forth in this introductory
example is the
WQ_ dialectical method itself, in a particularly simple -- even simplistic -- application. This example conveys the rudiments of the WQ_ dialectical method in a way which can
prepare the viewer of that example
to apply that method to more complex, more difficult, but far more useful Domains.
Well, recently, a frequent guest of the www.dialectics.info web site has corresponded
with F.E.D. Special Council for Public
Liaison chairperson Aoristos Dyosphainthos, via my email address, now detonacciones@yahoo.com, about a mathematical model of dialectic that our
guest has developed, independently, and also about how he might best learn the F.E.D.
mathematics of dialectics. Aoristos e-mailed back to him a list of links
to the Special Council’s best trajectory of texts for gaining intro. to
Seldonian dialectics.
The first item in that links list was to the same blog-entry
to which I just linked you above.
Well, this frequent guest, who lives in a Euro Zone nation-state,
e-mailed back his own application
of that
method to the
E.U. currency’s coinage.
His application
was “spot-on” in every detail,
and even added a new notational innovation of his own!!!
The plan now is to publish his work on the www.dialectics.info web site, as a guest
author’s contribution.
I got hold of part of the material being prepared for
this guest author’s contribution yesterday -- transcribed by the E.D.
Editors almost verbatim from the guest author’s handwritten manuscript
-- and am sharing these drafts with you today, below.
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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