Wednesday, February 14, 2018

¿New internet Dialogue: F.E.D. ‘Dialectograms’ as Art?

¿New internet Dialogue:  F.E.D. ‘Dialectograms’ as Art?

Dear Reader,

FYI:  A reddit! user just posted a comment discussing F.E.D. ‘dialectograms’ as an ‘‘‘art form’’’ --

-- and I responded as follows --

“I particularly like the images that express the grandiosity of their ambition, like --

The diagram for their universal classification of all things existing [their “Universal Taxonomy”]

The “rosetta stone” diagrams for their dialectical language:

historical tense

Their diagram of Marx'sDialectical Method in Capital

Their diagram of Marx'sunfinished opus as a whole

Their diagram of the history of the Marxian “socialrelations of production”, including the “capital-relation”

The diagram for a “dialectical presentation” of their mathematicsfor dialectics as a “dialectical progression” of dialectical math. systems

BTW, the details on how, in their “seventh” system of dialectical arithmetic, division by zero, they hold, becomes meaningful, are at:  a.  b.  c.  d.  e.  f.  g.  h.

If you want to rediscover for yourself their “first” arithmetic for dialectics, just know that it is an arithmetic and “algebra of categories”, of “kind of things” categories [i.e., of “ontological categories”].  ¿So, if you had two distinct symbols for two categories of qualitatively different kinds of things, what could it usefully mean to “add” those two category symbols together?  ¿What could it usefully mean to “multiply” those two category symbols together?”



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