Response Regarding Marx’s “Greatest Error”.
Dear Reader,
I recently responded to an internet query, accessible via --
-- which was stated as follows:
“What was Karl Marx's greatest error? Was it his desire to abolish the family, abolish personal property, abolish religion, or is it the entire dialectical materialism philosophy?”
I replied approximately as follows --
“This question seems to be infected with the lies about Marx’s
views spread by those who hope to block as many as possible from ever learning
of Marx’s real views, and also with the ideologies
[secular religions] concocted by the sadistic, socio-pathic,
coercive-power-addicted, absolute-power-corrupted Leninoid, Trotskyoid,
Stalinoid, Maoid, etc. fraudsters and mass murderers, who falsely claim the
mantle of Marx.
First of all, the term “abolish” is, in the context of
translations to English of Marx’s work, typically a mis-translation of the
German word “aufheben”, which does NOT mean suppression by police-state
coercion, but which means the combined self-transformation, self-elevation,
and self-conservation of a given social formation.
Moreover, Marx never proposed to “abolish” the family. He thought that the family would transform
itself in response to changes in the social relations of social reproduction,
away from capital as the main social relation of social reproduction.
He thought that mystified, contra-empirical ideologies,
e.g., religions, would also change and, in part, dissolve, naturally, with the
change in the social relations of social reproduction, away from the “mystifying”
Marx NEVER sought to “abolish” personal
property. He foresaw a possible future
in which the means of society-[re]production would cease to be private
property, and would become, instead, social property, utilized and administered
democratically. The questioner
here appears to be confusing Marx’s views with the views of ANTI-Marxian
“MarxISTS” like, e.g., Pol Pot. Remember what Marx himself said about “MarxISTS”:
‘‘‘As for myself, I am not a Marxist.’’’
In my view the main error in Marx’s work/strategy is that he
did not live long enough -- or give sufficient priority, while he yet lived --
to developing a detailed hypothesis as to the constitution of the core social relation
of social self-reproduction at the heart of the “lawful” successor system to
the social system centered upon the capital-relation as dominant social
relation of society-[re]production.
This helped to leave room for the ideological perversion of
Marx’s work, arising from the underdeveloped semi-periphery of the core
capitals-system, in the form of totalitarian, mass-murdering, bureaucratic
state-capitalism, disguised as Marxian “socialism” or “communism”, in the
ideologies of the various, semi-peripheral, mass-murderous Lenino-Stalinoid,
Lenino-Trotskyoid, and Stalino-Maoid nation-state police-state dictatorships.
This query calls to my mind the findings, so far, of a group
that is relentlessly carrying forward Marx’s -- unfinished -- work [by which I
do NOT mean the state-bureaucratic ruling-class, dictatorial perversions of the
Leninist, Trotskyist, Stalinist, Maoist, ..., Castroist, and Unist
state-CAPITALIST ideologues, fraudsters, and mass murderers] in the four key
domains which Marx and Engels were not able to bring to fruition before their
Those unfinished domains of Marxian theory and practice
(1) that of the detailed nature and justification of the
Marxian dialectic method;
(2) that of the dialectic of Nature, and of the Marxian, immanent,
critique of the ideology that pervasively compromises the modern sciences, including,
not just the economic and other social sciences, but the natural sciences and
mathematics as well;
(3) that of the detailed nature of the liberatory,
Political-ECONOMIC-DEMOCRATIC society which is the “lawful” higher successor
system to the present, [State-]Capitalist system;
(4) that of the detailed causation-dynamics of the
ever-worsening catastrophic global economic depression-crises, wars, and
genocides that advise us all of the growing need for us to transcend
[state-]capitalism, by creating that successor system, of grass roots
That group is Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [see www.dialectics.info ].”
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