Stephen Hawking on the Advent of ‘the Meta-Human’, III. --
Dear Reader,
We have predicted, as the source of the key ‘self-hybrid neo-ontology’ of the next epoch of cosmological ‘meta-evolution’ -- at least locally, in our own solar system -- a ‘qualitative change’; an ‘ontologically-dynamical, neo-ontological meta-finite singularity’ that we call ‘the irruption of the meta-human’ -- the advent of a new «genos», comprising three new «species», of cosmological ontology that we call ‘meta-humanity’ --
qh =
h =
h1, ---> h2 =
h + Deltah =
h + qhh |-=
h + y .
We hold that none of the three, dialectically-interrelated predicted «species»
of this new «genos» of ‘meta-humanity’
is as yet extant
in the contemporary
Terran ecosphere of [mere] humanity.
We also hold that ‘protoic
preformations’ of each of these three «species»
are already extant in our times, largely, though
not completely, unnoticed as such by most of our contemporaries.
Given this background, it is interesting to read the
thoughts of the late physicist, Stephen Hawking, on the systematically third of these
three «species, that of ‘‘‘Cyborg Bionics/-Prosthetics’’’, in his
posthumously published, 2018 book Brief Answers to the Big
Questions [Bantam, NY].
Hawking fairly
clearly distinguishes
the systematically first and second [‘cosmo-ontological’] categories of this predicted
new «genos», what we
call ‘human
Genome Self-Re-Engineering, mediated through the human Phenome’,
and “AI”,
which we
call ‘‘‘Android Robotics’’’.
He sees
these two predicted categories as qualitative opposites, and also as in at least potential mutual dyadic, polar opposition in terms of agendas, as we have seen in the previous two installments in this series.
when it comes to the systematically third [‘cosmo-ontological’] «species»-category of this predicted
new «genos», that of ‘‘‘Cyborg Bionics/Prosthetics’’’,
Hawking does not seem to discern a clear, distinct «species»-category, although his brief description, quoted
below, of technologically-enhanced
-- including especially electronically-enhanced
-- human
bodies does echo key defining features of this envisioned category, e.g., as set forth, fictionally, in the Star
Trek visualizations
of the “Borg”, for example. Here is that description in Hawking’s own words --
[p. 194]: “...we cannot predict what we might achieve
when our own minds are amplified by AI.”
“Perhaps with the tools of this new technological revolution
we can make human life better.”
“For instance, researchers are developing AI that would help
reverse paralysis in people with spinal-cord injuries. Using silicon chip implants and wireless
electronic interfaces between the brain and the body, the technology would
allow people to control their body movements with their thoughts.”
“I believe that the future of communication is
brain-computer interfaces.”
“There are two ways:
electrodes on the skull and implants.
The first is like looking through frosted glass, the second is better
but risks infection.”
“If we can connect a human brain to the internet it will
have all of Wikipedia as its resource.”
FYI: Much of the work
of Karl Seldon, and of his collaborators, including work by “yours truly”, is
available, for your
free-of-charge download, via --
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica
Officer, F.E.D.
Office of Public Liaison
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