Part 01: Seldon’s ‘‘‘Seeings’’’ Series
‘‘‘Self-Involution’’’ and the Dialectical ‘Meta-Modeling’ of Cosmological ‘‘‘Meta-Evolution’’’.
Dear Readers,
It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an officer of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica
[F.E.D.] Office of Public Liaison,
to share with
you, from
time to time, as
are approved
for public release by the F.E.D.
General Council, key
from the internal writings, and from the internal sayings, of our co-founder,
Karl Seldon.
The first such
release in this new
series is
entered below [Some E.D. standard
edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors
of the Special Council for the Encyclopedia, to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s
first instalment
addresses the
Seldonian view of the coinciding of mathematical and physical meanings of the term “self-involution”.
In Seldon’s view, this coinciding resides, in particular, in the single ‘Dyadic Seldon-Function’-based
maps the progression of dialectical, «aufheben»
equations that form our ontological-categorial,
singularity, ‘qualo-fractal tower’, ‘meta-«gene»-alogical’
of the known ‘‘‘meta-evolution’’ of our cosmos, to-date, e.g., starting from the ontological category
of pre-/sub-atomic “particles” as «arché»-category, i.e., as the ultimate ancestor ontological category presently well known to modern science.
“The known
history of our Cosmos can be described as a process of recurrent
“This ‘Nature-al History’, or ‘‘‘history of Nature as a Whole’’’,
can be so described in both the Chardinian, physical sense, and in the
“archaic”, mathematical sense of this term, ‘‘‘self-involution’’’.”
“In this double sense of that term, the self-re-iterated
“self-involution -- i.e., this “raising to a power”, e.g., this ‘self-iterated’
“squaring” -- drives the ontological-categorial ‘self-meta-evolution’ of our
cosmos in actuality, and in its dialectical-mathematical representation.”
“It does so both in terms of its physical content -- the
‘erosis’ of ‘‘‘binding the ontological-categorial units, or «monads», that are
‘meta-meristemal’ in each historically-specific epoch of cosmological
evolution, into ever higher unit-ies’’’ -- and in terms of its
syntactical, mathematical, ideographical description, and formulaic
“In its Chardinian, physical
sense, this ‘‘‘self-involution’’’ refers to the critical-threshold
‘self-internalization’ of each predecessor epoch-making ‘particulation’ of the
cosmos -- of that predecessor epoch’s changing “indefinite numbers”/ «arithmoi» /
populations of its ‘meta-meristemal’ «monads» -- in the formation of each successor such
‘particulation’, and thereby also in the formation of the successor epoch of
cosmological evolution, whereby the «arithmos» of those successive, ontologically-progressive epochs
constitutes the ‘meta-evolution’ of our cosmos to-date.”
the mathematical sense of the term ‘‘‘self-involution’’’, it means that this
Chardinian process is described -- ideographically, formulaically -- by an
ideographical expression involving a ‘meta-exponential’ formula, i.e., a ‘meta-equation’
involving time-varying [epoch-varying] ‘meta-exponent’ values, applied
successively to a fixed numerical exponent, which, in cases where that
fixed exponent is the “Whole” Number value 2, thus
expresses, and calls for, a recurring ‘‘‘self-squaring’’’ [cf. Mandelbrot] of
the represented ontological content of the cosmos -- content-representation
that, after ‘epoch 0’, was ‘«gene»-rated’
by the preceding such ‘self-squaring’, i.e., all the way back down to, and
starting from, the 20 precursor to the
first such, 21 ‘‘‘self-squaring’’’.”
“This description works when,
e.g., we take pre-atomic “particles”, denoted by r,
as «arché»-category, i.e., as the well known ultimate ancestor ontological category of
our cosmos.”
“We hypothesize that this dual pattern, of ‘«aufheben»
self-involution’, can be extended backwards in time to an epoch before the
epoch “vanguarded” by the pre-atomic “particles”
“We mean an epoch of “Dark Energy” [ so-called], wherein
an anti-gravitic
“Dark Energy”-only cosmos, one of “pure time” manifesting as the accelerating
self-expansion/self-“inflation”/expanded self-reproduction of that «arithmos» of «monads» which, we hold, emerges as “empty” space itself, when
that «arithmos» brooked
-- at the finite limit of the mutually-catalytic, mutually-accelerating rate of
the intact ‘self-stretching’, ‘meta-mitotic’ self-replication of the
‘contiguum’ of those thus rapidly growing-in-number ‘«monads» of space itself’ -- a ‘self-resistance’ to its by
then super-light-speed rate of expansion of the radii of the cosmos, in the
form of [so-called] “Dark Matter”, whose own ‘‘‘self-involution’’’ gave rise,
later, to our more familiar ‘‘‘Bright Matter’’’, of ‘electro-gravitic+’ «monads»/“particles”.”
“That is, in a further deepening
of our ‘Pythagorean Psychohistorical Materialism’, space would thus be grasped
as the emergent manifestation of a [vast, growing, but still and ever finite]
population -- or «arithmos»/‘‘‘indefinite number’’’
-- of ‘spaceonic’ «monads», whose
existence, at a scale into which our present technologies cannot penetrate, is
thus such that these «monads» are not,
presently, directly “discernible” [cf. Leibniz]/distinguishable for us, in
their actual non-identity / ‘inter-mutual’ “mere” similarity -- i.e., in their ‘inter-mutual’ similitude that never collapses in ‘inter-mutual’ “identity”.”
“This ‘self-recurrent’
‘‘‘self-involution’’’ process is, in ‘«gene»-ral’, an «aufheben» process, i.e.,
a process of combined self-transformation/self-conservation/self-elevation-in-‘qualo-fractal’-scale of the «monads» that are
‘meta-meristemal’ in a given epoch of cosmological history.”
“That is, this recurring
‘‘‘self-involution’’’ process is none other than the dialectical process par excellence, the very process that constitutes and advances the [singular] Dialectic of
Nature itself.”
For more information regarding
these Seldonian
please see --
For ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian
insights -- specimens
of ‘dialectical art’ -- see:
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D.
Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D.
Office of Public Liaison.
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