Friday, August 23, 2024

Part 03: Seldon on Dialectical Method Series. Self-Hybrid, ‘‘‘Bi-Vocal’’’ Category-Symbols and Inter-Epochal Transition-Process Heuristic Connotations.





Part 03: Seldon on Dialectical Method Series.



Self-Hybrid, ‘‘‘Bi-Vocal’’’ Category-Symbols and

Inter-Epochal Transition-Process Heuristic Connotations


The Dialectic of Nature


Other, sub-Universe Dialectical Ontological Categorial-Progression Meta-Equations.








Dear Reader,




It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an elected member of the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Encyclopedia Dialectica insights into key concepts of Seldonian Theory.








The text posted below describes heuristic connotations of, ‘‘‘bi-vocal’’’, ‘self-hybrid’, algebraic, unsolved ontological category-symbols, that connote the processes that lead to the denotations of the, ‘‘‘uni-vocal’’’, category-symbols that solve them, as denoting the  products of those transitional processes.








Seldon –

We dispense with the n, u, and D ‘dialectical diacritical marks, in the ontological category symbols below, to focus the symbolization upon the ‘contental’ ontic essences of these symbols, with those ‘dialectical diacritical marks’ understood in advance to be, throughout, universal taxonomy level n = 1, sub-universe u = " and also Domain D = ": the most comprehensive sub-universe and Domain of the dialectic of the known totality; THE DIALECTIC OF NATURE.”


“We have often noticed that algebraic-unsolved, ‘‘‘bi-vocal’’’, ‘self-hybrid’ ontological category-symbols of this Domain, of the form qxx, connote ontological processes that form the transitions to the very next ontological ‘contra-kind’ categories, by way of the interactions of the monads of category qx, i.e., by x units interacting with other x units, while, per our ‘‘‘uni-vocal’’’ solution category-symbols for those ‘‘‘bi-vocal’’’, unsolved symbols, those symbols denote exactly those very next ‘contra-kind’ ontological categories as the products, e.g.,

qxx |-º  qy, at length, of x units interacting with other x units.”  


“This observation models our fundamental paradigm of such ‘onto-dynamases’: that quantitative change – in the population sizes and densities of local arithmoi of expandedly self-reproducing monads of a given kind – thus, at length, surpassing critical thresholds of population quantity and quantitative density, by such ‘self-surroundment’, yield relatively sudden ‘meta-finite singularities’ of qualitative change, as ontological change, as the irruption of the new/next kinds of monads; of the next ontic arithmoi. ”


“This has led to our use of the appropriate and appropriated ambiguity of phrases like “particles of particles” and “atoms of atoms” as |-º interpretations of «aufheben», dialectical-symbolic operations such as rárñ and aáañ, respectively, solved [‘|-º’] such that --


rárñ = r + Dr  = qr + qrr |-º  qr + qa  =

r + a


-- for the self-genesis process of atoms, as products, from “particles”, as their ingredients, and -- 


aáañ = a + Da  

qa + qaa |-º  qa + qm  =

a + m


-- for the self-genesis process of the ontic category/arithmoi of molecules, as products, from the monadic ‘intra-actions’ if the monads or units of the ontic category/arithmoi of atoms.  Clearly, a “particle of particles” – a “particle” made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of “particles” -- can no longer be a “particle” in the same sense of “particle” as the “particles” out of which it is made.  It must be something ontologically new, a new kind of monad or unit – an atom unit.” 


Likewise, an “atom of atoms” – an “atom” made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of atoms – can no longer be an “atom” in the same sense that the units that compose it are “atoms”.  It must be something ontologically new, a new kind of monad or unit – a molecule unit.” 


“For example, the ontological ‘‘‘bi-vocal’’’, unsolved/algebraic but merely hybrid category-symbol qar, connotes the conversion of rs into as by as, e.g., 

the initial conversion of proton “particles”, misleadingly labeled as H+, into Helium ionic atomic nuclei, He++, and beyond, by means of “stellar nucleosynthesis” in the cores of first generation and of later new stars.”


“But the ontological ‘‘‘bi-vocal’’’, unsolved/algebraic self-hybrid category-symbol qaa, connotes the ontological process of the self-conversion of “lower” atoms into higher “atoms”; of lower atomic-number/atomic weight atomic species into higher atomic number/atomic weight atomic species, by means of interactions of atoms with atoms – e.g., by means of atomic fusion – in the later processes of stellar nucleosynthesis, that “burn”/fuse “atoms” beyond H+ into higher atoms-kinds than He++; that “burn”/fuse Helium atoms themselves, and beyond.”


“This process, connoted by the ontological category-symbol, qaa, creates the great quantity and variety of atomic species that, as dying stars cumulatively, stellar-generation after stellar generation, eject their evolved atomic contents into/to-form, e.g., intra-galactic, ‘atomic clouds’ – ‘clouds of atoms’ – turn those clouds more and more into “molecular clouds” – “clouds of molecules”, once the quantities of the populations and varieties and densities of those atoms units rise sufficiently to ‘‘‘shade’’’ and concentrate/densify and ‘frequentize’ atoms-with-other-atoms interactions, interactions which yield molecule units 

as their products


aáañ = a + Da  

qa + qaa |-º  qa + qm  =

a + m

– The transition from cosmological-ontological-content epoch r + a to cosmological-ontological-content next epoch –


r + a + qar + m.” 


Before this ‘molecules-led’, or ‘molecules-meristemal’ epoch, to get to its immediately-prior epoch, that of r + a, we had the process connoted by qrr, connoting the process transitional from epoch r, the cosmological epoch of “particles”-only, to r + a, the cosmological epoch of “particles” and/with atoms –


r ® r2 = rárñ = r of r = r + Dr  =


qr + qrr |-º  qr + qa  =


r + a.”


“The symbolic expressions r2 & rárñ & r of r connote the interactions of “particles” with other “particles”.  In particular, the interactions such that were necessary before some of the “particles” could convert themselves into atoms were those in which “non-composite particles”, “fermionic” and “bosonic” particles could combine themselves into “composite particles”, specifically into the fermions called “protons” and “neutrons”, and the “bosons” called “mesons”.  Once those “nucleonic particles” were in existence, they could help create the conditions for them to combine to form atomic nuclei, as products of these interactions, and, with the “cooling” to bring in the “non-composite” electron “particles”, electro-neutral atoms as products, denoted/solved as a.”   


After this ‘molecules-led’, or ‘molecules-meristemal’ epoch, to get to its immediate-successor cosmological epoch, that of r + a + qar + m ++ p, we have the process connoted by qmm, connoting the process 

transitional from epoch r + a + qar + m, the 

cosmological epoch led by molecules, to epoch 

r + a + qar + m ++ p

the, hypothetical cosmological epoch, 

so far observed only on one planet, planet Earth, ‘vanguarded’ by prokaryotic living unicellular organisms –


ár + a + qar + mñ ® 

ár + a + qar + mñ2


|-º ár + a + qar + m ++ pñ .”


“The unsolved/algebraic, still ‘‘‘bi-vocal’’’, ‘self-hybrid’ ontological categories transitional-process-connoting symbol qmm connotes the aufheben making of “bigger 

molecule units” out of heterogeneous multiplicities of “smaller molecule units”, of the self-conversion of populous, densified, ‘varietous’, simpler molecule units, of mere “mers” such as H2O, CO2, CH4, NH3, etc., into bigger, “poly-mers”, e.g., into “poly-peptide” proteinoid, “poly-saccharide carbohydrate”, poly “lipid” fat molecules, e.g., poly-glycerides, and poly-nucleotides, on up into the “macro-molecules” that are key constituents of living prokaryotic unicells, p º qp.”


“Thus we see, in all of these cases, that qxx symbols can 

connote the processes that produce the products denoted by qy when qxx |-º qy.  Thus, we have seen how –


The qrr processes 


qa products;  

The qaa processes 


qm products;

The qmm processes 


qp products.








For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, please see --













For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights -- specimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see



























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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