Sunday, October 02, 2011

Aphorisms Aligned with the F.E.D. Dialectical "Theory of Everything": #1

Aphorisms Aligned with the F.E.D. Dialectical "Theory of Everything":  #1

Dear Readers,

Aphorism #1.:

The [maximal] universe is, as are universes-of-discourse generally, included therein -- once they get started -- both '''evolute''' and 'revolute'.

evolute => The current epoch, or stage, of the universe contains a "tail" of [mostly] still-extant former meristemal [former "growing edge", "vanguard"; "frontier"] <<arithmoi>> of <<monads>>, or of "holons", or of "units", which defined former epochs/stages, and which have also "mixed" with, and "hybridized" with, one another, and which will do so also with the current "meristemal" <<monads>>, and which "tail" enables us to reconstruct the "tale(s)" of the past epochs/stages.

For example, in the current epoch [to our knowledge] of the maximal universe, the current "meristemal" ontology is that of human societies, with a "tail" of past "meristemal" ontology consisting of animal societies/plant communities, of asocial meta-biota [self-organizations of "multi-eukaryotic-cellular" animals and plants], of eukaryotic cells, of prokaryotic cells, of molecules, of atoms, of proto-nuclear sub-atomic "particles", and of pre-nuclear "particles" [as far "back" as we can "see"].

"evolute" => The universe is ontologically conservatory --

'revolute' => The universe is ontologically revolutionary.

The current epoch, or stage, of the universe, contains an epoch-defining, stage-defining "meristemal" <<arithmos>>.

The meristemal <<monads>> of that defining <<arithmos>> of the current epoch, or stage, of the universe, constitute "neo-ontology" without any [preceding] precedent, produced by a qualitative, ontological self-change in the cosmos.

Aphorism #1 shorter form --

The universe is both evolute and meta-evolute.



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