Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Definition: Dialectic-in-General

Definition:  '''Dialectic-in-<<Gene>>-ral'''

Dear Reader,

A '''dialectic''' is a "trans-Platonian" <<arithmos eidetikos>>.

A "trans-Platonian" <<arithmos eidetikos>> is an <<aufheben>>-organized assemblage, or '''number''', of units, or <<monads>>, which has categories [which are themselves implicitly already assemblages of units/<<monads>>/"logical individuals"] as its units/<<monads>>/individuals -- requiring at least two, or more, category-units with at least two different degrees/levels/scales of generality.

Examples --


slide # 11 -- specific-diagrammatic rendition, two-scales, colloquial/Linnaean <<arithmos eidetikos>>

slide # 16 -- generic-diagrammatic rendition, four-scales << arithmos eidetikos >>

slide # 17 -- generic-formulaic rendition, in the form of a mathematical unit meta-numeral, containing sub-units, containing sub-units, containing sub-units, ... .




Such an <<aufheben>>-organized assemblage of categorial units is "trans-Platonian" in that it is a dynamical [changing in response to the impact of changes in other assemblages upon it; also self-changing] and also a "meta-dynamical" assemblage of categories, one that is grasped as inhering in a [psycho]historically-specific stage in the development of the likewise dynamical, and likewise "meta-dynamical", human phenome.

A dynamical assemblage is a changing assemblage, with that change limited to changes in the "size" of the assemblage, population, <<arithmos>>, or "number" implicitly carried within each category-unit, i.e., limited to quantitative changes in the count of the units, or of the <<monads>>, or of the "logical individuals" implicit in each such category.

A "meta-dynamical" assemblage changes in its own "size", by adding new [and/or by subtracting/extincting old] qualitatively different categories to its "number" -- new categories which represent new kinds of "[onto-]logical individuals"; new kinds of existences -- new ontology, i.e., it changes by qualitative, ontological change.

<<Aufheben>> organization is "meta-unit-ic organization", or "meta-<<monad>>-ic organization", in which multiplicities of more <<speci>>-fic categories-as-units are partially, determinately "negated" in their <<speci>>-ficity, "elevated" into higher <<gene>>-rality, so as to be implicitly "conserved" in/"contained" by, and also such that they thus "constitute", a single category-as-unit, of higher <<gene>>-rality than are they, its "constituent" , more <<speci>>-fic, categories-as-units.

A '''dialectic''' is a "trans-Platonian" <<arithmos eidetikos>>, in the form of a taxonomic, "class-ificatory", "sortal", systematic interconnexion of a multiplicity of categories-as-units, for categories that may range from "purely ideal", "purely internal", mind-only-referred categories [e.g., "pure-mathematical" categories], to categories wholly-referred to external-to-mind nature, i.e., to sensory phenomena/empirical observables [e.g., certain key physics categories].

Regardless of their position in that range, these categories, to explicitly form a '''dialectic''', must be worked-up mentally so as to form a "qualo-fractal content-structure" with at least two scales or levels of differing generality/specificity -- of subsumed and subsuming categories-as-units -- such that the subsumed categorial units, or <<monads>>, connect, converge, and merge -- or "meta-unit-ize" / "meta-<<monad>>-ize" -- into their subsuming category [at least one], thus forming scaled "qualo-fractal" content-structure that is "self-similar" at all scales, with, e.g., sub-<<species>> categories subsumed by <<species>> categoriessuper-<<genos>> categories, etc., in a possibly large but always "constructible", finite progression of scales.

Such "qualo-fractal content-structures" may be abstracted / idealized so as to be "synchronic-dynamic content-structures".

As such, these "content-structures" represent, or model, their '''dialectic''' as a categories-<<arithmos>> which captures the process of self-reproduction / self-maintenance of the form[ation] in question, with its process abstracted as being purely-cyclic, as if with no "dimension", or "moment", of "[ac]cumulation", where such "[ac]cumulation" would tend to the eventual, at least partial self-dissolution/self-supercession of that self-reproduction/self-maintenance process.

.E.D. terms this <<species>>-category of the '''dialectic''' <<genos>>-category '''synchronic dialectics''', or "systematic dialectics".

Examples --


slide # 61 -- systematic dialectic;

slide # 74 -- a systematic dialectic embedded in / subsumed by a "meta-systematic dialectic"; see central "synchronic" slice.




On the contrary, such "qualo-fractal content-structures" may be counter-abstracted/contra-idealized -- more thought-concretely, and more "complexly" -- so as to be "diachronic-dynamic content-structures". As such, these "content-structures" represent, or model, their '''dialectic''' as a categories-<<arithmoi>> temporal progression / "meta-genealogy" of natural form[ation]s [e.g., of pre-human / extra-human natural formations, such as starless galaxies/"black-holes", followed by galaxies with stars, followed by galaxies with stars with planets, or of human-natural social-formations, such as bands, followed by those plus camps, followed by those plus villages, followed by those plus chiefdoms, followed by those plus city-states, followed by those plus multi-city-state empires, followed by those plus nation-states, . . .], where emphasis is placed upon the observed non-self-reproductive, "[ac]cumulative", "self-supercession" trend of each successive [self-]form[ation] in its engenderment of its successor [self-]form[ation].

F.E.D. terms this <<species>>-category of the '''dialectic''' <<genos>>-category '''diachronic dialectics''', or "historical dialectics".

Examples --


slide # 74 -- see four-fold, diachronic succession / progression of "synchronic" slices.




Combining both, or partially-rejecting/partially-embracing both, such "qualo-fractal content-structures" may be abstracted/idealized -- more thought-concretely, and more "complexly" still -- as "diachronico-synchronic-dynamical content-structures". As such, these "content-structures" represent, or model, their '''dialectic''' in both the synchronic, cyclical, self-reproductive, self-maintaining "dimension" / "moment" of each form[ation] in that '''dialectic's''' progression of form[ation]s, and also in the diachronic, cumulative "dimension"/"moment" of each such form[ation], evoking the interconnexion between these two "dimensions"/"moments", revealing specifically how the process of self-reproduction of each form[ation] gradually gives rise, in increasing degree, to its non-self-maintenance, eventuating, at length, in an at least partial process of non-self-reproduction, and of its self-supercession / of its production of its successor form[ation].

.E.D. terms this <<species>>-category of the '''dialectic''' <<genos>>-category "diachronico-synchronic dialectics", or "meta-systematic dialectics".

Examples --


slides # 74, whole slide -- for a human-natural, empirical human-social systems-progression;

slides #s 78, 79, and 82 -- for a "purely-ideative" systems-progression;

slides #s 91 through 99 -- for a pre-human-natural / extra-human-natural systems-progression.






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