Full Title: The Psychohistorical-Dialectical ‘Meta-Equation’ of Human-Social Formations ‘Meta-Evolution’. Part II. B. "Camps".
Dear Reader,
The present blog-entry is the fourth in a series of blog-entries presenting a Marxian, psychohistorical-dialectical model of human history, focusing on the "social formation(s)" [cf. Marx] aspects of that history.
Part II. B. Epoch t = 1: “ Camps ” ‘Socio-Ontology’ Emergent.
In his book Non-Zero: The Logic of Human Destiny, Robert Wright describes some specimens of the ‘multi-band’ “camp” stage of human-social formation as follows:
“Often a !Kung camp will have at its
core a single group of relatives such as a brother and sister."
"But they commonly have spouses, whose
siblings may also live in the camp, as may these sibling’s spouses."
"So even when a camp is loosely based around a single group of
close kin, the camp
can comprise multiple families and include many
individuals who are not
biological kin.”
[ Robert Wright, Non-Zero: The Logic of Human Destiny, Pantheon
Books [NY: 2000], p. 353, emphases by M.D.; see also http://nonzero.org/toc.htm ].
In terms of historical ‘‘‘Real time’’’, the Whole-Number
model-epochs duration from t =
1 to t = 2, during
which the highest forms of human social formation all extant together are
believed to have been only the scavenging/foraging, ~ single-family “bands”, and the ‘multi-band’ “camps”, lasted
from perhaps circa 100,000 B.C.E., to the
emergence of the first, pre-agricultural ‘multi-camp’ “villages” [e.g., Natufian], circa 12,500
B.C.E. -- a duration of ~ 87,500
We have defined the « arche' »-«arithmos» of human settlement formations to be
that of the non-settlement-pattern ‘‘‘population’’’ of
small, mobile, ‘‘‘nomadic’’’ “bands” of [proto-]human
By ‘‘‘population’’’ here, we do not mean that “population” whose unit is the individual [proto-]human[oid] living bodies that make up these “bands”.
We mean the ‘‘‘population’’’ that has these individual “bands” themselves as units.
[Note further: By ‘‘‘population’’’, in this context, we do not mean the count of [proto-]human “biological individuals”, whether of the typical or average “band”, or of the totality of all "bands" extant as of a particular value of some time parameter, or epoch parameter, t.
[minimally ‘memetically-emerged’, phenomically ‘proto-ic’, proto-]human
individual is not the unit,
or «monad», of
counting for this ‘dialectical
The “band itself,
for the t = 0
epoch, whatever a given band’s
size in terms of [proto-]human individuals, is that unit, or «monad».
This ‘meta-model’ thus eschews the usual,
metaphysical, “methodological”, contra-empirical ‘‘‘human individual-ism / atomism / reductionism’’’].
Suppose that the ‘‘‘population’’’ of the “bands” «arithmos» — the ‘‘‘population’’’
of which each individual “band”
is a «monad» /
unit —
reproduces itself with
expansion -- grows -- in certain localities of the planetary
biosphere [as a manifestation of the growth of human-societal self-productivity
-- the growth of the human-social forces of human-societal self-reproduction].
Then, as the ‘monadic population’ of the “bands”-as-«monads» ‘densifies’ itself in those
localities, a condition of ‘‘‘critically’’’ high “bands” density -- or of “bands” ‘physical-spatial concentration’ --
may arise, which we term the ‘self-surroundment’ of the typical “band” «monad»; the ‘self-environment’
/ ‘self-envelopement’
of the “bands”,
or their ‘surroundment/
environment-by-likes’, created, for the “bands”, by the “bands” themselves.
This condition would arise, first and especially,
within the ‘centerward’ sub-population of “band” «monads» of each
of the key/core such localities -- the ‘meta-meristemal’ / ‘‘‘vanguard’’’
social-relations-innovation ‘‘‘nucleation zones’’’.
This means that there has arisen a condition of “bands” densely surrounded
by [other] “bands” at the heart of each such
locality: “likes” ‘‘‘times’’’ “likes”
as “bands” ‘‘‘times’’’ “bands”.
This condition would have thereby supplanted,
in intensity / ‘intensivity’, within those key/core loci, the ‘precedingly-dominant’
condition of the ‘surroundment’
of the “bands”
«monads» only
by the accumulated ‘monadic
populations’ of various scales / levels / layers of pre-human-natur[e-]al
ontology, especially of the immediate ontological predecessor of the ‘taxonomy
level one’ ‘‘‘human societies’’’ «arithmos», in the form of the «arithmos» of the likewise
‘taxonomy level one’ ‘multi-meta-zoan’ “animal societies” / ‘multi-meta-phytan’,
single-kind-of-plant plant
“bands” ‘‘‘times’’’ ‘meta-metabiota’ -- the 'proto-language-based socialized meta-biota'.
A new innovation in the human-social settlement/governance
patterns’ taxonomy of ‘socio-ontology’ is thereby seeded.
The former condition was dominated by and characterized
by 'merely-hybridizing' reactions /- inter-actions, ‘ontological
conversion’ ‘hetero- / inter-actions’, of “band” «monads» with the accumulated ‘monadic populations’ of the
various ‘qualo-fractal’ scales / levels /
layers of the pre-existing ‘pre-human-natur[e-]al’ ontology, and, especially,
with humanity’s most recent ontological predecessor, the ‘meta-metabiota’ -- the 'proto-language-based socialized meta-biota'.
The new condition — in the ‘human socio-ontological
innovation nucleation zones’ — is dominated by, and characterized by, ‘self-hybridizing’
interactions, ‘self-interactions’, or by ‘intra-actions’, of
“band” «monads» with [other] “band” «monads», which
become more and more frequent / increasingly ‘self-frequentized’,
as the ‘‘‘population density’’’ of “band” «monads»
grows therein.
The formerly-dominant modes of monadic interaction — of ‘ontological other-conversion’,
or ‘hetero-conversion’
— had partially converted pre-human-natur[e-]al [including animal-social-]bio-mass into ‘[proto-]human-socio-mass’, in the form of this ‘monadic population’ of the
“bands” «arithmos», including of the biomass of humans-led social animals, e.g., of wolves [becoming -- "domesticated" -- "dogs"], which we also include as an integral part of what we term ‘[proto-]human-socio-mass’.
This process of ‘‘‘[plant/animal-social-and-earlier]bio-mass’’’
to ‘[proto-human-]socio-mass’ ontological conversion was ‘self-catalyzed’
by, or ‘auto-catalyzed’ by, and ‘self-[ac]celerated’, in proportion to the
presence of, and to the density of / ‘physical-spatial concentration’ of,
the thus ‘‘‘[self-]expanding’’’ “bands” «arithmos».
But as the — therefore growing — ‘physical-spatial
concentration’ of the «monads»
of the “bands”
in the key/core ‘‘‘nucleation zones’’’ of initial [proto-]human-social formation,
crosses a “critical mass” / ‘‘‘critical density’’’ threshold, the process of ‘ontological
hetero-conversion’, of past monadic
sub-populations, into the growing “bands” monadic population, shifts.
It shifts into a new and previously unprecedented process, a
process of the nascent ‘ontological self-conversion’ of [part of] a burgeoning “bands” «arithmos» ‘[proto-human] socio-ontology’, by that burgeoning “bands” «arithmos» ‘socio-ontology’
itself; its ‘self-conversion’ into the ‘socio-ontology’ of a new, ‘self-involutively
higher’, previously unprecedented, unexampled ‘‘‘onto-logical type’’’, the first increment of ‘[proto-]human socio-ontological’
innovation in the history of human-social formation(s).
That is, the ‘self-frequentization’ of this new mode of
action — of ‘‘‘self-inter-action’’’, or of ‘‘‘intra-action’’’ —
of “band” with “band”, then, as it exceeds its
critical frequency / density / concentration threshold, precipitates the
irruption of yet a new, previously non-extant, previously non-existent ‘meta-fractal’
scale / level / layer of human settlement
/ governance patterns and practices: namely,
that of the multi-“band” — episodically settled, semi-sedentary — “camps” [proto-]human-social formation(s).
F.E.D. characterizes such critical-threshold
transitions as specimens of their «genos» of ‘metafinite singularities’ in general, and of the «species» of ‘metafinite resonance singularities’
[e.g., as opposed to the «species»
of ‘metafinite depletion
singularities’], within their “ideo-taxonomic dialectic” of singularity-kinds.
F.E.D. calls these ‘‘‘singularities’’’ “metafinite” because they are unlike the “standard” valuations of cases of “division-by-zero singularity” that arise, at specific, finite values of the “Real number” time parameter, t, e.g., in many “purely-quantitative” nonlinear integro-differential equations, leading to spurious purely-quantitative infinities, or to “undefined”, “indeterminate” values.
F.E.D. calls these ‘‘‘singularities’’’ “metafinite” because they are unlike the “standard” valuations of cases of “division-by-zero singularity” that arise, at specific, finite values of the “Real number” time parameter, t, e.g., in many “purely-quantitative” nonlinear integro-differential equations, leading to spurious purely-quantitative infinities, or to “undefined”, “indeterminate” values.
“Realistic” singularities exhibit,
according to F.E.D., everywhere finite
results, called ‘metafinite’ because those
results include relatively rapid [not “instantaneous”] irruption of qualitatively
different, new ontology.
A “camp”,
grasped as a [proto-]human-social
unit / «monad», is a ‘meta1-«monad»’, i.e., is a ‘meta1-unit’, or ‘super1-unit’, relative to
a “band”,
grasped also as an -- immediate
predecessor -- [proto-]human-social
unit / «monad».
Each typical “camp” is a ‘meta-“band”, made up out of a
of the “bands”
i.e., made up out of a heterogeneous multiplicity of «monads» from the “bands” category, by means of a ‘self-«aufheben»
self-internalization’ of a part of that local, predecessor «arithmos» of “bands”, i.e., with
multiple “band”
units as predecessor «monads».
This ‘self-«aufheben»’ self-operation — of an «arithmos» of “band” «monads», as collective
human-social ‘‘‘subject’’’ / agent of [self-]action, acting / operating, upon /
within, itself, via the “band”
operating among
themselves — gives rise to an ontologically, qualitatively, behaviorally new and
different, previously unprecedented «arithmos», one that has “camps” as its «monads»: the «arithmos» of the —
initially multi-“band”
— “camps”.
The ‘subject
/ object identical’
of “bands” squared, “bands” x
“bands”, or ‘bands< bands>’ [“bands” OF “bands”] -- the ‘self-reflexive
functioning’ of “bands” acting upon “bands” -- still possibly reproduces
the “bands” «arithmos»-of-band-«monads», but also possibly produces something new and
unprecedented: “camps”; the “camps” «arithmos»-of-camp-«monads».
Summary for “camps”
Emergent. ‘Ideographized’
/ ‘ideogramized’, “shorthand”
summary of the narrative rendition above.
[in the following formula, b denotes the ‘socio-ontological’ category of the “bands”; the “bands” «arithmos», and c denotes the ‘socio-ontological’
category of
the “camps”; the “camps” «arithmos»] --
epoch t = 1: m>-|-<1 = < b >21 = < b >2, so --
b → b< b > = b ‘‘‘of’’’ b = b2 = b + Δb
= b + c,
= b + c,
as t = 0 → t = 1.
[Link to supplementary
information: If you would like more information about
the rules of ‘purely-qualitative
calculation’ that are used in the “shorthand” expression above — i.e.,
about the rules of ‘ontological multiplication’, ‘multiplication of qualities’ [‘multiplication
of ontological qualifiers’],
‘categorial multiplication’, or ‘«aufheben» [dialectical] multiplication’
— then click on the following link: http://www.dialectics.info/dialectics/Primer_files/8_Fract1-1_OCR.pdf
, and scroll down to p. 4].
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