Full Title:
The Psychohistorical-Dialectical Equation of Human-Social Formations ‘Meta-Evolution’.
Part II. C. Epoch t = 2: “Villages” ‘Socio-Ontology’ Emergent.
In his book, Non-Zero, Robert Wright describes the ‘multi-camp’ “village” stage of human social formation, and the inner ferment of its self-induced transition to beyond itself, as follows:
“Consider the “chiefdom” threshold. It is one thing for neighboring villages to become
trading partners or even to attain a measure of “supravillage” political organization via loose confederation. It is another thing for neighboring villages to grant real,
ongoing power to a central authority -- for one village’s chief to become the paramount chief.
When this happens, a chiefdom
has been formed.”
[Robert Wright, Non-Zero: The Logic of Human Destiny, Pantheon
Books [NY: 2000], p. 59, emphases by M.D.; see also http://nonzero.org/toc.htm ].
In terms of historical ‘‘‘Real time’’’, the Whole-Number
model-epoch from t =
2 to t = 3, during
which the highest forms of human social formation all extant together are
believed to have been the foraging, ~ single-family “bands”, the ‘multi-band’ “camps”, and the ‘multi-camp’ “villages”, lasted from circa 12,500
B.C.E., to the emergence of the first ‘multi-village’ “chiefdoms” [e.g., Ubaidian], circa 5,500
B.C.E. -- a duration of ~ 7,500
Suppose, as the next, consecutive, irruptive emergence in
this ‘Qualo-Peanic’ ‘self-«aufheben» succession’ / ‘consecuum-cumulum’ of human-social
emergences, that the ‘‘‘population’’’
of the “camp” units of the “camps” «arithmos» — the ‘‘‘population’’’ of which
each individual
“camp” is a «monad» / unit — reproduces itself
with expansion, grows in certain localities of the planetary ‘[now also ‘noo’-]bio-sphere’,
an expression of ‘human-societal self-productivity growth’, or of
‘human-sociomass self-productivity growth’.
Then, as the ‘monadic population’ of the “camps”-as-«monads» ‘densifies’ itself in those
localities, a condition of ‘‘‘critically’’’ high “camps” ‘‘‘density’’’ may arise, which
we term the ‘self-surroundment’
of the “camp” «monads», the ‘self-environment’
/ ‘self-envelopement’
of the “camps”,
or the ‘surroundment- / ‘environment-by-likes’,
created, for the “camps” «arithmos», by the “camps” «arithmos».
This condition would arise, first and especially,
within a central, ‘centerward’, or ‘coreward’, sub-population of “camp” «monads», within each
of the key / core such localities, or ‘meta-meristemal’ / ‘‘‘vanguard’’’
social-relations-innovation ‘‘‘nucleation zones’’’.
This means that there has arisen a condition of “camps” densely surrounded
by [other] “camps”
at the heart of each such locality.
This condition would have thereby supplanted, in intensity / ‘intensivity’, within these key / core loci, the ‘precedingly-dominant’ condition of the ‘hetero-surroundment’ of the “camp” «monads» by their immediate-predecessor, ‘inverse-consecutive’ «monads», those of the «arithmos» of “bands”.
This condition would have thereby supplanted, in intensity / ‘intensivity’, within these key / core loci, the ‘precedingly-dominant’ condition of the ‘hetero-surroundment’ of the “camp” «monads» by their immediate-predecessor, ‘inverse-consecutive’ «monads», those of the «arithmos» of “bands”.
A new innovation in the human-social settlement / governance
patterns’ taxonomy of ‘socio-ontology’ is thereby seeded.
The former condition was dominated by, and characterized
by, ‘merely-hetero-hybridizing’ reactions / inter-actions, by ‘ontological
conversion hetero-actions / inter-actions’, of “camp” «monads» with immediate predecessor, “band” «monads».
The new condition — in the “camp”-«monads»-dense ‘ontological innovation
nucleation zones’ — is dominated by, and characterized by, ‘self-hybridizing’ interactions, ‘self-interactions’, or ‘intra-actions’, of “camp” «monads» with[in] / upon [other] “camp” «monads», with such ‘self-actions’ or ‘self-operations’ becoming more
and more frequent / becoming increasingly ‘self-frequentized’, as the ‘‘‘population density’’’
of “camp” «monads» grows therein.
The formerly-dominant modes of monadic interaction — of ‘ontological
other-conversion’, or of ‘ontological hetero-conversion’ — had partially converted the
still-extant “band”
‘socio-ontology’ / ‘human socio-onto-mass’ into “camp” ‘socio-ontology’ / ‘human socio-onto-mass’.
This process of ‘ontological hetero-conversion’ of [part of]
the remaining «monads»
of the precedingly-self-manifested «arithmoi» — of the “bands” «arithmos» — is ‘auto-catalyzed’
by, and ‘[ac]celerates’ it self,
in proportion to the presence of, and to the density of / ‘physical-spatial
concentration’ of, the therefore ‘‘‘[self-]expanding’’’ “camps” «arithmos».
But as the — therefore growing — ‘physical-spatial
concentration’ of the «monads»
of the “camps”
in the key / core ‘‘‘nucleation zones’’’, crosses a “critical [onto-]mass” / ‘‘‘critical
density’’’ / ‘‘‘critical concentration’’’ threshold, the process of ‘ontological
hetero-conversion’, of past monadic sub-populations to growing “camps” monadic populations,
It shifts [in]to a new and previously unprecedented process.
This new process is that of the nascent ‘ontological self-conversion’ of [part of] the burgeoning “camps” «arithmos» ‘human socio-ontology’,
by that burgeoning “camps” «arithmos» ‘human socio-ontology’,
into something else: its ‘self-conversion’ into the ‘human socio-ontology’
of a new, ‘self-involutively higher’, previously unexampled ‘‘‘[onto-]logical
type’’’, a new increment of ‘human socio-ontological’ self-innovation in the history of human-social formation(s).
That is, the ‘self-frequentization’ of this new mode of
action — of ‘‘‘self-inter-action’’’, or ‘‘‘intra-action’’’
— of “camps”
with “camps”,
then precipitates, as it exceeds its critical frequency / density threshold, the
irruption of yet a new, previously non-extant, previously non-existent ‘meta-fractal’
scale / level / layer of human settlement / governance patterns and practices,
namely, that of the — multi-“camp”
— “village”
human-social formation(s).
A “village”,
grasped as a human-social formation unit
/ «monad», is
a ‘meta1-«monad»’, ‘meta1-«monad»’, or ‘super1-unit’ relative to a
grasped also as such a human-social formation unit / «monad»,
and is also a ‘meta2-«monad»’ relative to a “band”, grasped also as
such a human-social formation unit
/ «monad»: villages = ‘meta2-bands’ = ‘meta1-meta1-bands’ = ‘meta1-camps’.
Each typical “village” unit / «monad» is a meta1-“camp” unit / «monad», made up from out
of a [local-][sub-]«arithmos»
of “camps” units / «monads», i.e., made up out
of a heterogeneous multiplicity of “camps” units / «monads»,
as one result of a ‘self-«aufheben» self-internalization’ of that
local, predecessor sub-«arithmos»
of “camps” units / «monads», as the immediate predecessor 'self-hybrid'
units / «monads» to their
successor self-hybrid, “village”,
units / «monads».
This ‘self-«aufheben» self-operation’ — of a sub-«arithmos» of “camp” «monads», as collective
human-social ‘‘‘subject’’’ / agent of [self-]action, acting upon / within, operating upon / within, itself, via its “camp” «monads» operating among
themselves — gives rise to an ontologically, qualitatively, behaviorally new
and different, previously unprecedented «arithmos», one that has “villages” as its «monads»: the «arithmos» with multi-“camps” as its «monads», i.e., of the
— initially ‘many-camp’
— “villages” «arithmos».
The ‘subject
/ object identical’
of < “bands” + “camps” > squared --
< “bands” + “camps” >2
-- or --
< “bands” + “camps” > x < “bands” + “camps” >
-- or --
‘< “bands” + “camps” >< < “bands” + “camps” > >’
-- or --
< “bands” + “camps” > of < “bands” + “camps” > produces
something ‘socio-ontologically’ new.
This ‘self-reflexive
functioning’ of < “bands” + “camps” > acting upon < “bands” + “camps” >
still possibly reproduces the < “bands” + “camps” > ‘cumulum’,
but also possibly produces something new and unprecedented, including the “villages” «arithmos»; the “villages” «arithmos»-of-village-«monads».
Summary for “Villages” Emergent. ‘Ideographized’
/ ‘ideogramized’, “shorthand”
version of the narrative rendered above.
‘Ideographized’ / ‘ideogramized’ “shorthand” translation of
the narrative above [in the following formula, v denotes the ontological
category of the “villages”
epoch t = 2: b + c → < b + c >< < b + c > > =
< b + c >2 =
< b + c > + Δ< b + c > =
b + c
+ qcb + v,
as t = 1 → t = 2.
We can summarize the progress of human-social formation to this point in our 'meta-model narrative' as follows, in terms of the epochs of 'self-hybridization' of social formation units.
The next image depicts
this meta-model’s 1st 2
stages of dialectical,
«aufheben» ‘self-meta-monad-ization’
This t = 2 epoch marks the first appearance, in our progression,
so far, of a ‘‘‘hybrid’’’
in its own right, possibly interpretable as an ‘ontological conversion
formation’, and as a ‘‘‘real
subsumption’’’ of «arithmos» b, by «arithmos» c. It is denoted, above, by qcb.
Its appearance may, at first, come as a shock to some
readers, who may be expecting only the “pure types”, e.g., b, c, v, f, s, e, n, ...
However, such ‘‘‘hybrids’’’ turn out to be, in general, one of
the richest heuristic resources of the NQ_ ‘algorithmic heuristic’ algebra.
Such ‘‘‘hybrid’’’
-- or ‘‘‘cross-product’’’
-- terms
denote partial or total dialectical synthesis
formations, which in many cases may be interpretable as process-formations converting
some of the «monads»
of earlier-emerged ontological categories / «arithmoi» into «monads» of the most recently-emerged
ontological categories / «arithmoi».
It is, more often than not, in the application of the ‘organonic algebraic method’
to the solution of these -- ‘‘‘hybrid’’’ -- terms, that the most startling and valuable
new insights, and new discoveries -- both ‘pre-constructive’ and
“re-constructive” -- often emerge.]
Note: It should
also be kept in mind, however, that not every ‘‘‘hybrid’’’ term may be interpretable -- or
solvable -- for a given ‘dialectical meta-model meta-equation’. Some of these terms may be, à la some of the “generalized
coordinates” of the Lagrange Equations, “inoperative” in the special
case of a specific dialectic, even though they are valid constituents of
the generic Seldon Function expansion for dialectic-in-general.
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