Genesis of the Concept of ‘Equitism’ as the “Successor
Dear Reader,
The genesis of the concept of ‘‘‘Equitism’’’ as successor system to the
present, [state-]capitalist system of political economy [including to state-capitalist
pseudo-socialism] was linked to several connotations of this term. The term ‘‘‘Equitism’’’ has, for example,
name-resonance with the name of the tradition of “Equitable Jurisprudence” in
Anglo-American law.
Growing out of the “Crown Chancery” in England [the Office of the Crown “Chancellor”], there emerged separate courts of equity, or “courts of conscience”, to which appeal could be made from judgments by those courts enforcing common law and statute law when a defendant held that a judgment rendered by such a common law/statute law court, even if in accord with “the letter of that law”, represented a morally inadequate remedy, and thus violated “the spirit of the laws”, therefore, per that defendant, failing to deliver “true justice”.
In U.S. jurisprudence, the two, separate kinds of courts where merged into one, and the convergence of their principles begun, with U.S. courts ‘‘‘presiding in [both] law and equity’’’, and allowing “equitable” arguments and remedies, as well as “technical” arguments, and [strictly monetary] remedies. There have been homologous developments in the tradition of Napoleonic/Roman law.
In recent parlance, the term “equitism” is often used to refer to “gender equity”, as a “synthesis”, or “mean”, of feminism and ‘‘‘masculinism’’’. It is sometimes also used to name a “synthesis”, or “mean”, between egoism and altruism. There was, earlier in American history, an individualist “equitist” movement for the amelioration of property rights injustices.
But most importantly, our term ‘‘‘Equitism’’’ is meant to invoke the concept of “Capital Equity”, and the tradition of “Stockholder Democracy” [“one-share-one-vote”] that follows from it.
“Capital Equity” rights -- rights exclusively reserved to owners of capital [of “capital equity stock”] -- are seen as a “first [and inadequate] species”, but, nonetheless, as a first modern seed, of ‘“Economic Democracy”’, as distinct from ‘Political-only Democracy’; are seen as the embryo of a more extensive and all-citizens-inclusive form of “Stakeholder Democracy”, and of ‘Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY’ as a whole.
‘‘‘Equitism’’’ is seen as signifying ‘generalized social equity’; as “generalizing” social equity, to beyond the small class of owners of “controlling shares” of capital equity, to encompass the whole society, including every citizen, by constitutionally recognizing in each citizen, as a human right, their ownership of new kinds of ‘equitable property’, of equalitarian ‘social shares’.
This “generalization” of equity is seen as a remedy For the catastrophic but predictable, “lawful” tendency of capitalist “political-only”, representative democracy, to degenerate into totalitarian, state-capitalist, police-state dictatorship, as capital continually concentrates into ever fewer hands, as we are now seeing so egregiously today.
That concentration of capital-equity ownership eventually enables those “few hands” to prostitute -- to ‘“buy-out”’, in a ‘“hostile takeover”’, via an all-pervasive system of ‘legalized crime’, e.g., “lobbying”, i.e., via ‘‘‘legalized bribery’’’ -- the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of political government.
This ‘ultimate M&A’ thus totally defeats the constitutional “checks-and-balances” among those three, political, branches; “checks-and-balances” which were constitutionally designed to prevent this degeneration into dictatorship, and that were at least somewhat effective in doing so during the earlier phases of capital accumulation and capital ownership concentration.
The ‘Equitist’ reform/revolution is seen as a ‘‘‘generalization’’’ of “Capital Equity”, forming a new ‘social genus’ of ‘general social Equity’, by adding, via constitutional amendments, several new, inclusive ‘‘‘species’’’ of ‘‘‘Equity’’’, as newly recognized universal constitutional human rights.
Growing out of the “Crown Chancery” in England [the Office of the Crown “Chancellor”], there emerged separate courts of equity, or “courts of conscience”, to which appeal could be made from judgments by those courts enforcing common law and statute law when a defendant held that a judgment rendered by such a common law/statute law court, even if in accord with “the letter of that law”, represented a morally inadequate remedy, and thus violated “the spirit of the laws”, therefore, per that defendant, failing to deliver “true justice”.
In U.S. jurisprudence, the two, separate kinds of courts where merged into one, and the convergence of their principles begun, with U.S. courts ‘‘‘presiding in [both] law and equity’’’, and allowing “equitable” arguments and remedies, as well as “technical” arguments, and [strictly monetary] remedies. There have been homologous developments in the tradition of Napoleonic/Roman law.
In recent parlance, the term “equitism” is often used to refer to “gender equity”, as a “synthesis”, or “mean”, of feminism and ‘‘‘masculinism’’’. It is sometimes also used to name a “synthesis”, or “mean”, between egoism and altruism. There was, earlier in American history, an individualist “equitist” movement for the amelioration of property rights injustices.
But most importantly, our term ‘‘‘Equitism’’’ is meant to invoke the concept of “Capital Equity”, and the tradition of “Stockholder Democracy” [“one-share-one-vote”] that follows from it.
“Capital Equity” rights -- rights exclusively reserved to owners of capital [of “capital equity stock”] -- are seen as a “first [and inadequate] species”, but, nonetheless, as a first modern seed, of ‘“Economic Democracy”’, as distinct from ‘Political-only Democracy’; are seen as the embryo of a more extensive and all-citizens-inclusive form of “Stakeholder Democracy”, and of ‘Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY’ as a whole.
‘‘‘Equitism’’’ is seen as signifying ‘generalized social equity’; as “generalizing” social equity, to beyond the small class of owners of “controlling shares” of capital equity, to encompass the whole society, including every citizen, by constitutionally recognizing in each citizen, as a human right, their ownership of new kinds of ‘equitable property’, of equalitarian ‘social shares’.
This “generalization” of equity is seen as a remedy For the catastrophic but predictable, “lawful” tendency of capitalist “political-only”, representative democracy, to degenerate into totalitarian, state-capitalist, police-state dictatorship, as capital continually concentrates into ever fewer hands, as we are now seeing so egregiously today.
That concentration of capital-equity ownership eventually enables those “few hands” to prostitute -- to ‘“buy-out”’, in a ‘“hostile takeover”’, via an all-pervasive system of ‘legalized crime’, e.g., “lobbying”, i.e., via ‘‘‘legalized bribery’’’ -- the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of political government.
This ‘ultimate M&A’ thus totally defeats the constitutional “checks-and-balances” among those three, political, branches; “checks-and-balances” which were constitutionally designed to prevent this degeneration into dictatorship, and that were at least somewhat effective in doing so during the earlier phases of capital accumulation and capital ownership concentration.
The ‘Equitist’ reform/revolution is seen as a ‘‘‘generalization’’’ of “Capital Equity”, forming a new ‘social genus’ of ‘general social Equity’, by adding, via constitutional amendments, several new, inclusive ‘‘‘species’’’ of ‘‘‘Equity’’’, as newly recognized universal constitutional human rights.
‘‘‘Equitism’’’ is a ‘constitutionalization’ of ‘‘‘stakeholder
democracy’’’ -- a ‘constitutional institutionization’ of ‘‘‘stakeholder rights’’’.
Social Equity -- Social Justice -- requires ‘Universal
Equity’; recognition of every-citizen-ownership of three new kinds of
equity-property, as a matter of fundamental human right.
These new species of equity-property most prominently include:
(1) The [collective property] human right of ‘Citizens’
Externality Equity’ [which can be seen as a collective property implementation
of the so-called Coase “theorem”, e.g., via
decentralized, comprehensive, democratic, ‘grassroots regulation’ of
polluters, supplementing the failing strategies -- failing increasingly as
capital ownership concentration deepens -- of bureaucratic external regulation,
due to, e.g., “regulatory capture”, and of court-mediated, litigation-based
mitigation of externality-damages, due to the increasing “Big Money”
prostitution of the judiciary];
(2) The [personal property] human right of Citizens’
Birthright Equity [universal ‘socialized trust-funds’], a unified, totally
portable social safety net for each citizen born, serving, e.g., as a source
for monthly guaranteed minimum annual income payments during periods of involuntary
unemployment, e.g., due to “AI”, and;
(3) The [“individual property”] human right of Citizens’
Stewardship Equity [via ‘socialized venture capital’], granting access to means
of production to, potentially, every citizen -- to citizens self-organized into
democratically self-managed, COMPETING ‘socialized producers’ cooperatives’ [‘collective
entrepreneurship’], that promulgate qualifying business plans, and that
successfully enlist a Social Bank, also a Citizens’ Stewardship Equity ‘socialized
producers’ cooperative’, to take the risk of backing/funding that business
plan. [This conception, of ‘Citizens’ Stewardship Equity’, owes intellectual
debts to the work of David Schweickart].
The citizen owners of successful such cooperatives hold
their means of production as ‘‘‘social property’’’, in stewardship, not in
local ownership, and pay a monthly social rent for their use that helps to fund
the Citizen Birthright Equity personal Trust Funds of all citizens. They elect, and can recall, their own management. Each citizen co-owner of a successful such
cooperative receives two income streams co-produced by it: [possibly unequal,
skills-based] compensation for time worked in that cooperative, and an equal
share of the net operating surplus of that cooperative. Continuing capitalist firms will have to
compete, for labor, with these cooperatives, wherein the way workers are
treated is per their own decisions. Note
that this -- Stewardship -- relationship to the means of production constitutes
a break with, and beyond, the wage-labor relationship [i.e., with, and beyond, the
capital-value-relation as predominant social relation of [social self-re-]production]. Even if the economic dynamics of this new
kind of -- economic-democratic -- social economy do not immediately bring the
intrinsic, episodic, and worsening ‘depressionary-tendency’ of capitalist
economic dynamics to its blessed end, there is reason to suppose that
Stewardship cooperatives, democratically managed by their Steward members, the
producers themselves, will tend to avoid the mass lay-offs by which capitalist
crises ‘self-amplify’, e.g., to share
reduced work hours among all the Stewards, rather than to layoff some 100%, and
retain others ‘100%+’.
The dual incomes earned by Citizen Stewardship Equity
producers’ co-op co-owners will gradually shift economic power, and social
power -- hence political power -- decisively to the working/middle-class
majority, and increasingly out of the “ever fewer hands” of the concentrated,
mega-capital ownership plutocracy faction who presently rule GLOBALLY, and who presently push
public policy relentlessly in the direction of an Orwellian global system of ‘humanocidal’
[“people are pollution”], ‘exterminationist’, “eugenics” police-state
dictatorships --
That faction is already conducting massive ‘Stealth
Humanocide’ [Stealth “Eugenics”] -- even PUBLICLY declaring their ‘“95% global human population
reduction”’ goal -- via their ‘servant-dictator’-induced and global arms cartel-induced
“civil wars”, their global drugs cartel [heroin, crack cocaine, etc.], the
toxicity and ‘side-effects cascades’ engineered into their ‘pseudo-medicines’,
including ‘pseudo-vaccines’, by the Rockefeller-AMA-Pharmaceutical Industry, and
via engineered ‘pseudo-foods’, etc., all of which together induce mass chronic disease
-- diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, chronic pain/opioid
addiction/overdose/mass death -- plus their “genetically-engineered”, or “genetically
modified [GMO]” [genetically “enhanced”],‘designer diseases’,
e.g., Lyme, AIDS, Ebola, Zika, etc.
The Stewardship co-ops will also be ‘incented’ to harness,
and unleash, high productivity -- high “social-re-productive force” -- ‘universally
prosperizing’ technologies, which the ruling faction is suppressing, e.g.,
fusion power, whose spread would rapidly ‘technodepreciate’, to ~$0, the core capital assets upon which the
power of that ruling faction is founded, e.g., their ‘Global Dictatorship of
Petroleum’, and enable the institution of total, 100% elemental recycling, via
the “fusion torch”, etc.
For more about these proposals, see --
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
‘Equitist Political-ECONOMIC
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