Part 01:
Seldon Presents Series -- The Elision of External Causes
in our
‘First Arithmetic Dialectical Meta-Models’.
Dear Reader,
It is my pleasure, and my
honor, as an officer of the Foundation
Dialectica [F.E.D.]
Office of Public Liaison, to share with you, from time to time, as they are approved
for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, key excerpts
from the internal writings, and from the internal sayings, of our co-founder,
Karl Seldon.
The first such
release in this new such series is entered below [Some E.D. standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, to the direct
transcript of our co-founder’s discourse].
For more information regarding,
and for [further]
these Seldonian insights,
see --
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
“... Our dialectical ideographies
are primarily about capturing and mapping ‘‘‘internal causes’’’ -- ‘immanent causes’; ‘self-forces’.
“Our Total Universe, Nature-History
as Totality, Dialectic of Nature ‘Meta-Model’, in terms of any of the variants of it that we are presently considering, is not ‘defected’ by any elision of “external causes”, precisely
because it is a whole-Universe
‘Meta-Model’. That ‘‘‘whole-Universe’’’, per our conception and definition, has no ‘‘‘out side’’’, no ‘externity’, but is, instead, all-inclusive.”
“That is, it generates representations of the ‘sub-cumula’ of other categories whose units or «monads» may constitute ‘‘‘external causes’’’ and ‘‘‘environments’’’
in relation
to any given single ontological category that it also generates, and in the correct epoch in which those “others” actually arise.”
“It does so from out of the same «arché» ontological category, and by means of the same ‘meta-genealogical’
process, that
generates the given single ontological category representing those «monads» that may be ‘environmented’, and ‘‘‘externally’’’ impacted, by the «monads» represented by all of the other ontological categories that are extant in/during the given epoch of this ‘environmentation’ and of this ‘external impaction’.”
“However, for ‘dialectical meta-models’ that are confined to a given sub-universe
and Domain that are less inclusive than our Universe as a Whole, this elision of environment(s)/‘“external”’ causes can
be, and, typically, is, a major source of their ‘homeomorphic defect’ -- of the ‘‘‘qualitative residuals’’’ of such ‘dialectical meta-models’.”
“I have long held that the development of a “purely”-qualitative, “purely”-ontological dialectical ideography -- as well as of more advanced, ‘quanto-qualitative’ dialectical ideographies -- capable of systematically and comprehensively encompassing such relative ‘“environments”’ and relatively ‘‘‘external causes’’’, for any given
and/or Domain, that are sourced in (an) other sub-universe(s) and/or Domain(s) of our Total Universe, should be a priority objective of our
research collective and
of our
research programme. ...”
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