Part 02: Seldon’s ‘‘‘Seeings’’’ Series
‘Qualitative, Ontological Self-Compounding’
in the ‘Self-Construction’
of Our Cosmos.
Dear Reader,
It is my pleasure, and my honor, as an officer of the Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.]
Office of Public Liaison, to share
with you,
from time to time, as
are approved
for public release by the F.E.D.
General Council, key
from the internal writings, and from the internal sayings, of our co-founder,
Karl Seldon.
The second
such release in this new series is entered below [Some E.D. standard
edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors
of the Special Council for the Encyclopedia, to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s
2nd instalment
addresses the
Seldonian view of the dialectical ‘self-construction’
of our cosmos, the singular ‘‘‘dialectic of Nature’’’ itself, as a dialectical process of ‘qualitative -- ontological -- self-compounding’.
In Seldon’s view, this ‘self-compounding’ is well-described, in particular, by the single
‘Dyadic Seldon-Function’-based
maps the progression of dialectical, «aufheben»
equations that form our ontological-categorial,
singularity, ‘qualo-fractal tower’, ‘meta-«gene»-alogical’
of the known ‘‘‘meta-evolution’’ of this cosmos,
to-date, e.g., starting
from the ontological category
of pre-/sub-atomic “particles” as «arché»-category, i.e., as the ultimate ancestor ontological category presently well known to modern science. Of course, we also speculate that
so-called “Dark Energy”,
and “Dark Matter”, are deeper «arché» and
Counter-«arché» ontological categories, respectively, for
this cosmos.
“Our cosmos constructs itself via a kind of qualitative,
ontological ‘self-compounding’,
which is also a process of ‘‘‘self-complexification’’’ and of determinations
self-enrichment, by way of a ‘self-iterating’ «aufheben» process -- i.e., a
dialectical process -- which we call ‘metan-unit-ization’, ‘metan-«monad»-ization’, and ‘metan-holon-ization’.”
“This process
continually generates new ‘‘‘numbers’’’ -- new kinds of ‘‘‘numbers’’’,
‘‘‘numbers’’’ of new kind(s) [of units] -- ‘‘‘numbers’’’ in the ancient sense
of ‘‘‘number’’’ [«arithmoi» of
«monads»], wherein each such new ‘‘‘number’’’
is constituted by a self-proliferating multiplicity of [ontologically]
different, mutually-similar, but not mutually-identical new kinds of units/«monads»/ holons.”
“This process IS the [singular] ‘‘‘Dialectic of Nature’’’ to-date.”
For more information regarding
these Seldonian
please see --
For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’
of many of these Seldonian
insights -- specimens
of ‘dialectical art’ -- see:
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Participant, F.E.D.
Special Council for Public Liaison,
Officer, F.E.D.
Office of Public Liaison.
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