Monday, March 24, 2025

Part 01: Dialectics and Self-Reflexive Functions Series. ‘Self-Re-Entry’ of the ‘Metafinite’ Set of All Sets: A Universal Metaphor for the Dialectics of Nature.


Part 01:


Dialectics and Self-Reflexive Functions Series.



Self-Re-Entryof theMetafinite

Set of All Sets:


A Universal Metaphor for the Dialectics of Nature.








Dear Reader,


G. Spencer Brown once wrote, long ago, regarding certain expressions of the super-parsimonious arithmetic-algebra that he had developed, that “...the whole expression…can…be regarded as re-entering its own inner space…” [G. Spencer Brown, Laws of Form, George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1969, p. 56].


He also wrote, in the same source: “The question of whether or not functions of themselves are allowable has been discussed at...length by many authorities since Principia Mathematica was published.  ...if an operation can take its own result as a base, the function determined by this operation can be its own argument.” [ibid., p. 97, emphases added by M.D.].


To whatever degree that Brown’s description of ‘self-re-entry’ may be apt for the syntactic/computational process that Brown was, in the quote above, describing, his description is more clearly and more concretely apt for another process, that he did not there address – namely, for the ‘self-iterating’ process of the finitary [‘metafinite’] ‘“Set of All Sets”’ for a given Domain/universe-of-discourse.


Since that ‘“Set of All Sets”’ is inadequate to itself as soon as it is formed, thereby requiring yet another iteration to attempt to reach its ever-receding, ever-elusive objective, we will denote this ideo-object’ by the symbol St, with t serving as this set-eventity’s ‘self-iterations counter’, its count of the consecutive tries at achieving the ‘“Set of All Sets”’.


We will further define the process of this set-eventity by what we will call the ‘«aufheben» evolute product of sets’:  

St+1  =  St2  =  St ´ St = St(St) = 

St È 2St, wherein 2St denotes the “power set”, or “set of all subsets” of the exponentiated set, here St.  As an operator, or operation, upon itself, St(St) or StSt  – indeed, as an «aufheben» self-operation – this product rule defines this ‘“Set of All Sets”’ function as a “Function of Itself”, as a ‘function/argument identical’, in our sense.  

Both of the syntactic forms St(St) and StSt also connote, for us, the self-reflection by, the self-inspection by, and the self-evaluation by St, its evaluation of itself as to whether or not it qualifies as the ‘“Set Of All Sets”’ for its [finitary] universe of discourse.  That is, St(St) and StSt connotatively assert that a generic human mind, ‘mentally-embodying’ St, knowing/‘mentally-embodying’ the content of St, spontaneously performs St(St) or StSt as an immanent critique, or self-critique, of St as a claimant to being the ‘“Set Of All Sets”’ for its Domain. 


This ‘‘‘self-reflexion’’’ and ‘‘‘self-reflection’’’ critique yields St È 2St, or ‘St + DSt’, as its positive fruition, by noting that something more, something additional, DSt or, more specifically, 2St, is still needed to get [further] to[ward the ever-unreachable] S, this Domain’s ‘“Set Of All Sets”’.    


For every finite value of t, the set St will always lack the containment inside itself of its very own subsets, hence every such St fails to be its Domain’s ‘“Set of All Sets”’, and thus definitionally self-requires yet a further ‘self-iteration’, to St+1, and so on. 


Now, note that, for each ‘self-iteration’/stage t, the entire set, St, reappears inside what was its [former] ‘“self”’, St, as its own “improper” subset, and as a new element within set St+1, together with all of the other, “proper” subsets of St.


For example, consider the set {x, y, z}.  Its set of subsets is of cardinality 

 2|{x, y, z}| = 23 = 8, and 2{x, y, z}  =

{ {x}, {y}, {z}, {x, y}, {x, z}, {y, z}, {x, y, z}, {_} },

wherein {_} denotes the “empty set”.


If we designate {x, y, z} to be S1, then –

S2  =  S12  =  S1 ´ S1 = S1(S1) =


S1 È 2S1 =  {x, y, z}  È  2{x, y, z}  = 

{ x, y, z, {x}, {y}, {z}, {x, y}, {x, z}, {y, z}, {x, y, z}, {_} }

– whose cardinality is 11.


For each stage t, all of St reappears inside what was St, along with the other subsets of St, and thereby creates St+1.  Moreover, all of 2St ‘‘‘re-enters’’’ into the “inner space” of St, thereby changing St, into St+1.  Thus St changes itself, by anideo-auto-kinesis’ [cf. Plato; cf. Marx]. 


Indeed, St «aufheben»s itself, in a classic set-theoretical model of ‘the reflexivity paradigm of dialectics’; and a classic model of, dialectical, ‘self-developing process’.

This self-motion or self-movement of St is driven by the very definition of St, and even by the very name of St, that is, by the very nature of St.  


That is, the set St determinately negates itself, as St, by becoming not-St’ in the determinate form of St+1, which is qualitatively unequal to St


The set St also conserves itself inside the set St+1, by becoming an element of the set St+1


The Set St also elevates itself, by becoming St+1, a set of cardinality higher than that of St, and also of higher Russellian-Gödelian “logical type”, and also a set of expanded qualitative, ideo-ontological’ content, containing additional, new “intensions” – new qualities – as represented by new “extensions”; the new elements that are the ‘extensional-predicate’ subsets of set St.

So, the ‘“Set of All Sets”’ self-operation/self-operator/-self-function thus fulfills all three moments of the classic «aufheben», or dialectical, process – determinate negation, conservation, and elevation.  


The general solution to the ‘quadratically nonlinear finite difference set-equations’

 St+1  =  St2  =  St È 2St 

– is the ‘meta-exponential’ equation –

St  =  S02^t

– in which the ‘mere exponent’, 2, has a higher exponent of its own, its ‘meta-exponent’, t.  In this solution function, the form of the ‘Dyadic Seldon Function equation’ is already presaged.


Typically, S0 would be the “Universal Set” for the Universe of discourse in question, call it U, so that S1 would be S02^1   =  S02 = U2 = U È 2U  the “Universal Set” of the Domain, ‘“plus”’ all of its subsets.  

However, for a Domain whose present elements-content is the result of an historical ‘meta-genealogy’, in which all of the rest of its elements arose from a single ‘«arché»-element’ ultimate ancestor, S0 might be chosen to have just that ‘«arché»-element’ as its sole explicit content.  

In that case, the successive, consecutive steps of that Domain’s ‘“Set Of All Sets”’ would recapitulate the ‘meta-genealogical’, ‘element-ary’ history of that Domain, to-present – but, possibly also, those later steps might predictively ‘pre-construct’ future elements of that ‘meta-genealogy’.  


This, ‘“Set of All Sets”’, ‘self-developing [ideational] process’ thus provides an abstract metaphor for each stage, each epoch, of the physical process of ‘“Natural History”’; of the ‘self-meta-evolution’ of our cosmos – in short, of the ‘“Dialectic(s) of Nature”’, each stage modelable, in the NQ ‘arithmetic for modeling dialectics’, as 

qx ® qx <´> qx  =  qx2  =  qx(qx)  = 

qx <+> qxx [see ‘dialectogram’ diagram below

– and it was the metaphor that led to Karl Seldon’s discovery of the ‘self-reflexive functions’ that we have named ‘‘‘The Seldon Functions’’’.







For more information regarding these Seldonian insights, and to read and/or download, free of charge, PDFs and/or JPGs of Foundation books, other texts, and images, please see:













For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insightsspecimens of dialectical artas well as dialectically-illustrated books published by the F.E.D. Press, see:




























Miguel Detonacciones,


Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];

Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;

Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;

Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.







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