FYI: The new, 22nd F.E.D. Vignette, entitled --
Dialectic is the Cause of Time.
-- written by our co-founder, Karl Seldon, has recently been cleared for posting to the Vignettes Page, by the F.E.D. General Council.
I have also posted this text below, for your convenience.
Vignette #22
Dialectic is the Cause of Time.
by Karl Seldon.

This universe has no ‘“out-side”’.
There is only “change”, a vast and growing ensemble of
changes, going on inside this universe, as the real
content of this universe.
We use one recurrent pattern of such changes to
“clock” another.
We select a “clock process”, within the universe -- e.g., the
rotation, the revolution, of our home planet -- and project it upon other such
processes, our so selected “clock process” supplying a standard of time for
other processes, the unit of recurrence of one part of the universe thus
providing, for us, a standard unit of time for other parts of the universe as
Changes -- not just ‘‘‘quantitative changes’’’; not just
growth in the population quantity,
or number [«arithmos»] of the qualitatively similar individuals/units/«monads», counted
as if they were all mutually identical,
and constituting a given kind, i.e., a given ontology, but including also ‘‘‘qualitative changes’’’, ‘ontological change’, net growth in the [‘meta-arithmic’] number of kinds extant, in the number of qualitatively distinct populations [«arithmoi»] extant, by way of the introduction/‘‘‘addition’’’ of a greater number of populations of individuals of newer kinds than the numbers of populations of individuals of “older” kinds that go extinct, during a
given epoch -- in all their myriad varieties and «species», are the elements
of time, so ‘Change-in-«Gene»-ral’
is the substance of
Without such [kinds of] change, there can be no time.
We hear that “Time changes all things”.
But this human-mental abstraction, “Time”, is no
subject, no god, no active agent, operating even from inside the world -- let
alone, somehow, from a [nonexistent] “outside [of] the world” -- and somehow
acting upon “all things”, changing them.
To see clearly, to think clearly, to know clearly, we
must first overcome this fetishism, this reification, this deification, this
mystification, this subject-object inversion between our abstracted “Time”, and
“all things”. We must immanently critique
our inherited habits of thought.
In actuality: “All
things change time”. Time is the
ultimate dependent
variable, not the ultimate independent variable. Time, concrete duration, is the product of the reproductive self-activity of, and of the reproductive interactivity among, "all things".
Stated in greater detail: “All things, by changing one another, and by
each changing itself, change time, advance
time, unit by unit”.
is the SUBSTANCE of
But dialectic
is the CAUSE of time.
Dialectic is, at root, the quantitative change/self-growth of ontological populations/«arithmoi»,
turning itself into qualitative
i.e., into the proliferation of new kinds
of ‘ontos’/«arithmoi», e.g., into the
‘‘‘evolute’’’ ‘self-aufhebening’ of a given ‘‘‘ontic’’’ population/«arithmos»
by its expanded self-reproduction, by its self-growth, in numbers
of units, and in their local density/physical-spatial concentration/‘self-environment’/‘self-envelopment’/- ‘self-surroundment’, usually at/within many synchronic loci within the cosmos.
Such local ‘self-densification’ of an «arithmos» gives rise to its intensified ‘‘‘self-[inter]action’’’.
That is, such local ‘self-densification’
of an «arithmos»
gives rise to intensified ‘‘‘interactions’’’ among its «monads».
These ‘‘‘interactions’’’ still continue to quantitatively expandedly self-reproduce/conserve that «arithmos»/its «monads»,
but, beyond a certain, critical threshold of such local ‘self-densification’,
these ‘‘‘interactions’’’ also give rise to a qualitatively, ontologically expanded
self-reproduction, in the form of the irruption/elevation of a new, higher ‘qualo-fractal’ level/scale of existence; the constitution/population of a new,
expanded ontology, made of
a qualitatively different, ‘supplementary opposite’ new ‘onto’, a new «arithmos» of «monads», made up out of a new kind of «monad»: a ‘meta-«monad»’ with respect to the preceding kind of such 'self-hybrid' «monads», from out of whose densest core
the new kind irrupted into existence, in an
‘ontological singularity/revolution’ within
Then, the quantitative
self-growth, the quantitatively
expanding self-reproduction/‘‘‘evolution’’’, of this previously-unprecedented new kind, of this new «arithmos» of «monads»,
begins, and ensues, until, for it too, a critical threshold to qualitative, ontological change -- to ‘ontological revolution’ -- is breached.

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