Dear Readers,
FYI: The new, 23rd F.E.D. Vignette, entitled --
'Intra-Duality' is the Cause of Dialectic.
-- written by our co-founder, Karl Seldon, has recently been cleared for posting to the www.dialectics.info Vignettes Page, by the F.E.D. General Council.
I have also posted this text below, for your convenience.
Dialectic is the cause of time.
Then, there being two «arithmoi» present, the two can interact, and combine, to yield yet a third, hybrid, ‘‘‘synthesis’’’ «arithmos», one qualitatively contra[ry]/opposite to both of the earlier two, by a ‘complex-unifying «allo-aufheben» hybrid-«monad»-ization’ [qyx] [as well as a fourth, re-‘self-hybridization of the previous self-hybridization [qyy] ] --
~[x + y] =
[x + y + qyx + qyy].
FYI: The new, 23rd F.E.D. Vignette, entitled --
'Intra-Duality' is the Cause of Dialectic.
-- written by our co-founder, Karl Seldon, has recently been cleared for posting to the www.dialectics.info Vignettes Page, by the F.E.D. General Council.
I have also posted this text below, for your convenience.
Vignette #23
‘Intra-Duality’ is the Cause of Dialectic.
by Karl Seldon.

‘Intra-Duality’ is the cause of dialectic:
At the inception of each/any dialectical sub-universe -- as at the so far
deepest known inception, or ‘«arché»-ic
ontology’, of the universe, as the totality -- ‘intra-duality’,
‘indivi[sible]-duality’, is that which divulges, by externalizing/manifesting/‘visible-izing’/‘explicitizing’/actualizing
it, a formerly only ‘‘‘internal’’’, unmanifest, invisible, implicit, potential
‘supplementary otherness’ to what the ‘«arché-arithmos»’ presented/manifested outwardly.
The ‘intra-duality’ of the «arché» of each dialectical
sub-universe, at length, irrupts out of itself, & thereby ‘‘‘adds’’’
to itself, a ‘contra-«arithmos»’;
a ‘contra-«arché»’, or a
‘meta-«arché»’ -- a
‘contra-thesis’, or ‘contra-«physis»’,
content, of new, previously unprecedented ontology, made up out of
supplementary ‘contra-«monads»’,
&/or of ‘meta-«monads»’,
to the original,
by ‘self-hybridizing
meta-«monad»-ization’ [qxx] --
x1 ---> x2 = xx = ‘x
“times” x’ = x[x] = ‘x “of”
x’ = ~x
x + Dx
qx + qxx = qx + qy.
qx + qxx = qx + qy.
Then, there being two «arithmoi» present, the two can interact, and combine, to yield yet a third, hybrid, ‘‘‘synthesis’’’ «arithmos», one qualitatively contra[ry]/opposite to both of the earlier two, by a ‘complex-unifying «allo-aufheben» hybrid-«monad»-ization’ [qyx] [as well as a fourth, re-‘self-hybridization of the previous self-hybridization [qyy] ] --
[x + y]1 --->
[x + y]2 = [x
+ y][x
+ y]
‘[x + y] “times” [x + y]’ =
[x + y][ [x + y] ] = ‘[x + y] “of” [x + y]’ =
‘[x + y] “times” [x + y]’ =
[x + y][ [x + y] ] = ‘[x + y] “of” [x + y]’ =
~[x + y] =
[x + y + qyx + qyy].
Next, the ‘intra-duality’ of
the third «arithmos», & of the fourth «arithmos», as well as their interactions with one
another, & with the first two «arithmoi», can give rise to a further ‘self-iteration’ of this
‘ontological-categorial combinatorics’, of this formation of new --
‘self-hybrid’ & ‘mere hybrid’ -- «arithmoi», of this ‘onto-dynamasis’ -- in short, of
this dialectic.
‘Intra-Duality’ is an
empiric, inductive universal.
‘Intra-Duality’, through its
consequences, is encountered ubiquitously throughout Nature, including within the most-recent-to-irrupt part of Nature known to us, its most recent outgrowth/‘self-extention’, namely ‘‘‘human Nature’’’.
And that recurrent
‘intra-duality’ is the real driver of the Dialectic
of Nature, of ‘cosmological meta-evolution’, the real generator of quanto-qualitative
throughout the cosmos.
But how do we explain ‘intra-duality’?
How do we account for its universality, drawing its myriad & qualitatively diverse «species» into a unified «genos»?
Why does ‘intra-duality’
exist at all? Why is its existence so ‘‘‘necessary’’’, ineluctable,
Why can’t our universe be just Boolean:
x[x] = x -- be just
“simply reproducing” of itself, a “linear equilibrium”?
Why must it be difficult,
nonlinear, ‘contra-Boolean’,
«aufheben», dialectical -- x[x]
≠ x; x[x] = x + Dx?
Let us not offer a technical explanation, at this
Let us rather provide a “divination” of
‘intra-duality’, in the sense of ‘‘‘discovering or conjecturing things about something
obscure by means of intuitive perception, or insight’’’.
Our best “divination” of the answer to the questions
put forward above is close to Hegel’s answer, some 200 years old.
Finite things ‘‘‘contain’’’ their own non-being, their own ‘‘‘self-negation’’’, their own
‘‘‘self-negativity’’’, their own ‘not-ness’, within themselves, from
their birth, and as an inalienable part of themselves.
Their ‘is-ness’ also contains their ‘is-not-ness’.
The moment that their life begins, is the moment that
their death also begins.
Their agency/‘subject-ness’, and their ‘object-ness’, form two sides of their one ‘‘‘dialectical eventity’’’ -- two sides that do not
Their ‘subject-ness’, their ‘subject-side’, acting
upon their ‘object-ness’, their ‘object-side’, does not simply reproduce
‘‘‘them’’’, the ‘‘‘wholeness’’’, the ‘‘‘one-ness’’’, of their two sides, a
la Boole’s “fundamental law”, x[x] = x2 = x.
On the contrary, their ‘subject-aspect’, acting upon
their ‘object-aspect’, typically expandedly reproduces them, in their ‘‘‘wholeness’’’,
yes, but together with an increment of otherness -- together with a
‘supplementary opposite’ “gain” --
x[x] = x2 = x + Dx.
x[x] = x2 = x + Dx.
If we consider the “being” that is the universe as a
whole in these terms, then the non-self/non-being
‘‘‘contained’’’ in/by such a
being might be construed ‘‘‘synchronically’’’, as meaning that it
‘‘‘contains’’’ the space-content presently outside of itself; that that outside
somehow “re-enters” that being’s/[it]self’s inside.
But when it comes to the cosmos as totality, which, by
definition, has no outside, this supposed ‘‘‘outer’’’, ‘‘‘synchronic’’’ source
of ‘intra-duality’, by definition, does not exist, unless we mean by it
non-existence itself/in-general: a kind of abstract, absolute nothingness as
the non-existence that is [the] outside [of] the universe, i.e., the outside of
A more apt rendering sees that internal otherness, or
‘self-antithesis’, which such a being/‘‘‘[it]self’’’ presently, hiddenly ‘‘‘contains’’’, as a
‘‘‘diachronic’’’, temporal, historical matter.
Such a rendering sees ‘intra-duality’ in terms of
‘‘‘seeds’’’; in terms of a present, ‘‘‘occult’’’ potential, a potential for
future, actual, exoteric expression of ‘supplementary otherness’; in terms of a
present potential to produce future, ‘supplementary opposition’; in terms of a
present potential for future new ontology, for future ‘supplementary being’, new being, supplementary to this present
‘‘‘[it]self’’’/being, that
is, at present, yet to be born[e], yet to irrupt, ‘‘‘out’’’ from the
‘‘‘in’’’[side] of this present ‘‘‘[it]self’’’/being.

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