[My] Full Title: Karl Seldon’s
Sagacious Sayings Series, #11 --
"Natural-Arithmetical" 'Ordinality'
Dialectical 'Qualities-Arithmetical' Complexity-of-Determinations.
Dear Reader,
From time to time, I like to
share with you some of the gems of insight that leap from out of the
‘‘‘multilogues’’’, among Karl Seldon and other members of the Foundation, and from the transcribed, edited
versions, published internally, including of those ‘‘‘multilogues’’’ in which I
did not happen to participate, when and if those edited transcripts are
cleared for public sharing by the Foundation’s General Council.
I have pasted-in, below, an excerpt of Karl Seldon's remarks from the edited transcript of a recent such ‘‘‘multilogue’’’.
[Karl Seldon] --
"... What is modeled by the <<Gene>>-ric NQ dialectical categorial progression is 'Complexity-Ordinality', mapping the ordinal/cardinal numbers [N; qz+y+x = qn, for z, y, x, n in N, & such that z + y + x = n], to ordinally-escalating complexity of categories' determinations [qZYX in interpreted NQ, where Z, Y, and X represent, typically, the first letters of the names of a progression of ontological categories, or of classes -- systematic [~~synchronic] and/or historical [diachronic] -- such that those names name the primary determination, or quality, of each of those categories/classes, respectively]. ..."

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