[My] Full Title: ‘Seldon in Session’ Series,
blog-entry #2 --
‘NQ Dialectical Ideography & "Laws"-of-Nature-Encoding Differential Equations’ Nonlinearity --
The NQ Mapping/Model/Metaphor for Division-by-Zero-Singularity Nonlinearity’.
Dear Reader,
‘NQ Dialectical Ideography & "Laws"-of-Nature-Encoding Differential Equations’ Nonlinearity --
The NQ Mapping/Model/Metaphor for Division-by-Zero-Singularity Nonlinearity’.
Dear Reader,
blog-entry continues a new series, here, of excerpts from Karl Seldon’s
“introduction to dialectics” sessions, for
new recruits.
In this new series, I will share with you some of the delectable morsels of creative mentation that fly forth from these sessions, once their transcripts have been edited, by the E. D. editors, and cleared for public sharing by the Foundation’s General Council.
I have entered, below,
an excerpt of Karl Seldon’s remarks from the edited transcript of a recent such
Miguel Detonacciones,
Member, Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.],
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
[Karl Seldon] --
“In a ‘dialectical-mathematical meta-model meta-equation’,
expressed via the NQ dialectical-ideographic language, every NQ [ontology-]multiplication contained in the step-wise, or
epochal, equation-by-equation
[self-]expansion of that ‘meta-equation’, as interpreted per the Encyclopedia Dialectica standard interpretations thereof, maps to a ‘metafinite’ singularity, of either the ‘‘‘resonance’’’ or the ‘‘‘depletion’’’ «species» of the «genos» of singularities, i.e., in
either case, to
a revolution of new ontology
“This means -- in the ‘diachronic
branch of such ‘meta-model meta-equations’
-- an ontological revolution, either via ‘auto-hybrid’ «aufheben» ‘[self-]meta-«monad»-izations’,
or via ‘allo-hybrid’
«aufheben» merely-hybrid
respectively, pointing, “purely”-qualitatively, ontologically,
toward the full,
‘QUANTo-qualitative solution’ of the corresponding,
“law(s)”-of-Nature-formulating, ‘metrically-requalified’
nonlinear differential equations.”
“This means, in the dialectical [method-of-]presentational, ‘~synchronic dialectics’ branch of such ‘meta-model meta-equations’,
in cases of
the ‘self-multiplication’
of an ontological-category-symbol, a redirection of the presentee[’]s[’] attention(s) from a lower to a
higher qualitative scale/level/layer
in the ‘qualo-fractal’ chain of already-existing,
content [but typically, outside such presentation, known only in/as a “chaotic conception
of the whole” [Marx, «Grundrisse»], contemporarily].”
“In cases of the ‘hetero-multiplication’ of ontological-category-symbols, in the presentational, `synchronic context of dialectics, this means a shifting of presentee[’]s[’] attention(s) to categories which represent the
present existence
of the «monads»
represented by categories derived from past, ongoing, or recurring (1) uni-directional conversions
[‘‘‘real subsumptions’’’ [cf. Marx]], or from past, ongoing, or recurring (2) mutual conversions
[dialectical syntheses, partial or full], of priorly-presented
ontological categories,
by the past, ongoing, or recurring action of the «monadic» subjects/agents represented by the most recently presented category[-symbol].”
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