Seldon Speaks: The Dialectic that is TIME Itself.
Dear Reader,
It has been my pleasure to share with you, from time to
time, selections from seminal sayings -- shared by him among we of F.E.D.
-- by F.E.D.’s co-founder, Karl Seldon.
Today, once again, I have the opportunity to share with you
a such a saying, which I am naming: The Dialectic that is TIME Itself.
Sometimes, to make, and to convey, radically new
discoveries, it is simply the familiar, the commonplace that we need to
catalyze to be re-seen, in new perspective --
“The present present is always an «aufheben» of the past, of the past present(s).”
“The present
present must always be ‘‘‘pre-sent’’’
from the past; for good and/or for ill, it will always be a ‘‘‘present’’’, given by the past.”
“The present
present contains all of the traces of the past present(s), but also something more, something
new, something that was seeded, but not yet born, in the past present(s).”
“Likewise, the future -- the future present -- will be, at least
in part, an «aufheben» of
the present -- of the present
“It will contain the traces of its recent-past presents, with also all of the traces of
the even deeper-past
presents, that those
not-so-deeply past presents
each also already contain.”
“But each future present will also each contain something
new, something more, something that was seeded, but not yet born, in any of its past presents.”
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