Sunday, October 09, 2011

Universal Principles of Marxian, Dialectical Science, 3: "Formal Domination" versus "Real Domination".

Dear Reader,

This post is part 3 of a new series designed to present the Principles behind the
F.E.D. Dialectical "Theory of Everything" in a less mathematical, more broadly accessible, and briefer form.

Universal Principles of Marxian, Dialectical Science,
3: "Formal Domination" versus "Real Domination".

This principle is a generalization of those presented by Marx in a Chapter that he prepared for volume I of Capital [Chapter VI.], but did not publish, entitled '''Results of the Immediate Process of Production'''.


In his Chapter, Marx distinguishes between an earlier phase within the history of capitalism, which he characterizes as that of the "Formal Subsumption of Labor under Capital", and a succeeding phase, which he characterizes as that of the "Real Subsumption of Labor under Capital".

For the core geography of the capitalist world system / global market, per
F.E.D., the first phase corresponds to the "ascendant phase" of the capitalist system ["low" c/v], and the second phase to the "descendant", or "decadent", phase [though Marx does not say this explicitly].

Suppose -- for epoch
2 of a still-progressing historical-dialectical progression of instantiated systems, or of instantiated ontological categories, connoting various kinds, or <<species>>, of units, or of <<monads>>, or of holons, gathered together into "numbers", or "populations", or <<arithmoi>> -- that this historical progression, which begins with the system/ontological category/population/"number" of <<monads>> denoted A, for <<Arche'>>, has the form --

A + B + q/BA + C

-- wherein
C = q/BB, the "self-conversion", into <<arithmos>> C, of parts of the <<arithmos>> of <<monads>> denoted by B.

Then the "
cumulum" --

A + B + q/BA + C

-- describes the epoch of the merely "Formal Subsumption", or "Formal Domination", of
A, B, and/or q/BA, by C.

This is because, although
C is possibly extant per this "cumulum", this "cumulum" of terms contains no terms explicitly representing the possibility of interaction of C with A, B, or q/BA -- or of explicit subsumption / conversion of A, of B, and/or of q/BA -- by C.

Then also, for epoch
2+1 = 3, the "cumulum" represented above "self-squares" [Mandelbrot], and expands, to the "larger" "cumulum" --

A + B + q/BA + C + q/CA + q/CB + q/CBA + D.

Therein, the sub-series
q/CA + q/CB + q/CBA, together with C itself, represent the "Real Subsumption", or "Real Domination", of A, B, and q/BA -- of all prior ontology -- by C.

The term
D represents the outbreak of a "third antithesis" ontological category, or system, oppositional/supplementary to all of A + B + q/BA + C + q/CA + q/CB + q/CBA, and this epoch 3 is that of the merely "Formal Subsumption", or merely "Formal Domination", of all previously-outered ontology, by the ontology denoted by D.

These same principles, as described above, apply, via "qualifier induction", likewise to later epochs, beyond epoch


In the -- modified --
F.E.D. historical-dialectical model of the "meta-evolution" of the human "social relations of production" -- modified by making the Commodity-relation category, C, the <<arche'>> such category, replacing the "deeper" <<arche'>> that F.E.D. uses, the epoch 2 "historical cumulum" --

C + M + q/MC + K

-- represents the phase of the "Formal Domination", or "Formal Subsumption", by
K, denoting the Capital-social-relation-of-production, of the Commodity-social-relation-of-production, denoted by C, of the Money-social-relation-of-production, denoted by M, and of their Monies Mediated Commodities Circulations dialectical synthesis of M with C, denoted by q/MC.

We take
K, by itself, to represent what Marx calls the "antediluvian" forms of capital -- e.g., usurer's capital, mercantile capital, guild-like worker-owner capital, and large-scale, "latifundial" slavery-based agricultural productive capital, etc. --

The latter are forms of the capital-relation that arose prior to the emergence of the capitalist system, arising inside prior, antique modes of production -- modes of production which were not, overall, capitalist, which were less complex, less developed, and which were less [self-[re-]]productive [characterized by a lower level of the human social forces of production] than capitalism must be if it is to fully emerge, and which arose in a context where human social relations of production other than the capital-relation were socially, politically, and economically predominant.

The epoch
3 "historical cumulum" --

C + M + q/MC + K + q/KC + q/KM + q/KMC + E

-- represents the phase of the "Real Domination", or "Real Subsumption", by
K -- denoting the Capital-social-relation-of-production, and, in particular, the large-scale industrial capitalist <<species>> of the capital-relation -- of the Commodity-social-relation-of-production, denoted by C, per the term q/KC, connoting "Commodity Capital"; of the Money-social-relation-of-production, denoted by M, per the term q/KM for "Money Capital"; and of their Monies Mediated Commodities Circulations dialectical synthesis of M with C, connoted by q/MC, per the term q/KMC, standing for the appropriation, by the capital-relation, K, of the Monies Mediated Commodities Circulations dialectical synthesis of M with C, for/as the core capitalist process of the '''circulation of the total social capital'''.

F.E.D. has an error in their glossary definition of the term "capitalism", because they identify the capitalist system with K = q/MM alone, rather than with --

K + q/KC + q/KM + q/KMC.


The term
E in the series above connotes the Possibility-Space irruption of a human social revolution within the global capitalist system, and the new, higher human social relations of production to which a successful such revolution would give rise.




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