Friday, October 07, 2011

Universal Principles of Marxian, Dialectical Science, 1: Meta-Monadization

Dear Readers,

This is part 1 of a new series designed to present the Principles behind the F.E.D. Dialectical "Theory of Everything" in a less mathematical, more broadly accessible, and briefer form.

Universal Principles of Marxian, Dialectical Science, 1:  Meta-Monadization.

In their characterization of the units that form the "numbers of units", or of the "individuals" that form the "populations of individuals", i.e., in their characterization of the <<monads>> that form the <<arithmoi>> of <<monads>>, per the following passage --

"EUCLID defines in the Elements, VII, 2, a number as the multitude made up of units [i.e., the «arithmos» made up of «monads» -- F.E.D.], having previously (Elements VII, 1) said that a unit is "that by which each of existing things is called one". As a unit is not composed of units, neither EUCLID nor ARISTOTLE regard a unit as a number, but rather as "the basis of counting, or as the origin [i.e., as the «arché» -- F.E.D.] of number."

[H. Hermes, et al., Numbers, Springer-Verlag [NY:
1991], page 12, emphasis added by F.E.D.]."

-- Euclid and Aristotle were, in general, wrong [although they lacked access to the bulk of the scientific, empirical evidence that would have been necessary for them to have readily perceived their error -- evidence that emerged only later, during the epoch of modern science].

In general, in this universe, and in its "sub-universes" --

Units are made up of [sub-]units.

<<Monads>> are made up of [sub-]<<monads>>.


Meta-<<monads>> are made up of <<monads>>.


Holons are made up of [sub-]holons.

For example, eukaryotic units, or <<monads>> ["cells"], are made up of prokaryotic units, or <<monads>> ["cells"].

Please Note: The relationship between a [meta-]monad and the monads it was made from is an <<aufheben>> relationship, that is, a conservation / elevation / transformation relationship, i.e., a dialectical relationship, and a relationship of "supplementary opposition".



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