Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Trans-Platonian, Seldonian '''Vertical''' and '''Horizontal''' Aufheben 'Meta-Unit-Ization' Dialectic Combined!

Dear Readers,

Two Encyclopedia Dialectica 'dialectograms' on modern, Seldonian-Marxian, TRANS-<<Arithmoi Eidetikoi>>, TRANS-Platonian dialectic, are being posted to the Glossary Page.

I have also posted these modules below, for your convenience.

An earlier entry to this blog may also prove clarifying, regarding the distinction between '''vertical''' versus '''horizontal''' <<aufheben>> 'meta-<<monad>>-ization dialectic', for readers --

Study them, grow your understanding of the deep history of human cognition, and enjoy the resulting enlightenment!



This first 'dialectogram' below depicts only the '''Vertical Dimension''' of ontological-categories-as-units, <<aufheben>>, 'meta-unit-ization' dialectic.

It amends the ancient "Tree of Porphyry", as well as bio-systematic "Trees of Life" since.

It bespeaks a revival of dialectical "universal taxonomy", not just of a dialectical biological taxonomy --


The second 'dialectogram' below depicts both the '''synchronic''', '''Vertical Dimension''' of ontological-categories-as-units, <<aufheben>>, 'meta-unit-ization' dialectic, and the '''diachronic''', '''Horizontal Dimension''' of ontological-categories' / ontological <<arithmoi>>s' <<monads>> <<aufheben>>, [self-]meta-<<monad>>-ization' dialectic, simultaneously --


Note that both accommodate more than two sub-categories per category at all categorial levels.

This is unlike the diagrams typical of the tradition of the "Tree of Porphyry".

'Porphyryan' trees are characteristically [and unnecessarily] confined to just two categories.

One is a usually named category x.

The other is its usually unnamed, "lumped-together", procrustean pseudo-category, the "Boolean negation" of category x.

That other category is, "namely", (1 - x).

The latter expression means "Universe minus x", or the "complement" of category x.

That other category consists of all individuals/units/<<monads>> other than those of category x.  

Category (1 - x) is typically not broken out into any of their "natural" sub-categories within that "lumped" -- and often vast and qualitatively variegated and disparate -- "complement".

Below:  a pictorial rendition of the circa 270 C.E. -- Differences-'dyadic', (1 - x) versus x -- "Tree of Porphyry", expressed narratively in Porphyry's <<Isagoge>> --


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