Part 05: Seldon’s Cosmology Series.
‘Self-Involution Drives the
of Our Cosmos’.
Dear Reader,
is my pleasure,
and my honor, as an elected member
of the Foundation Encyclopedia
Dialectica [F.E.D.] General Council, and as a voting member of F.E.D., to share, with you, from time to time, as they are approved for public release by the F.E.D. General Council, Seldon’s commentaries on key Encyclopedia
Dialectica concepts of Seldonian Theory.
The 5th text in
this new such
series is posted herewith, together with
supporting text-images and diagrams
[Some E.D.
standard edits have been applied, in the version presented below, by the editors
of the F.E.D. Special Council for the Encyclopedia,
to the direct transcript of our co-founder’s
“Self-Involution is the self-interactive, mutually-interactive self-multiplication
of the population numbers, and of the kinds,
of existing «monads», with new kinds of «monads» originating from
the «aufheben» self-re-entry, self-internalization, or self-incorporation
of the «monads»-kinds previously produced.”
epochally for each ordinal epoch t,
t Î W = {0, 1, 2, 3,…},
the self-iterating self-involution, a2t, of the «arché-monads’» «arithmos», a, of a given Domain of reality, or of our known cosmos as a whole, is an «aufheben» process of the epochally self-iterating ‘meta-«monads»-ization’ of those «arché-monads», that encompasses both the «auto-aufheben» [‘self-hybrid-izing’] and the «allo-aufheben» [merely hybrid-izing] momenta of the «aufheben» process, and that resolves into the self-involution of each successive new ‘self-hybrid’ «arithmos» of «monads», while also ‘evolutely’ conserving and superposing/amalgamating therewith the previous-epochs-generated «auto-aufheben» and «allo-aufheben» t-generations of the self-involution process.”
our cosmos “builds upon
itself” as its
own foundation, a.”
“It is the self-iterated, t-iterated, epochally-iterated, ever-higher-degree self-involution of the «arché-monads» of the «arché-arithmos» – of that first known kind of units in our cosmos – that drives the, ontologically-revolutionary, ‘self-meta-evolution’ of our cosmos; that drives the ever-expanding qualitative, ontological diversity of its post-«arché» «monads»; that drives the ever-deepening ‘nested-ness’ of those post-«arché» «monads»; that drives its ever-rising progression of escalating ‘qualo-fractal scales’, and its ever-interconnecting, ever-re-connecting and cross-connecting ‘meta-genealogy’, in both the “physical” sense of the term “[self-]involution”, and the mathematical sense of the term “[self-]involution”, the latter in terms of the dialectical-mathematical models of that “physical” – of that «physis»; of the manifold of its ‘meta-«physes»’ as a whole.”
For more
information regarding these
Seldonian insights, and to read and/or download,
free of charge, PDFs and/or JPGs of Foundation books and other texts, please see:
For partially pictographical, ‘poster-ized’ visualizations of many of these Seldonian insights – specimens of ‘dialectical art’ – as well as dialectically-illustrated books
published by
the F.E.D. Press, see:
Voting Member, Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.];
Elected Member, F.E.D. General Council;
Participant, F.E.D. Special Council for Public Liaison;
Officer, F.E.D. Office of Public Liaison.
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