Friday, September 27, 2013

Web Forum Dialogue Excerpt: Summarizing the General Message of F.E.D.

Dear Readers,

Below, I have, for your information, excerpted -- and edited, slightly -- one 'unit of exchange' from a recent web forum thread dialogue on F.E.D. Dialectics, in which I participated.




[Discussant]:  “Can you please just explain in a few clear paragraphs what is your general message all about??.”

[M.D.]:  I can only hope that you realize, when you ask to be told a newbig story in few paragraphs AND with clarity, that there is a contradiction in what you ask.

And the F.E.D. story -- even just the parts of it that have so far been cleared, by the F.E.D. General Council, for public dissemination -- is a BigGIGANTIC story -- a mind-rebirthing burgeoning of breakthroughs, still ongoing.

But, I will do my best to do what you requested, with both brevity and clarity --

Seeking to advance several neglected crucial contents of the Marxian project, Karl Seldon discovered, in 1996, after many years of search, an arithmetic, and its algebra, that modeled Marxian Dialectic:  an arithmetic and algebra of dialectical logic.

The mathematics undergirding this dialectical algebra was radically new, and yet the algebra it generated turned out to be something that was “predicted” by some of the deepest developments in modern mathematics, but which had not been much explored by mainstream mathematics: a “non-standard model of Natural Numbers arithmetic”.

This algebra also turned out to be a ‘contra-Boolean algebra’: one of its key theorems is a strong negation -- one never considered before Seldon's work -- of Boole’s “fundamental law of thought”. The Seldonian fundamental theorem of dialectic «aufheben» "contains" Boole's "fundamental law of thought -- «aufheben» "contains" / "conserves" the single Right-Hand-Side term of Boole's "law" -- but also goes beyond the Boolean "law", by adding a crucial second term to it.

Since Boole’s original algebra is an algebra that models formal logic, it is not so surprising that an algebra that models dialectical logic would contain a major demurrer from at least one of the most fundamental “laws” or axioms of Boolean algebra as an algebra of formal logic. But since Seldon’s algebra is, in this sense, an opposite to Boole’s algebra -- even though it is a “supplementary opposite”, not a mere “complementary opposite” to Boole’s system -- dialectical intuition [and Seldon’s algebra, applied to model this opposition between Boolean and Seldonian algebra], would suggest a synthesis of the two, and, indeed, application of the Seldonian algebra to model this opposition generates a third logical algebra, unifying the two, which is even more powerful and useful than either of its predecessors -- than either the Boolean, "thesis" system or the Seldonian "antithesis" system alone.

Likewise, self-referentially applying Seldon’s dialectical arithmetic to model the “supplementary opposition” between the standard model of “Natural Numbers” arithmetic, and Seldon’s dialectical atithmetic as a non-standard model of “Natural Numbers” arithmetic, yields a potentially unlimited dialectical progression of new systems of arithmetic/algebra, starting with a synthesis of the standard "Natural Numbers" arithmetic with Seldon’s non-standard version, including, for just one example, in the seventh system so-generated, the first “non-syncopated”, fully arithmetical, fully algorithmic, fully ideographical system of “dimensional analysis”.

Applying the Seldonian “non-standard” arithmetic/algebra to the known history of the cosmos as a whole, Seldon was able to derive a brief, single equation, that categorially reconstructs the known history of the cosmos, as a single, recurrent-«aufheben» Dialectic of Nature ["Dialectic" here in the singular, not, as with Engles's manuscript, in the plural], and to 'pre-construct' in mathematical description [i.e., to "predict"] a next major epoch of The Dialectic of Nature / History of Nature, thus constituting a "Dialectical Theory of Everything".

Applying the Seldonian dialectical algebra to Marx's Capital, Seldon was able to reconstruct and illuminate the systematic order-of-presentation of that work, and summarize its contents in a compact, mnemonic dialectical formula / equation.  He was also able thereby to derive a detailed description as to the global system of "Democratic Communism", or of "Marxian Democracy", that can succeed the global capitalist system.

Applying that same Seldonian dialectical algebra to describe "sub-universes" within the universal, whole-universe description of that "Dialectic of Nature" universal equation, e.g., applying the Seldonian dialectical algebra to the history of what Marx called "the social forces of production", of what Marx called "the social relations of production", of what Marx called "social formation(s)", and of what Marx called "ideology", Seldon was able to derive four compact, dialectical equations that summarized the history of these entities as well, and that also generated "predictions" -- descriptions of their future self-development. This full system of seven dialectical equations, modeling human history, past and future, Seldon named "The Psychohistorical-Dialectical Equations".

Seldon, and, later, Seldon's co-researchers in Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica [F.E.D.], which he co-founded for this purpose, have, ever since, derived increasing myriads of such dialectical models, for numerous other kinds of entities, or "eventities", as well, by focusing their dialectical modeling upon many other "sub-universal" "scales" as well. These dialectical models are to form the core definitions of "eventities" in a systematic, universal taxonomy of such "eventities" -- forming the planned contents of the Foundation's forthcoming multi-volume text, to be entitled Encyclopedia Dialectica.

These dialectical models include a compact dialectical equation that defines/summarizes the contemporary "standard arithmetics", by encoding a systematic method of presentation of 'The Goedelian Dialectic', i.e., of the contemporary progression of the standard arithmetics --

N ---> W ---> Z ---> Q ---> R ---> C ---> ....

It was my privilege, and my honor, to have been commissioned, by the F.E.D. General Council, to prepare the text for the public dissemination of this dialectical model, a central entry for Encyclopedia Dialectica --,17OCT2012.pdf,14FEB2013.pdf

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